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E.K. Antipova, S.A. Bannikov, E.V. Gubanova
Assessment of sustainability of production agricultural products
Keywords: food security, food security, animal husbandry, crop production, agriculture, trend, trend, sustainability, production.
Purpose: to identify and justify the stability of trends in the size of agricultural production according to farms of all categories in the territory of the Russian Federation. Discussion: based on the analysis of studies on this topic, the necessity of using separate methodological approaches is substantiated, allowing the study to comply with the principles of sufficiency and adequacy; scientific approaches to the definition of the concept of sustainability in agriculture are presented; the main indicators are given that allow to form a judgment on the stability of the study of the time series; justified the choice of the study period. Results: an assessment was made of the sustainability of the production of the main types of agricultural products that form a significant part of the food basket of the country’s population; revealed a steady increase in the production of grain and meat since 2010, and milk since 2017; substantiated conclusions were made on future trends in production with the implementation of state support measures.
S.N. Bobylev, A.A. Volosatova, D.O. Skobelev
Environmental social governance and best available techniques: assessing investment efficiency
Keywords: available technologies, resource efficiency, social and environmental responsibility, corporate governance, investments, green financing, greenwashing, green camouflage.
Research purpose: to develop a rationale for applying the concept of Best Available Techniques for (1) assessing resource efficient investments complying with ESG (Environmental Social Governance) principles, as well as for (2) evaluating open reporting of Russian companies. Results and discussion: the paper analyses key features and evolution of the ESG (Environmental Social Governance) concept. Authors describe the international market of ESG investment instruments and consider tendencies of the development of green, social and sustainable bonds and loans. They analyze ESG ratings and show that, due to the lack of unified approaches to collecting and assessing information, rating agencies often publish contradictory and unfounded ESG ratings. Authors demonstrate that applying the concept of Best Available Techniques (BAT) and BAT-associated sectoral environmental and resource efficiency indicators systematized in BAT Reference Documents, allows justifying ESG-related investment decisions as well as decisions on rendering state support to the priority projects aimed at the national economy development. Authors consider principles and standards of open reporting and emphasize that following recommendations of Global Reporting Initiative standards, organizations can develop and disseminate data on results achieved, their dynamics, as well as on the compliance with regulatory requirements. Such approach will help to put a restraint upon greenwashing activities. Authors analyze examples of open reports published by leading Russian companies. They point out that in order to open significant, concise, precise, equitable and objective information, Russian industrial companies should follow principles set by the Concept for the development of public (open) reporting in the Russian Federation and present a comparison of results achieved and sectoral BAT-associated resource and environmental efficiency indicators.
V.A. Bondarenko, D.D. Kostoglodov, Z.A. SHarudina, S.A. Fomichenko
Forecasts and trends of socio-economic development of the Rostov region at the present stage of regional dynamics
Keywords: region, economic sphere, dynamics, trends, regional dynamics, economic development, supplies, products.
Purpose: to consider the main trends in the socio-economic development of the Rostov region at the present stage of regional dynamics. Discussion: the article actualizes the issue of researching the development of the economic sphere of the regions in the aspect of focusing on the country’s food security and the achievement of technological sovereignty. The main indicators characterizing the economic development of the Rostov region are considered and conclusions are drawn about the need to make a number of adjustments to achieve the goals and objectives set. Results: systematic work is needed to attract investment, develop high-tech industries and innovative goods and services. Also important is the development of small and medium-sized businesses in the region, involved in the production of innovative products, and the employment of citizens at such enterprises, since the socio-economic well-being of the population makes it possible to implement decisions in the region to achieve the set ambitious goals and objectives.
V.A. Bondarenko, N.V. Przhedetskaya, K.V. Borzenko
Private medicine market in Russia: emerging trends and possible trends
Keywords: private medicine, trends, forecast, market volume, medical organizations, public medicine, medical services, commercial market, population.
Purpose: to analyze marketing strategies and tools for attracting patients in medical organizations of the Russian market of medical services. Discussion: the article notes that the previously manifested trend towards an increase in the volume of the market for commercial medical services in Russia is becoming difficult to achieve and unrealistic. In view of the political realities that affect economic processes, it is difficult to talk about stabilization, since logistics chains have changed, household incomes have decreased, the market stability of medical organizations themselves and their ability to purchase equipment, components, and medicines. Results: conclusions were drawn about the primary flow of patient flow to the segment of public medicine with a further return to commercial medical centers of solvent consumers, as well as a trend towards the consolidation of commercial network medical organizations and an increase in demand for high-quality marketing programs that allow attracting and retaining customers.
A.R. Volkov, E.D. Makarenko, A.A. Kim
Problems and prospects of hydrogen production from waste in the framework of transition to a circular economy
Keywords: closed cycle, waste, waste disposal, hydrogen, hydrogen production, ecological fuel, government programs, consumption.
