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P.T. Avkopashvili
Features of functioning of integrated structures of industrial enterprises
Keywords: integrated structures, functioning features, mission, vision, long-term plan, medium-term plan, annual business plan, industrial enterprises.
Purpose: to substantiate the features of the functioning of integrated structures of industrial enterprises. Discussion: This article discusses the development of a control deployment, which is explained using the following seven-step procedure: setting the mission and vision; long term plan; medium-term plan; annual business plan; deployment of integrated industrial enterprise management and action plan; implementation of the action plan and periodic monitoring of results; evaluating and diagnosing policies. Results: the analysis of last year’s data on the results of work is carried out in order to understand the existing problems and clarify the tasks. From the analysis it is possible to understand why the goals were not achieved, as well as the problems of the implementation of this process. Information about the internal conditions is then examined to understand the problems. The author talks about the need to deploy a policy, which is a way to combine all efforts in industrial enterprises to achieve management goals.
M.N. Vanyan, P.E. Ponomarenko, D.N. Vanyan, L.N. Hamzina
Development of an integrated personnel management system as a condition for increasing the labor efficiency of a service organization
Keywords: personnel management, integrated system, labor efficiency, service organization, quality of service, labor resources, personnel development, visualization, graphic models.
Purpose: to consider the impact of the personnel management system on improving the efficiency of the service organization. Discussion: the main and characteristic feature of service organizations is the focus on improving the system of continuous corporate professional education, and the purpose of the latter is the rapid adaptation of future specialists in the workplace. The article is devoted to the formation of an integrated personnel management system, taking into account the peculiarities of service organizations. The main tendencies for the improvement and development of the HR-sphere are considered. The main procedures and technologies of personal management of the service sector are visualized. Results: an integrated personnel management system in the service sector is determined by a set of interrelated elements, thanks to which a more efficient use of labor resources for the future is achieved in terms of benefits for the enterprise and achievement of management goals in its activities.
A.A. Volosatova, А.А. Pyatnitsa, T.V. Guseva, R. Almgren
Best available techniques as a universal instrument for improving state policies
Keywords: sustainable development, best available technologies, government policy, resource efficiency, environmental efficiency, global energy transition, low-carbon development, economy.
Purpose: to develop a scientific rationale for the use of the concept of the best available technologies as a universal tool for improving the state policies of the Russian Federation: industrial, energy, environmental and climate policy formed in the context of the global energy transition. Discussion: The article presents an analysis of the internationally accepted concept of the best available technologies (BAT) and shows that BAT can and should become a universal tool aimed at improving state regulation of the real sector of the Russian economy. Information and technical reference books on BAT contain numerical indicators of resource and environmental efficiency that regulators should use when making decisions. It is noted that technological indicators of pollutant emissions are used for the purposes of environmental protection and issuance of permits both in Russia and in the European Union. It was emphasized that in the Russian Federation, resource and energy efficiency indicators should be used within the framework of industrial policy for the purpose of providing government support measures. Results: this decision will contribute to the technological modernization of the real sector of the economy, the results of which can be objectively assessed at the micro- and macroeconomic levels. The expediency of conducting national benchmarking of specific greenhouse gas emissions and including indicative indicators of the carbon intensity of products in the information and technical reference books of BAT in order to form a transparent mechanism of state regulation within the framework of climate policy has been demonstrated. A proposal was made that the Russian Federation has created the preconditions for endowing the Ministry of Economic Development with the functions of a federal executive body responsible for the development of state policy and legal regulation in the field of climate policy.
I.M. Gulyi
Influence of logistics performance indicators, population transport mobility and investment in digital transport infrastructure on the parameters of sustainable development
Keywords: transport mobility, logistics efficiency, freight logistics, digital infrastructure, transport infrastructure, economic growth, sustainable development, investment.
Purpose: to assess the impact of indicators of the efficiency of freight logistics, transport mobility of citizens and investments in digital transport infrastructure on the rate of economic growth in the countries of the world and Russian regional economic centers. Discussion: the following methods were used in the article: causal stochastic factor analysis, structuring of statistical data arrays, multi-agent modeling, and others. Results: as a result of the study, the author verified the hypothesis about the influence of indicators of transport and logistics activities, the efficiency of international logistics, mobility of citizens, digital investments in the development of transport infrastructure on the rate of economic growth. The study allows us to assert that transport-related and infrastructural parameters of economic growth, including digital transport infrastructure, directly affect the growth of value added in national and regional economic systems.