Purpose: to analyze the dynamics of waste generation, as well as to substantiate the feasibility of obtaining hydrogen from waste. Discussion: The world’s population is growing rapidly, and therefore the amount of waste is increasing. Transition to online stores, food delivery, etc. contribute to the accumulation of plastic and other packaging. The practical significance lies in the transition to ecological fuel – hydrogen. This approach will reduce the amount of production and consumption waste generated, as well as reduce the burden on non-renewable resources. Results: the article analyzes the dynamics of waste generation, analysis of existing methods for obtaining hydrogen from waste, the authors have formed some recommendations for improving this process. The existing support programs within the framework of the climate agenda were studied and the existing technologies for obtaining a new type of hydrogen from waste were studied.
A.R. Volkov, E.D. Makarenko, A.A. Kim, М.A. Selezneva
Problems and prospects of hydrogen energy through the prism of the green economy
Keywords: green economy, closed cycle, environment, ecological economy, hydrogen, hydrogen energy, green hydrogen, ecology.
Purpose: to explain the feasibility of solutions for the production of hydrogen from waste in a green economy. Discussion: The climate situation in the world is rapidly deteriorating. Society faces an urgent need to develop ways to produce energy without harm to the environment. Hydrogen energy is a promising solution in the fight against climate change, and the implementation of commercially successful projects will allow the industry to take a key place in the formation of a “green” economy. The practical significance lies in the possibilities of switching to a new more environmentally friendly fuel – hydrogen, in order to reduce the environmental burden on the atmosphere and its use within a closed cycle. Results: theoretical understanding and analysis of national strategies in the field of hydrogen energy allowed to formulate recommendations on the most promising methods of hydrogen production with the least negative impact on the environment, as well as to determine the model of the hydrogen energy market in Russia.
O.A. Grazhdankina, I.Yu. Anufrieva, E.V. Vologdin, M.D. Besperstov
Transformation of development of regional tourism in Russia: experience of Altai territory
Keywords: tourism, state program, infrastructure, tourism product, development, tourist destination, Altai Territory, investments.
Purpose: to analyze the implementation of program activities of state and regional support, which contribute to an increase in the quality indicators of the functioning of the tourism market in Russia. Discussion: the paper examines the issues of state regulation of the tourism industry, draws attention to the shift in emphasis and preferences of Russian consumers, conducts a study of the implementation of the first stages of the Tourist Cashback program, notes its high efficiency. Limiting factors are noted, including: infrastructure restrictions, the presence of the shadow sector, the discrepancy between the price and quality of services provided to tourists. The paper notes that global trends have undergone significant changes due to restrictions caused by COVID-19. There was a redirection of flows towards domestic and local tourism. Results: the tourism industry is a strategically important sector of the economy for many regions of Russia, including the Altai Territory. The article presents the conclusions that the comprehensive support of the tourism industry at the federal and regional levels allows increasing its share among the employed population, increasing the importance in macroeconomic indicators and the investment attractiveness of the region.
I.M. Gulyi
Transformation of the Russian container logistics market in new geo-economic conditions
Keywords: container transportation, transportation market, logistics, diversification of routes, geo-economic challenges, cargo traffic, logistics routes, Russian port.
Purpose: analysis of the container logistics market in Russia and development of proposals for overcoming existing barriers, limitations of its development in modern geo-economic conditions. Discussion: the article considers methods: feasibility study, parametric modeling, content analysis, spatial logistic modeling. As a result of the study, an analysis was made of the transformation of container cargo flows in Russia in 2022; the problems of ensuring the functioning of container international logistics associated with a sharply increased demand for transportation in the South-East direction were identified. Results: as a result of the study, a number of measures and directions were proposed to overcome the difficulties that arose in 2022 in the development of container logistics in Russia: new alternative routes, prioritization of long-term contracts with the establishment of liability for the operating company and the carrier for violations of the use of established schedule threads, prioritization of container shipments on limited socially and industrially significant areas.
YU.I. Dubova, A.V. Leshchenko, I.K. Solaeva, Z.M. Dzokaeva
A long-term economic rationale for defecting the use of natural gas as a source of energy
Keywords: competitiveness, economic effect, economic justification, energy industry, regional markets, competitive advantages, economic policy, economic strategy, resource efficiency.
Purpose: a comprehensive author’s study of the problem of using methane as a fuel today and in the future. Substantiation of refusal of methane on the basis of examples of regions of Russia, and the federal level. Discussion: in the course of the study, scientific works and educational publications in the field of studying natural gas and adapting it to technical and domestic needs were used. The Volgograd region is one of the leaders among the regions of the Russian Federation in terms of the level of gasification. At the same time, the gas motor fuel market is practically not developed. The overall gasification of the country remains at a low level for a number of reasons, the main of which is the physical impossibility of gasification of some residential areas. Attempts to use natural gas as a fuel for cars also faced a lot of problems, the main of which is the complete or partial lack of service infrastructure. Results: the use of natural gas as the main or alternative fuel is difficult due to the low gasification of the regions, lack of infrastructure, and low efficiency compared to existing energy sources.
S.S. Zmiyak, E.YU. Moskvitin
Development of the theoretical foundations of control of the efficiency of regional economic policy
Keywords: efficiency, regional policy, regional control, population satisfaction, regional management, state control, financial sector, population.