I.M. Gulyi
Application of factor economic analysis methods in the assessment of digital transformation for a single transport company and a national transport system
Keywords: factor analysis, valuation models, digital transformation, factor analysis, digital factors, Russian Railways, transport system, transport companies.
Purpose: to substantiate the application of the methods of deterministic and stochastic factor analysis to assess the determining systemic factors of the development of digital transformation processes in transport companies and at the level of the transport system as their integral set. Discussion: the following methods were used in the article: descriptive diagnostics, structuring large amounts of statistical data, correlation data analysis, elimination of factor determinations, and others. As a result of the study, the author proposed: a multiplicative factor model for determining the contribution of various parameters to the change in the value added indicator of transport products and services, correlation models for assessing the influence of factor determinations, in particular, investments in digital transformation, on the operational parameters of transport systems. Results: the study allows us to assert that digital factors of economic growth have a decisive influence on the operating results of transport organizations, in particular, on value added and the reduction of certain items of expenditure.
N.A. Dadayan, N.G. Rumyancev
Territory marketing: market concept of management VS direction of socio-economic policy in the region
Keywords: territory marketing, socio-economic concept, role, change, region, market concept, politics, regional economy, marketing relations.
Purpose: to study the marketing of territories from the standpoint of the market management concept. Discussion: The article examines the issues of the modern content of the concept of territory marketing as a tool for ensuring the strategic development of the territory. The author compares the approaches to the marketing of the territory as a market concept of management, characteristic of socio-economic systems with a minimum regulatory function of the state, and as a direction of socio-economic policy in regulating the priorities of the development of the region. Results: the authors conclude that the growth of protectionism and soft administration as a general trend in social and economic processes, which justifies the understanding of the marketing of the territory as a necessary direction of socio-economic regional policy, which makes it possible to clearly prioritize the evolution of the socio-economic regional system, along with taking into account interests of various groups related to the development of the region.
N.A. Demura
Digital transformation as the basis for managing the innovative development of economic systems
Keywords: management, digital economy, innovative development, economic system, economic development, digital transformation, digitalization, management development.
Purpose: to consider the theoretical aspects of digital transformation and identify its role and place in the management system for the innovative development of economic systems. Discussion: the most important condition that determines the innovative development of the economy is the introduction of digital technologies. Digital transformation in economic systems covers ever broader processes, digital technologies are spreading to all areas of activity. The digitalization of the economy is making changes in industrial production, trade, communications, transport and many other industries, as well as in the social sphere at various levels of innovative development management. Results: the study considers various approaches to the interpretation of the concept of digital economy and presents the author’s understanding of the term. The essence of the digital transformation process has been studied and its directions and features have been identified. The role and place of digital transformation in the management system for innovative development of the regional economic system has been determined.
T.A. Dzhum, E.V. Barashkina, V.Y. Karpenko
The impact of innovations on the quality of hotel services on the example of small hotels in Krasnodar
Keywords: hotel business, innovative technologies, quality, hotel services, SWOT analysis, customer-oriented approach, business process, loyal guests, innovative ways, marketing.
Purpose: to consider the impact of innovation on the quality of hotel services on the example of hotels in Krasnodar. Discussion: This article highlights the relevance of knowledge of the specifics of a client-oriented approach to organizing work with hotel guests using innovative technologies that affect the quality of hotel services. The hotel services market is capacious and subject to changes in the external environment. Therefore, hotels need to take urgent measures to maintain their image, maintain the level of occupancy of the room stock, and make a profit. To solve the set tasks, the hotel pays attention to modern methods of influencing guests, identifying innovative ways of using marketing, identifying resources and using the resulting potential, taking into account the regional specifics of running the hotel business. Results: guests are always interested in the architecturally attractive hotel buildings, the modern landscape of the adjacent territory, design findings in interior design, a variety of technological innovations from WI-FI to integrated innovative technology like “smart home”. In addition to the material component, the hotel guest wants to receive attention, warmth, care, comfort based on innovative solutions that allow you to adjust an atmosphere that affects a whole gamut of human feelings and emotions.
T.A. Dzhum, M.V. Ksenz, M.Y. Tamova, E.D. Shevtsova
Project management in the restaurant business: modern and innovative approaches
Keywords: crisis, restaurant business, IT-technologies, projects, ideas, implementation, gastronomic directions, dark kitchen, partnership, taxes, control and supervisory activities.
Purpose: to consider modern and innovative approaches in the project management of the restaurant business. Discussion: This article highlights the relevance of the main strategic directions for the development of the restaurant business – scaling, differentiation, personalization, partnership, IT technologies, the introduction of completely new solutions for gastronomic spaces, the synergy of two formats of food preparation (restaurant kitchen and dark-kitchen). In a crisis, it is important to have two sales channels: to do what restaurateurs love and know how – to serve guests in the hall, giving them appropriate emotions, and also to deliver these emotions to their homes. But the main factors were and remain – taste, idea, manufacturability. Results: the restaurant business is mainly represented by small and medium-sized enterprises; great hopes are pinned on its support from the government. Leading players in the catering services market came up with a proposal to transfer the entire industry to a single special regime based on the simplified tax system with a progressive scale, which will allow the industry to become profitable. We need transparent rules of the game and a semblance of dialogue between the professional community and the authorities – that’s enough. Currently, the situation is being reassessed, the consumption model is being transformed, everyone is adapting to what is happening.
T.A. Dzhum, T.N. Poddubnaya, E.L. Zadneprovskaya
Restaurant business in a new paradigm
Keywords: restaurant, crisis, quality, staff, guests, delivery, technology, loyalty, menu, automation, security measures, budget, funds, development plan.
Purpose: to examine the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and the global economic crisis on the restaurant business. Discussion: the article discusses the main changes that have occurred in the segment of the hotel and restaurant business (HoReCa). It is emphasized that the most important thing in this segment was the change in everything related to guests. Loyalty systems have proven to be the key to survival in times of crisis. Catering companies that organize deliveries need to take into account the emotional component, try to calculate the mood of consumers, and understand what they are missing. Results: in each Russian city, specific restaurant teams operate, it is their flexibility and solutions that will determine which projects will be in the top. Any restaurant format will have to be adapted for guests and for the situation in which the business finds itself due to the pandemic. At the same time, it is necessary to concentrate on a number of important positions in the restaurant business: learning to manage the economy; think about the effectiveness of processes; rationally select employees for the team.
L.N. Drobyshevskaya
Development of an enterprise risk management system
Keywords: risk, management, logistics risk, currency risk, option, risk hedging, enterprise, factors.
Purpose: to provide a theoretical and methodological justification for improving the risk management system of enterprises on the example of grain exporters, as well as to develop measures aimed at increasing the efficiency of their functioning. Discussion: in order to minimize risks, in particular, to reduce the negative consequences of force majeure, their causes should be identified, forms of protection of their economic interests, ways to diversify risks, as well as methods to reduce losses should be determined. The article discusses the key factors influencing the emergence of risks of foreign trade activities of companies. Results: enterprises need to focus on a system of measures to minimize currency and logistics risks, on optimizing hedging methods and managing these risks. The implementation of the measures proposed in the article to minimize the logistics risk, developed for the company “Petrokhleb-Kuban”, will reduce logistics risks and increase the efficiency of the company.
O.A. Evseeva, V.V. Shchegolev, S.A. Evseeva, D.V. Li
Prospects for development of the venture capital market in Russia
Keywords: venture capital, venture investments, Russia, prospects, market, capital market, trends, investment.
Purpose: to study the prospects for the development of the venture capital market in Russia. Discussion: the article is devoted to the concept of venture capital investments and their features in relation to the venture capital market within the country on the example of Russia in the field of technological entrepreneurship. To achieve this goal, the authors set and solved the problem of analyzing the dynamics of the venture capital market in Russia, and formulating its main development trends. To conduct this type of research, the authors used the in-depth interview method and interviewed business angels and representatives of venture capital funds with personal practical experience in investing in venture capital. Results: the authors found that most of the trends are associated with new technologies in all spheres of life, while there was a shift in the focus of interest in investing in favor of early stage projects. In general, Russia has a fairly large potential for the development of this type of market, since is still at an early stage of its development.
L.I. Elizarova, E.V. Sleptsova
Features of managing the professional development of personnel in medical institutions
Key words: personnel management, professional development, professional competencies, training system, continuing education, postgraduate education, medical institutions, employees.