Purpose: to trace the development of the theoretical foundations for monitoring the effectiveness of regional economic policy. Discussion: the article reveals the role of control as a tool for the formation and implementation of measures to improve the regional management system. The basis of modern control at the regional level is supervisory activities, mainly in the financial sector. These are, of course, important functions of control, but they must be supplemented by an assessment of the social effects achieved as a result of the implementation of regional economic policy. The most important effect of regional policy is to increase the satisfaction of the population in living conditions and business entities in business opportunities. Results: these assessments are monitored by the regional control system and determine the changes that should be made both in the parameters of the implementation of the regional economic policy and in the procedure for the functioning of the regional management system. For such use of the results of control, it is necessary to create a special organizational mechanism that ensures the continuous improvement of the work of government bodies.
E.V. Kabitova
Identification of drivers of fuel retail company development
Keywords: fuel business, development drivers, SWOT-analysis, diversification, non-fuel retail, project risk assessment, project, gas station.
Purpose: to substantiate the project of organizing non-fuel retail as an aspect of horizontal diversification necessary to increase the scale of presence in the market. Discussion: the object of the study is a fuel business company, which is forced to declare a liquidation procedure, the reason is a reduction in the volume and cost of selling petroleum products; it is determined from external sources that this problem is relevant for a number of independent gas stations; based on the implementation of the SWOT analysis methodology, the drivers of the company’s development are identified. Results: for the survival of the company in a serious competitive environment, a solution based on a change in the strategy of existence is proposed – diversification of activities; horizontal diversification is based on the development of a related type of activity – non-fuel retail; project risks are identified, measures to minimize them are proposed; the main parameters for assessing the economic efficiency of the project are substantiated. The results of applied research can be directly considered as a strategy for the development of the research object.
N.G. Yankovskaya, V.A. Bolotin, A.A. Markushina, L.A. Vinskovskaya
Factors determining work efficiency warehouse in conditions of technological progress
Keywords: warehouse, efficiency, factors, modern technologies, warehouse technologies, Ishikawa diagram, logistics, new technologies.
Purpose: to consider managerial and economic factors and reserves for increasing the efficiency of warehouse logistics in the context of technological progress. Discussion: the article considers a complex of factors that affect the efficiency of the warehouse in the context of technological progress. At present, the issue of a shortage of leased warehouse space, as well as newly built warehouse facilities, is constantly being raised on the market. The same task is faced when designing new warehouse complexes, as well as during the reconstruction of existing ones, when it is necessary to determine in advance the parameters that allow organizing work at the warehouse facility as efficiently as possible. Results: based on the constructed Ishikawa diagram, the most significant of them were identified. If the minimum of the most important actions is correctly chosen, you can quickly get a significant part of the planned full result, while further improvements are ineffective and may not be justified.
I.G. Davydenko, N.G. Aleksandrova
About the impact of environmental and financial literacy on the activation of “green” investment
Keywords: financial literacy, environmental literacy, environmental education, ESG development, ESG education, green financing, investment, sanctions.
Purpose: to study the modern understanding and categorization of the essence of environmental education, to determine its place on the map of emerging ESG education in Russia, as well as the degree of complementarity of environmental and financial literacy as institutional prerequisites for the emergence of a new generation of green eco-investor bonds on the domestic market. Discussion: the methodological basis of the research is the scientific methods of analysis used in the framework of neoclassical and new institutional approaches based on the theory of “external effects”. The concepts of sustainable development and ecological economics formed the basis of the theoretical prerequisites of “green” finance and economics. Scientifically based methods were applied in the context of the development of the pedagogical concept of environmental education. Results: the paper presents original scientific and practical judgments about the change in investment preferences of the population towards “green” investment, which are possible on the basis of the achieved synergistic effect of improving traditional financial literacy and environmental education, organically integrated into the system of emerging ESG education in Russia.
E.A. Zabrovskij
Taxation of individuals: key management, economic and social concepts and problems
Key words: tax policy, taxes, income tax, tax rate, state budget, taxation, individuals, economic development.
Purpose: to consider the main concepts and problems in the taxation of individuals. Discussion: this article reveals the essence of the taxation of individuals. It has been determined that the taxation of citizens’ incomes is a key tool for regulating the economy, which helps the state to solve its priority tasks. The paper considers the evolution of income tax (PIT), which is at the center of many modern taxation systems. At the same time, by establishing personal income tax, the state seeks to create an optimal model of this tax, which could ensure socio-economic efficiency and uniformity of taxation of various segments of the population. Results: at present, the income tax in our country has a pronounced fiscal character. In this regard, the article considers the possibility of applying a progressive personal income tax rate to build a fair system of income taxation of individuals.
V.O. Konkin, O.V. Bogatyreva, N.N. Kalinina, V.V. Tadtaeva
Optimization of formation of management tools as a condition of balanced cash flow
Keywords: organization management, strategic management, professional competencies, financial flows, financial management, cash, ERM systems, financial management.