Purpose: to study the features of management of professional development of medical workers, to identify factors of motivation for development. Discussion: The study revealed the problems of professional development of medical workers, such as: disproportionality in the professional and qualification structure of medical personnel; low motivation of both the medical workers themselves and the heads of medical institutions; lack of adequate supplementary training programs. The article discusses the issues of improving the professional development of medical workers, increasing motivation for lifelong learning, the need to create an effective system of postgraduate education, which are relevant in the context of health care reform. Result. Proposed: approaches to the management of professional development of medical workers, substantiated methods of professional development. Special attention should be paid to continuous professional education aimed at the constant updating of knowledge, the acquisition of new professional skills. The difficulty in solving this problem lies in the lack of a consensus about which educational methods are the most effective.
L.G. Zvereva, G.G. Vukovich, A.V. Nikitina, M.G. Napalkova
Adaptation of remote employees and peculiarities of its implementation in universities
Keywords: remote employees, high school, students, universities, training, employees, information environment, educational environment.
Purpose: to study the ways of adaptation of remote employees and the peculiarities of its implementation in universities. Discussion: the pandemic of the new coronavirus infection has led to the widespread actualization of the issue of the development of telecommuting for employees. The article discusses in detail the structure of the electronic information and educational environment of the Kuban State University, which provides remote work of university staff with students, considers the directions for the development of adaptation of professional competencies of university teachers to remote work. Results: the introduction of restrictive measures aimed at preventing the spread of a dangerous virus became a kind of catalyst for the comprehensive development of scientific and pedagogical activities in the higher school of the Kuban. Working in the digital space made it possible to expand the usual boundaries of scientific knowledge, to understand that the current level of development of higher education makes it possible to successfully implement bold innovative ideas into student life.
E.V. Kabitova
A modern approach to the formation of economic competencies among students of technical areas of study
Keywords: enterprise economics, teaching methods, teaching principles, methodological recommendations, technical direction, students, economic knowledge, disciplines.
Purpose: to consider the integration of economic disciplines into technical areas of study. Discussion: the article reveals the shortcomings of teaching economics to students of technical fields; defined the competencies that students should have after training; the topics and blocks of the enterprise economy are highlighted in accordance with the needs of real production systems; a refined methodology for the economic feasibility of technical projects is proposed, taking into account the specifics of optimization solutions. Results: a modern approach to the volume of economic knowledge of engineers was determined, which is based on a comprehensive systemic vision of the economy of an enterprise, teaching students to make decisions in accordance with the realities of interaction between production and economic subsystems of an enterprise. The research results can be used in teaching economic disciplines to students of technical fields, and can also be useful as a basis for the further formation of a modern approach in the field of empirical research.
E.V. Kletskova
Organization of product development process with extended interdisciplinary interaction
Keywords: product development, extended interaction, mechatronic products, alternative prototypes, interdisciplinary interaction, process organization, technologies.
Purpose: to consider a product development process with enhanced interdisciplinary collaboration. Discussion: The article shows that the organization of the product development process with extended interdisciplinary interaction is not fully understood, and existing models only naively describe this process, therefore, the coordination of project activities in several disciplines, such as mechanics, electronics and software, is not taken into account. Mechatronic products provide the developer with many degrees of freedom, in particular in determining which functions are performed by the user and which are performed by the machine system. Strong semantic properties are required in human-machine interfaces so that the operator can understand how to use the machine, when to perform specific tasks, and how to respond to the operations performed by the machine. Results: the technology will save time in the development process, increase the number of alternative prototypes that can be evaluated while reducing development costs. Product developers will have more time and resources to strategize.
R.I. Kovtun, V.A. Bespal’ko
Organic products market growth: focus on “green” consumer segments
Keywords: organic products, market, consumers, segments, prospects, trends, organic market, sales.
Purpose: to study the marketing of the organic market. Discussion: The article examines the current trends in the organic products market, demonstrates its positive dynamics in the world and in Russia. There is a trend towards an increase in land certified for organic production. It is emphasized that not everyone in Russia can afford to purchase organic products on a regular basis, which may change with the further development of the market and an increase in supply. Results: the main segments of “green” consumers were analyzed and conclusions were drawn regarding their representativeness and prospects for their growth in the Russian market. To increase the number of consumers choosing organic products on a regular basis, active educational, educational activities, appropriate “green” education are needed. With the development of the market and an increase in production volumes, organic food will be able to be available to most of the population in Russia.
I.M. Kublin, A.A. Kabargina, N.N. Zubareva, A.V. Pahomov
To the question of the influence of marketing on ensuring the competitiveness of an enterprise in an unstable market
Keywords: competitiveness, marketing support, marketing policy, enterprise, innovative marketing, integrated marketing, marketing activities, market instability.
Purpose: to scientifically substantiate the problems of using a marketing complex to increase the competitiveness of an enterprise in conditions of market instability. Discussion: industrial production is one of the main directions in ensuring the competitiveness of the world economy in general and Russia in particular. Therefore, the industry invariably attracts the interest of potential investors. The article examines the landmarks and problems of enterprise competitiveness, analyzes information about competing structures, ways to improve the competitiveness of a manufacturing enterprise through marketing activities. The policy in the field of marketing of enterprises (commodity, price, sales and the policy of promoting goods in the market space) is described. Marketing is considered as a system-forming socio-economic element influencing production and commercial processes in ensuring the competitiveness of an enterprise. Results: every Russian enterprise needs to implement a set of marketing activities and be competitive in its field of production and economic activities.
O.A. Latysheva, E.E. Shvakov, A.A. Chernykh
International educational program as a direction for lerning specialists for sustainable development of transboundary territories
of bolshoy altai (experience of the Altai state university)
Keywords: sustainable development, networked educational program, cross-functional competences, Great Altai, universities, resources, master’s program, standards.
Purpose: to describe the experience of creating a network (international) educational program, as one of the ways to influence the contribution of an educational organization to the sustainable development of the region, in terms of training specialists (personnel) capable of responding to modern challenges of the time in professional activity. Discussion: in modern society, the problem of sustainable development of territories is acute; it acquires particular relevance when interacting within the framework of transboundary cooperation between states. The labor market today is experiencing a shortage of specialists with interdisciplinary competencies in the field of spatial analytics and environmental management for the purpose of sustainable development of territories. Results: the article describes the experience of creating a network (international) educational master’s program 05.04.02. Geography, profile “Spatial analytics and environmental management in Central Asia” at Altai State University in conjunction with the Eurasian National University named after L.N. Gumilyov, taking into account professional standards and the results of foresight sessions with partner organizations. The process of creating the program, the participants of the program and the first results of approbation of this training model are described.
M.E. Listopad, D.R. Bliadze
Analysis of the management system for the production of high-technology materials in JSC “Monocristal”
Keywords: sapphire, innovation, synthetic, competitiveness, criterion, activity, level, organization, analysis, risks, high-tech production, science-intensive enterprises.
Purpose: to analyze the management system for the production of high-tech materials in JSC “Monocrystal”. Discussion: This article analyzes the actual problem of the development of a management system for the production of high-tech materials. Today, high-tech industries occupy a leading place in the strategic development not only of an individual enterprise, but of the entire country. The national security of the state will depend on how developed the R&D cluster is and there are clear strategies for the development and management of high-tech production. Results: the key problems of the company are the sphere of personnel policy (high turnover), marketing strategy, as well as a low range of manufactured goods, which leads to a narrow coverage of sales markets and consumers. Implementation of the proposed direction will contribute to an increase in production by several units of emerald (ruby). Due to this, such areas will allow entering the jewelry market, and, as a result, increasing the degree of competitive advantages both in the country and in the world market.
M.E. Listopad, E.A. D’yakonenko
Assessment of the current state and prospects for the development of enterprises in the industry of household appliances and electronics in Russia
Keywords: financial stability, household appliances, electronics, market segment, assessment, activity, level, firm, market analysis, trend, prospects, financial condition.
Purpose: to analyze the problem of assessing the current state and development prospects of enterprises in the household appliances and electronics industry. Discussion: the relevance of assessing the industry consists, firstly, in the fact that almost all subspecies of household appliances and electronics are currently produced in Russia, but a significant part of production is only the assembly of products from imported components. Formally, most of the household appliances and electronics that are sold in our country are now produced by domestic companies, but a significant part of the factories are the property of foreign companies with contract manufacturing of specific goods. There are few brands from Russia in the household appliances and electronics industry now, and they are gradually disappearing, partly being replaced by imported ones. Results: at the moment, there are not many large players left on the market, their leaders have been determined, and most likely, new companies will not appear there. Second, based on industry assessment, the firm can respond more quickly to changes in market conditions and, therefore, has less risk of being on the brink of bankruptcy. Thirdly, the assessment of the prospects for the development of the industry gives the management of the company the correct vector of development.