Purpose: to assess the possibilities of using modern management tools to create an equilibrium state in the organization’s financial management system. Discussion: the study made it possible to form an idea of a set of financial flow management tools that meet the needs of an organization at each stage of its life cycle. Results: the essence of the concept of management has been clarified, taking into account the multidimensionality of the phenomenon; it is proposed to consider ERP-systems as a universal management system, primarily financial; considered the control mechanism of the ERP subsystem: financial management. An integrated approach to the problem of management does not create barriers between financial, organizational, production, personnel, information management, on the contrary, it provides the process of integrating goals; structural units interact more efficiently, and the cash flow within the framework of business management becomes more balanced: the cash flow statement reflects the growth of free cash flow, which not only indicates financial well-being, but also increases the investment attractiveness of the company.
О.А. Galochkina, A.E. Gasikovskiy, A.E. Chikalova
Emigration process in the Russian Federation: regulation and development trends
Keywords: migration, emigration, emigrants, emigration process, emigration potential, emigration mood, intellectual emigration, state regulation.
Purpose: to determine the main causes and motives of the emigration process, to identify the consequences of the emigration process and to consider measures for state regulation of the emigration process. Discussion: the article examines the main factors contributing to emigration processes; analyzes the dynamics and structure of the outgoing based on the allocation of age groups and determining the citizenship of emigrants, as well as considering the main directions of emigration by receiving countries and channels of departure. Results: based on statistical data, the features of emigration are analyzed, the positive and negative consequences of the emigration process at the micro and macro level are determined, in particular, the problem of “brain drain” is highlighted, measures proposed by the Government of the Russian Federation to curb the outflow of residents from the country are considered, and based on this, their own methods for improving the current situation are proposed.
M.A. Kazanina
Increasing the human resource potential of the arctic territories: the experience of Norway
Keywords: personnel potential, personnel policy, Norway, Arctic, personnel shortage, Arctic territories, northern regions, labor resources.
Purpose: to identify key effective methods for strengthening the human resources potential of the Arctic provinces of Norway. Discussion: the study is aimed at analyzing the experience of Norway in the implementation of personnel policy in the Arctic territories. The following tasks were set: to establish the specifics of the influence of demographic characteristics on the human resources potential of the Norwegian Arctic regions; characterize the structure of employment in the Norwegian Arctic; identify specific labor market strengthening mechanisms implemented by the Norwegian government. Results: Norway’s experience in developing the human resources potential of the Arctic territories reveals the importance of such measures as initiatives to create a competitive local and regional supplier industry for the oil and gas sector; the requirement that 70% of the applied engineering and administrative capacity be related to this region; professional development programs, programs for hiring young people and government subsidies for the organization of training courses for young people up to 24 years old and others. Many companies operating in the Arctic are implementing social support measures; however, this problem cannot be solved without the participation of the state. The state needs to update the legislation in order to provide benefits to people who work and live in the Arctic, help companies implement social support measures, and participate in the development of the northern regions: tax, legislative, administrative, social.
E.E. Ponomarenko, L.N. Zaharova, A.V. Ostrovskaya, G.G. Vukovich
G. Feldman’s growth model: macroeconomic discourse
Keywords: economic growth, two-sector model, economic efficiency, self-regulation models, economic and technical coefficients, economic sector, investments, capital fund, modernization.
Purpose: to consider the model of economic growth of the Soviet scientist G. Feldman and to identify the key features of this model. Discussion: G. Feldman presented a system of equations, which was based on a number of coefficients that determine the efficiency of the country’s economy as a whole and the factors that determine its growth. Results: the schemes were visualized: “the main theses of G. Feldman’s economic growth model”, “conditions under which the G. Feldman’s economic growth model will be true”, “features of G. Feldman’s theory of economic growth” and “the relationship between the components of the economy according to G. Feldman”, and also describes the inverse relationship between consumption and investment. The scientific and practical significance of the works of G. Feldman was noted by many economists, but his achievements in the field of optimizing the modernization process, unfortunately, were not widely used.
S.V. Sadovnikov, B.B. Skakov, V.A. Sokolov
The impact of anti-Russian policy on the effectiveness of public administration in the UK, USA and EU
Keywords: public administration, economic policy, social policy, countering sanctions, geopolitical confrontation, economic efficiency, competencies, competitiveness, economic security.
Purpose: to study erroneous decisions in the field of public administration in hostile countries and the experience gained for its further application in the interests of Russian public administration. Discussion: the objectives of the study are to analyze the actions of the governments of unfriendly countries based on publications in leading foreign analytical publications and the possible reasons for making such decisions. The theoretical basis of the study was made up of current research by both Russian and foreign authors in matters of public administration, economics and international relations. Results: the article is devoted to the consideration of economic and social problems of the main geopolitical opponents of Russia – Great Britain, the USA and the countries of the European Union, the emergence of which was caused by a low level of government due to an incorrect assessment of the consequences of the sanctions imposed by these countries against Russia after the start of a special military operation.
A.G. Seleznev
Development of Russia’s digital economy in the context of global competition
Keywords: digital economy, information and communication technologies, ICT, digital transformations, digitalization, digital divide, ratings, economic development, global competition.