V.D. Lyubofeev
Russian auditing market: marketing characteristic of supply
Keywords: market, audit services, audit activity, statutory audit, audit organizations, audited persons, auditors, audit networks, audit reform, government regulation.
Purpose: to consider changes in the forms of auditing and the characteristics of auditors in the Russian market of audit services to identify trends in the development of Russian audit. Discussion: The Russian market of audit services for its thirty-year history has not remained static in terms of the forms and methods of organizing audit activities. Market changes, combined with systematic successive reforms of legislative regulation of audit, aimed at the formation and development of the institution of audit, necessitated the modernization of the forms and methods of organizing audit activities to ensure the efficiency and competitiveness of market participants. Results: the initial growth in the number of auditors in the market under the influence of the 2008 financial crisis and the subsequent tightening of government regulation since 2010 gave way to a shrinking audit community, consolidation of audit companies and their joining audit networks. In the coming years, this process will continue and in the long term should lead to an improvement in the quality of Russian audit and ensuring its proper place and role in the financial system.
A.A. Maksaev
Socio-ethical marketing concept in a modern university: the specifics of implementation and assessment of possible strategic results
Keywords: education marketing, corporate responsibility, social responsibility, marketing concept, marketing support, promotion of responsibility, university responsibility, Russian universities.
Purpose: to consider the specifics of the implementation of a socio-ethical marketing concept in a modern university. Discussion: the scientific article is devoted to the analysis and modernization of scientific concepts in terms of corporate social responsibility and the features of its marketing support and promotion in the activities of modern Russian universities. The forms of implementation and the features of marketing support for CSR as an element of the organization of the university’s marketing activities are revealed: the specificity of the marketing promotion of corporate social responsibility of the university as an incentive as part of the model of consumer behavior when choosing an educational product and a university-supplier is described. The corporate social responsibility of the university is considered as an attribute of the quality of the educational product: the marketing aspect, the place and opportunities of CSR are revealed as part of the unique value proposition of the educational organization. Results: the applied application of the presented development requires not only the socio-ethical transformation of the operational and marketing models of the activities of universities, in the rationality and depth of consumer needs, a radical transition from the convenience and formality of higher education to its content and real quality.
A.V. Malkov, V.V. Morokishko, V.I. Ilina
Environmental performance enhancement programme as an environmental management instrument industrial enterprises
Keywords: environmental efficiency, management system, environmental management, improvement, available technologies, pollution prevention, pollution control, industrial enterprises.
Purpose: to study programs to improve environmental efficiency, mandatory for the development of objects of negative environmental impact, related to the areas of application of the best available technologies (hereinafter – BAT) and not reaching technological indicators BAT as a potential component of the environmental management system (EMS) of industrial enterprises in Russian Federation. Discussion: the object of the research is the environmental management of industrial enterprises carrying out economic activities in the fields of application of the best available technologies. The relevance of the study is due to the need of business entities in the industry for information and methodological support in the process of transition to technological regulation based on BAT. The regulatory mechanisms and structures created in recent years are fundamentally new for the Russian Federation. In the process of law enforcement, legal uncertainties and gaps identified, the elimination of which at the state level will take quite a long of time. Results: the high practical significance of the research is due to the possibility of using the formulated conclusions and recommendations by Russian industry enterprises in the development of EMS documents to overcome the existing legal gaps in regulatory structures in general.
N.R. Molochnikov, T.A. Rovovaya, N.P. Fedorova, A.A. Frolova
Peculiarities of the functioning of the personnel management system in the conditions of the pandemic
Keywords: personnel management, pandemic, self-isolation, remote work, adaptation, digitalization, unemployed, human capital, labor activity, telecommuting.
Purpose: to consider the features of the functioning of the personnel management system in a pandemic. Discussion: the article discusses the advantages and disadvantages of new working methods, expected risks, mechanisms of motivation and digitalization using online communication services and transferring personnel training to a new format. The presented dynamics of the number of unemployed in the Russian Federation for the current twenty months of the pandemic with restrictive measures, self-isolation, remote work, vaccination and the restoration of employment with state support of the unemployed is analyzed in detail. Results: successful adaptation of personnel helped organizations to retain key specialists, but did not solve the problem of mastering digitalization as a tool to achieve strategic goals. Organizations required their own training and retraining of workers, which reflected the new quality of personnel in the creation of intellectual property.
A.S. Molchan, A.P. Anufrieva, S.M. Maslova, N.V. Poluyanova
Assessment of the level of sustainability and security of the region (on the example of the Krasnodar territory)
Keywords: economic security, region, sustainable development, regional economy, threats, indicators, monitoring, budget.
Purpose: to assess the level of stability and security of the region using the example of the Krasnodar Territory. Discussion: the article examines the existing approaches to determining the economic security of the region. The subjects and objects of economic security have been identified. Internal and external threats that have a negative impact on the socio-economic system of both a separate region and the country as a whole are considered. The importance of monitoring threats to the economic security of the region is determined. On the basis of statistical data, the article assesses the level of economic security of the Krasnodar Territory. Analysis of the main socio-economic indicators and the application o of economic security to the sustainable development of the region. Results: ensuring the economic security of the Krasnodar Territory should be reduced to the formation and accumulation of a sufficient amount of economic, technological, intellectual and information resources, as well as to protect the resource potential of the region from the impact of a negative external environment.
S.M. Nikonorov, A.I. Krivichev, YU.I. Maksimov
Management of socio-economic policy in monotowns of the Komi republic
Keywords: single-industry town, municipalities, population size, unemployed, city-forming enterprises, politics, economic analysis, production activity.
Purpose: to study the socio-economic situation in the monotowns of the Komi Republic and to determine the economic sustainability of their city-forming enterprises. Discussion: in this article, the authors make an attempt to clarify the concept of “mono-city” and raise methodological problems associated with the search for statistical information in the context of municipalities and urban settlements (cities and urban-type settlements). On the basis of official statistical data obtained from the territorial body of state statistics for the Komi Republic (Komistat), the dynamics of the main demographic indicators in the monotowns of Emva, Inta, Zheshart and Vorkuta is investigated. Results: the general demographic situation in monotowns is characterized by a low birth rate (moreover, in Inta, Emva, Zheshart, mortality exceeds the birth rate), negative migration balance and general population decline in all monocities under study. The number and composition of unemployed citizens in the administrative centers of single-industry towns are given according to the data of the Ministry of Labor, Employment and Social Protection of the Komi Republic. The article analyzes the economic sustainability of the activities of the city-forming enterprises. The economic analysis of the production activities of the city-forming enterprises was carried out on the basis of their financial indicators taken from the SPARK database. The analysis showed that the city-forming enterprises of Emva and Vorkuta are stable, Zheshart is not stable enough, and Inta is weakly stable.
A.V. Pahomov, G.G. Vukovich, S.V. Semenova, A.V. Nikitina
Evolution of personnel management under the influence of increased staff marketing
Keywords: personnel management, personnel marketing, pandemic, social mechanisms, motives, behavior, employees, competition.
Purpose: to trace the evolution of personnel management under the influence of the intensification of personnel marketing. Discussion: The COVID-19 pandemic made significant changes to the economy in 2020: some business entities were unable to cope with its consequences, others accepted the challenge with dignity and made certain conclusions by revising the personnel management system. The article notes that from the standpoint of the components of behavior, there are four types of human behavior in the organization. The authors pay special attention to the theory of personality behavior in an organization, which reveals the features of personnel behavior management. Results: at the stage of a pandemic, effective human resource management is focused on analyzing existing trends and characteristics of the labor market, defining goals and identifying the needs of the employer and employees, to human resource management, activating technologies and personnel marketing.
A.V. Pahomov, E.K. Korovyakovskij, A.A. Voronov
Prospects for the use of marketing tools in the transport and logistics services market
Keywords: transport services, marketing communications, competition, transport market, management marketing, marketing strategies, service market, logistics services.
Purpose: to analyze the economic situation in the world market and its impact on the market of transport and logistics services as a marketing tool. Discussion: with the development of the economy, the marketing of transport services begins to acquire great relevance. In the current market environment, transport firms need to periodically review the nature of their economic activities to fully meet customer demand. This article examines the features of marketing management in transport companies. The main activity of a transport company is to provide vehicles for the flow of material or passengers. A specific feature of transportation as a service is its intangibility, intangibility, non-preservation. Results: Marketing in transport companies is somewhat different from marketing in industrial plants or retail stores. The article reveals the features of the marketing strategy of transport companies, the knowledge of which will improve the efficiency of their activities in the modern market of transport services.
A.V. Pahomov, T.D. Surgaeva, G.V. Pukach, I.M. Kublin
The company’s workforce and personnel risks associated with the adaptation of new employees to working conditions
Keywords: adaptation of employees, personnel risks, polar map, risk map, enterprise, labor productivity, labor resources, working conditions.