Purpose: to conduct a scientific analysis of the development and formation of the digital economy of the Russian Federation in the context of global competition. Discussion: the article analyzes the background of digital transformations, provides an overview of various definitions of the term “digital economy”. Given the digital divide in the world, the state of the digital economy in different countries and Russia’s position in international rankings are analyzed. Digitalization largely affects the formation of a competitive global environment, so when analyzing country ratings for various indicators and composite indices, digital inequality is taken into account, and the Russian Federation in this rating has both advantages associated with the conditions for the development of ICT, and disadvantages associated with an insufficient level of development of legislation in the field of electronic commerce and privacy protection. Results: The available assessments of researchers, consulting groups and decision makers make it possible to confidently characterize the digital economy as a fundamentally significant phenomenon in the global economy. In order to build a highly efficient digital economy in the Russian Federation, it is necessary to make the most of the full potential of ICT and qualitatively accelerate the process of digital transformation in the country, significantly increase the share of the digital economy in the overall structure of GDP, maintain and scale the best practices in all sectors of the economy and regions in the implementation of digitalization, transform the order work of individual institutions and mechanisms of interdepartmental interaction, modernize the methods for developing, approving and implementing diverse plans with the mandatory involvement of independent expert communities in the decision-making system implemented in the digital transformation of the Russian Federation.
V.A. Bespal’ko, O.T. Kozaeva, A.V. Ostrovskaya, G.G. Vukovich
Marketing navigation in the architectonics of personal management: the concept field of research of problems
Keywords: personnel management, marketing navigation, architectonics, personnel marketing, reputational capital, business reputation, HR branding, marketing activities.
Purpose: to analyze the problems of marketing navigation in the personal management of the organization. Discussion: the paper considers the essence of personnel marketing, analyzes the nature of its navigation, describes the interests of the employer and the specialist that arise within the framework of relations in the labor market. The information obtained from relevant sources covering issues related to the category “employer value proposition” is analyzed, and the links that are formed between marketing activities in the field of personnel management and the organization’s reputational capital are identified. Results: the study allowed to establish the relationship between personnel marketing, considered as one of the priority activities of modern HR managers, and the emerging reputational capital of the organization. As an element of the scientific increment, it is proposed to consider the identified effects obtained from investments in human capital: direct, long-term, alternative.
YA.YU. Bondareva, E.A. Lavrinenko
Organizational and economic mechanism of public-private partnership in the implementation of high-tech investment projects
Keywords: public-private partnership, investment projects, innovations, applied developments, technology convergence, digitalization, specialization, commercialization of projects.
Purpose: to consider the organizational and economic mechanism of public-private partnership in the implementation of high-tech investment projects. Discussion: the article discusses the tools for financing innovation activities, as well as the mechanisms of public-private partnership and the possibility of using this tool for the implementation of innovative and scientific and technical projects. It was revealed that the main challenge for the successful implementation of public-private partnership relations in the innovation sphere is to overcome the gap between fundamental and applied developments. The article also describes a possible model of public-private partnership, which has a number of advantages in the implementation of high-tech innovative projects. Public-private partnership is a promising tool for implementing projects within world-class scientific and educational centers. Results: in the study, results were obtained within the framework of the task of forming a model for the development of the PPP mechanism as a form of effective interaction between government and business structures at the present stage of development of the Russian economy. The effectiveness of the mechanism of public-private partnership in the implementation of high-tech investment projects depends on maintaining a balance of interests between the state and private business.
M.YA. Veprikova, YU.A. Abrosimova, E.L. CHechetka, Z.E. Tarhanova
Update of the staff marketing elements as a condition for ensuring the sustainability of HR management
Keywords: HR marketing, human capital, HR funnel, talent marketing, sustainability, personnel marketing, human resources, marketing sustainability.
Purpose: to assess the possibilities of using classical marketing tools in the organization’s human capital management activities, defining the essence of the concept of “staff marketing”. Discussion: the paper analyzes the experience of economists who have described various aspects related to the development of HR marketing, and proposes adapted management tools. The purpose of the study was achieved using the methods of analogy, systemic and comparative analysis. Results: professionals in their field, realizing their own value, are free to choose an employer, while companies, in this case, will compete in order to attract the most promising personnel. As the study showed, adapted marketing tools enable modern HR managers to “play” exactly the song that the applicant wants to hear, thereby ensuring the confident development of the organization’s human capital.
A.E. Gorlova, I.R. Ezeeva, G.G. Vukovich, A.V. Ostrovskaya
Outline configuration of the HR management system based on the marketing interaction of the employee with the employer
Keywords: personnel management, HR management, human resources, recruiting, labor market, human resources, competitive advantage, staff stabilization, staff turnover.
Purpose: to determine the importance of the marketing interaction between the employee and the employer as an element of the outline configuration of the personnel management system. Discussion: an important component in the formation of the basis for the sustainable development of the organization is the work with human resources. In particular, personnel marketing today is becoming a key activity of HR managers, since it ensures the growth of the qualitative characteristics of the company’s personnel and helps managers to use the potential of employees more effectively. The article analyzes approaches to the definition of the concept of “personnel marketing”, identifies similarities and differences in personnel marketing in the periods before and after the emergence of labor relations, highlights the features of the formation of a competitive advantage in personnel marketing. Results: personnel marketing is, firstly, one of the key activities of modern HR managers, and secondly, it is subject to further study and development as an integral system of relationships that arise in the employer-employee plane, opening up opportunities to strengthen communication ties and ensure economic organization stability.
E.S. Druzhinina
The system of indicators for evaluating the activities and development of employment and career centers at economic universities with the involvement of volunteers
Keywords: job centers, career centers, assessment indicators, career planning, employment, higher education institutions, graduates, volunteer activities.
Purpose: to consider a system of indicators for evaluating the activities of employment and career centers at economic universities and their development with the involvement of volunteers. Discussion: The article presents a system of author’s indicators for evaluating the activities and development of Employment and career Centers at universities based on the comparable development of the volunteer movement and network mentoring. The system combines five groups of indicators, including indicators of economic activity, development of Centers, volunteer activity, the effectiveness of the management of the employment process and career planning, as well as indicators of the evaluation of graduates, from the position of their adaptation to labor market conditions. Results: the proposed system of indicators for evaluating the activities and development of the Employment and Career Center at the university based on the comparable development of volunteerism and network mentoring has scientific and practical significance, since it combines: the degree of satisfaction of the social order, expressed through the employment of graduates and their level of competence; the degree of harmonization of the Center’s interaction with labor market participants, expressed through an assessment of the professional suitability and adaptability of graduates to labor market conditions; the degree of integration of volunteering into the labor market, expressed through the presence of social lifts and loyalty programs for volunteers; the effectiveness of managing the process of employment and career planning, expressed through an assessment of the economic, educational and communicative results of the Center’s activities.
A.YU. Kas’yanova, E.S. Siverceva, N.G. Kobozeva, K.S. Savina
Application of modern digital technologies of remote workplace organization for life cycle management of infrastructure
Keywords: remote work, rail transport, advanced technologies, digital transformation, management system, life cycle, remote workers, workplaces.
Purpose: to consider the possibility of using modern digital technologies for organizing remote jobs in infrastructure life cycle management. Discussion: this article discusses the application of innovations in the field of personnel management, in the conditions of remote employment of the Russian Railways holding. The article considers new competency-based approaches of specialists in the management of transportation and their predicted indicators, the problems of transferring personnel to remote work and its features. Results: the transfer of employees to a remote work mode requires rapid adaptation to new forms of interaction, which leads to the retraining of personnel in the face of new realities, the development of online methods for setting tasks and monitoring their implementation. The transfer to remote work is a necessary measure, but it provides an opportunity to look at working conditions in a new way.
O.V. Kondrashova, I.M. Kublin, E.R. Ismagilov
On the issue of transformation of marketing activities of enterprises in the post-pandemic period
Keywords: digital transformation, trends, marketing, pandemic, marketing development, retail marketing, hard discounters, digitalization.
Purpose: to consider the process of modernizing the marketing activities of retailers due to the Covid-19 pandemic, as well as to offer recommendations for ensuring the marketing activities of retailers. Discussion: the article discusses the main trends in the development of marketing activities of trade enterprises, caused or intensified during the Covid-19 pandemic. Retail trade enterprises are one of the most important components of the sectoral economy and are of social importance for the development of society as a whole. The article considers the dynamics of the development of retail trade, as examples, the actions and dynamics of the most famous retail chains in the Russian Federation are given. Results: theoretical justifications and practical results of the work of retail enterprises for 2020 and 2021 are presented. The data obtained give reason to assume further development of retailers. As the most promising areas for their development, it should be noted: trends towards the expansion of online commerce, digitalization, strengthening the role of socially responsible marketing.
H.A. Konstantinidi, T.A. Naumova
Rethinking the concept of sustainable development in Russia in the conditions of new economic realities
Keywords: global processes, transformational processes, economic constraints, sustainable development, ESG, economic sanctions, foreign economic course, geopolitical tension.
Purpose: rethinking the ESG strategy in the modern context and its practical application in Russian realities. Discussion: in the context of total economic sanctions in Russia, financial, investment, trade and technological restrictions are growing. The country has announced a change in the foreign economic course from west to east. The corporate sector of the Russian economy is reducing funding for sustainable development projects and ESG transformation of organizations. The article analyzes the prospects for implementing the concept of sustainable development and the implementation of the ESG agenda in the new economic realities in the face of growing geopolitical tensions. Results: The facts listed in the article confirm the systematic work carried out in Russia at different levels to form the institutional environment and the regulatory framework for sustainable development and ESG transformation of the economy, social and public spheres.
E.V. Kordonov
Infrastructure marketing as a stabilizing element of regional marketing
Keywords: regional development, infrastructure complex, territories, bifurcation, socio-economic systems, infrastructure marketing, investments, competition.
Purpose: to demonstrate that territorial marketing is a tool for developing strategies for the attractiveness of territories and cities. Discussion: in conditions of increased competition in all types of markets and the growing trend of bifurcation of socio-economic systems, Russian territorial entities face an urgent need to find resources for effective progressive development. Infrastructural provision of territories is the central problem of ensuring the competitiveness of regional development. The concept of marketing is recognized as the leading technology of modern territorial development. Results: marketing of the infrastructure of modern territorial entities is considered as the main development strategy within the framework of the concept of territory marketing. It has been established that the higher the level of development of the relevant components of the region’s infrastructure complex, the faster investments come to the region, the labor force arrives, the socio-economic development accelerates, and people’s lives improve.
T.Y. Ksenofontova, D.E. Ovchinnikov, A.I. Kostennikov
Territorial marketing as a factor of attracting external investments and improving the image of the region
Keywords: image of the region, marketing strategy, target markets, territorial marketing, investments, consumers, regional economy, brand.
Purpose: to consider territorial marketing as a factor in attracting foreign investment and improving the image of the region. Discussion: territorial marketing is aimed at serving the historically established specialization of the region, the complex of existing activities in the regional economy, attracting consumers and forming a positive image of the region. In the article, the authors propose algorithms for the formation of systems of marketing strategy targets, factors for the formation of the region’s image, effective promotion of products and services of regional organizations; as well as the development of the region’s marketing strategy itself, the essence of which is to promote the interests of the territory and its external and internal entities in interregional markets with a parallel increase in demand for territorial products (services) within the region. Results: in order to analyze information about the possibilities of the market of Russian manufacturers, its volume and solvency of the population and enterprises, special Interregional Marketing Centers (IMCs) have been created, which coordinate their activities with administrative and private structures in the territories. Regional marketing is aimed at intensifying the historically established specialization of the region, tourist flows and foreign investments, other consumers as part of the formation of a positive image of the region.
K.S. Petrova
Application of new technologies in corporate governance: trends, prospects and challenges
Keywords: corporate governance, artificial intelligence, decision making, managerial decisions, board of directors, new technologies, international companies, management.
Purpose: to identify the prospects for the use of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies, as well as the challenges that companies will have to face on the way to the introduction and application of these technologies in the field of corporate governance in terms of decision-making by the board of directors. Discussion: new technologies have an impact on all spheres of public life, and the sphere of corporate governance is no exception. Taking into account the fact that new technologies are quite promising for a more efficient solution of various business problems, the study of the application of new technologies, in particular in corporate governance, is very relevant. Experts note artificial intelligence as the most promising technology. Artificial intelligence in the field of corporate governance can be used to improve the efficiency of management decision-making at the board level. According to the researchers, artificial intelligence technologies can become an excellent auxiliary tool for making more effective managerial decisions due to their advantages. Within the framework of the given goal, the following were identified as the main prospects for using AI technologies: fast high-quality analytics of large volumes of data, impartiality of decisions, development of more reliable scenarios for the development of events when making certain decisions, the possibility of choosing the best solution, and others. Results: Given the high dynamism of the current market environment, high competition between market participants, large amounts of data, companies have a need for faster response and faster decision making, so the introduction of AI technologies can be a tool that can provide companies with a competitive advantage. However, it is necessary to take into account the challenges that companies will have to face when introducing and applying new technologies. These challenges are primarily related to liability, low level of legal support, ethical component and other specific issues that require further development.
S.V. Sadovnikov
Personnel issue as a key problem of modern Russian state and municipal administration
Keywords: personnel policy, management problems, public administration, municipal administration, management efficiency, professional competence, human factor, labor activity.
Purpose: the goal is to show the critical dependence of state and municipal management on the personnel component. Discussion: the article analyzes both resonant problem situations in state and municipal management, as well as the empirical experience of the author’s work in government through the prism of the personnel component. In addition to the problem of external factors (information overload, etc.), management problems in relation to senior management, there are also internal factors, such as outdated linear methods of leadership, authoritarian leadership style, lack of emotional intelligence, inability to properly distribute responsibilities, nepotism, etc. Results: the conducted research allowed us to confirm the thesis that the effective functioning of the state, as well as the success or failure of a particular undertaking in the Russian state and municipal administration directly depends on the quality of staffing in state and municipal authorities.
Syun’ Byan’
Cross-cultural adaptation of marketing campaigns in russian-chinese economic relations
Keywords: Chinese market, mentality, marketing communications, national culture, cross-culture, international marketing, globalization, competition, integration.
Purpose: to study the processes of adaptation of marketing campaigns in Russian-Chinese economic relations. Discussion: in terms of the relevance of cross-cultural research for modern Russia, it is difficult to overestimate, since those organizational forms of international cross-cultural interactions that make up the object of research are a relatively new tool for Russian enterprises. In addition, the practice of their systematic study has not developed sufficiently in our country, and it is absolutely necessary at this stage of the development of world relations. As the processes of globalization and the integration of Russia into the world economy intensify, the problems associated with the national characteristics of the markets for Russian products become particularly important. Results: In these conditions, cross-cultural competence, including in the field of marketing communications, should take a worthy place among the key competencies of the company that ensure its competitiveness. First of all, it assumes the ability to identify marketing opportunities in the context of national culture. Insufficient attention to such competence leads not only to serious marketing miscalculations, but also to significant losses in the form of lost profits or the collapse of the business “over the hill”.
S.V. Syatchikhin
Theoretical approaches to the study of the mechanisms of adaptation of the population
Keywords: theoretical approaches, mechanisms, adaptation, population, economic aspects, digital identification, financial incentives, integration
Purpose: to review the theoretical approaches to the study of the mechanisms of adaptation of the population. Discussion: theoretical approaches to the study of mechanisms were studied, including philosophical, technical, physiological, psychological, economic, sociological, sociocultural, managerial, financial, institutional, adaptive and spiritual; Theoretical approaches to the study of adaptation, including philosophical, evolutionary, cybernetic, biochemical, morphological, physiological, psychological, ethological, social, sociocultural, communication, informational; Theoretical approaches to the study of the population, including reproductive, spatial and social, and also justifies the conclusion about the need for an integrative approach to the study of the mechanisms of adaptation of the population in order to solve a complex of tasks. The results were investigated by generalizing and analyzing scientific works devoted to theoretical approaches to the study of the mechanisms of adaptation of the population. This made it possible to systematize key theoretical approaches to the study of the mechanisms of adaptation of the population and to identify their features. Accordingly, the adaptation of the population is due to the influence of various environmental factors, and the mechanisms of adaptation of the population are acted under the influence of diverse sources. The resolution of this contradiction is carried out through the formation and functioning of various mechanisms of adaptation of the population.
V.V. Tadtaeva, L.N. Zaharova, A.V. Ostrovskaya, G.G. Vukovich
Strategic positioning of staff marketing in scenarios of a multi-factory critical condition of the domestic labor market
Keywords: personnel marketing, labor market, human resources, finance, effective technologies, hybrid format, personnel management, employees.
Purpose: to consider modern economic trends in the development of companies using the concepts of personnel marketing in personnel management. Discussion: the article contains an analytical review of the materials of the All-Russian (national) scientific and practical conference “Human Resource and Financial Management: Modern Concepts and Effective Technologies”, which took place on November 16 – November 18, 2022 on the basis of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Rostov State University of Economics (RINH). The hybrid format of the event allowed speakers from different regions to speak, highlighting key issues related to modern trends in the art of personnel management. Results: it is necessary to create interregional communication platforms for the exchange of effective technologies and personnel management tools; as well as through the joint efforts of the subjects to develop the skills of domestic business communication in the intercultural environment of labor relations.
T.P. Hohlova, A.V. Ostrovskaya, G.G. Vukovich, N.A. Piven’
Systemic approaches to hr management based on marketing research under conditions of difficultly predictable dynamics
Keywords: personnel marketing, labor resources, HR technologies, human resources, digital tools, personnel management, digitalization, labor market.
Purpose: to study systematic approaches to personnel management based on marketing research in conditions of difficult-to-predict dynamics. Discussion: the issues of anti-crisis personnel management are of particular importance in the current conditions, and their discussion brings together representatives of the government, the scientific community and business in various formats. VI St. Petersburg International Labor Forum – a large-scale event held by the Government of St. Petersburg with the support of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation and the Federal Service for Labor and Employment; the materials of the reports of the participating speakers formed the basis of the article. Results: as a result of the Forum, it was decided to work on finding alternative solutions for reorientation in the field of human resource management (changing the vector to partnership with friendly countries), to fully support the initiative to reduce barriers to entry into the national project “Labor Productivity”, to formulate a proposal for the introduction of costs for the assessment of professional risks in the list of financially compensated.
A.YU. SHtezel’, M.A. Grigoryan, A.V. Ostrovskaya, G.G. Vukovich
Increasing the transportation of key marketing determinants as a condition for the effective functioning of the HR management system
Keywords: marketing, personnel management, HR management, human resources, conference, human capital, marketing determinants, digitalization.
Purpose: to study the transparency of key marketing determinants as a condition for the effective functioning of the personnel management system. Discussion: a person is undoubtedly the main value for an organization, since even with the highest level of automation of production processes, top-level management without his participation is simply not feasible. Just as it is impossible to completely replace a person who is the leading productive force of society, it is also impossible to ensure productive interaction between employees in the absence of a personnel management system. Results: how to create such a system in modern realities – this and a number of other important questions were answered by the speakers and participants of the III International Scientific and Practical Conference “Human Resource Management in the Framework of the Implementation of National Goals and Strategic Development Objectives”. Based on the results of the event, the materials of this article were drawn up.
D.G. Ivanova
Principles of economic sustainability: problems and prospects of eco-determinism
Keywords: ecological economy, natural capital, sustainable development, environment, eco-determinism, natural resources, marketization, greening.
Purpose: to consider the basic principles of economic sustainability, to identify the problems and prospects of eco-determinism. Discussion: The multidimensional rationality of the consumer and the entrepreneur, the objective “failures” of the market largely leveled the achievements of neoclassical approaches to the theorization of sustainable economic development, reduced the reliability of the long-term of this strategy, which determined the popularity of approaches based on the finiteness and rationality of the use of natural capital, conventionally united in the school of “environmental economics”. The article defines the stages of evolution of the ecologization of economic sustainability, models for determining the limits of natural capital and methods for planning its long-term use, highlights the advantages and disadvantages of environmental approaches in strategizing sustainable economic growth. Results: draws conclusions regarding the prospects for combining neoclassical ideas and the results of the study of natural capital, improving the mechanisms for its marketization, integration into purely economic concepts of sustainable development.