Purpose: to consider the problems of adaptation of new employees to solving issues of the socio-psychological climate in the team during joint production activities. Identify the specifics of the problems associated with a decrease in labor productivity at the enterprise. Clarify the approaches associated with the use of labor resources at the enterprise in market conditions. Discussion: the article discusses the features of the adaptation process for new employees of the enterprise, analyzes the most common risks associated with adaptation to the team. Several different definitions of the concept of risk are given, and on their basis the definition of personnel risks is formulated. Identification of the main problems of adaptation of employees made it possible to draw up a polar map of personnel risks, among which the most common are highlighted. Results: Possible ways to reduce personnel risks as a result of various adaptation procedures were proposed (development and application of adaptation trainings – “Welcome-training”, mentoring, coaching, etc.). The implementation of the adaptation program makes it possible to minimize the personnel risks associated with the adaptation of a new employee to the work of the team, which makes it possible to eliminate conflict situations.
I.A. Pogodina, G.G. Vukovich, A.V. Nikitina, A.S. Medvedeva
Internal labor market and remote employment: problems and solutions in the higher school of the Kuban
Keywords: domestic market, higher school, labor market, remote employment, quality management, teachers, students, distance learning, educational institution, pandemic.
Purpose: to consider the internal labor market and remote employment, and identify problems and ways to solve them in the higher school of the Kuban. Discussion: the internal labor market in higher education institutions is a system of social and labor relations, limited by the framework of one university, within which the appointment of wages and their placement is determined by administrative rules and procedures. The article examines the structure of social and labor relations and assesses the problems associated with a decrease in the quality of education, suggests possible ways to solve them. Results: the management of the internal labor market in higher educational institutions during a pandemic is associated with the solution of a number of complex tasks, the successful implementation of which is possible subject to the comprehensive interaction of the management and the teaching staff of the Kuban universities.
N.V. Polujanova, N.A. Kireeva, I.M. Kublin, O.V. Prushchak
Regional socio-economic policies and sustainable development: priorities for rural territories development
Keywords: inclusive growth, sustainable development, rural areas, poverty risk, unemployment rate, food security, agri-food policy, regional policy, rural areas.
Purpose: to consider the regional socio-economic policy in the development of rural areas. Discussion: In the opinion of the authors, mobilizing efforts to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) against the backdrop of the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic involves a radical rethinking of the priorities of agri-food policy. First of all, this concerns the improvement of the policy of social development of the countryside and the solution of the problems of sustainable development of rural areas. The specificity of the concept of sustainable development of rural areas is revealed and it is proved that solving the problems of social development of the countryside contributes to the transition to an inclusive development model. The author’s methodology made it possible to substantiate the criteria and indicators that characterize the level of social inclusion. Results: a comprehensive assessment of the social development of the village was given in the context of the following aspects: poverty of the population, the risk of poverty depending on the place of residence of the population; urban and rural unemployment; resources and final consumption expenditures, on average, per household member; physical and economic accessibility of basic food products for urban and rural populations. Measures are formulated to facilitate the transition of the agri-food system to an inclusive development model and to overcome negative trends in the post-pandemic economy.
YU.V. Ragulina, T.V. Bratarchuk
State support instruments for industry as basis for the development of industrial production
Keywords: industrial policy, government, support instruments, production, ecosystem, government support, economy, modern technologies.
Purpose: to consider the existing instruments of state support for industry as the basis for the development of industrial production. Discussion: a special investment contract is an important tool for realizing the goals of state policy to support industrial production, which was tested as part of the formation of a support system for large Russian business. The need for its application was predetermined by the crisis transformations that took place in 2014 (SPIC 1.0), and the prospects for further use are associated with the search for opportunities to support industrial production during the new unfavorable situation associated with the COVID-2019 pandemic (SPIC 2.0). Results: it becomes relevant to identify promising areas for improving a special investment contract as an instrument of state support for industry, taking into account the shortcomings identified in the work of the previous version, on the one hand, and the current economic crisis, requiring a revision on the other.
D.S. Rakintsev
Commodification of natural processes reduce the influence of radioactive pollution on crop products
Keywords: sustainable development, ecosystem services, commodification of nature, enterprise assessment, agricultural enterprise, radiation pollution, agroecosystem, pollution level.
Purpose: to conduct a monetary assessment of natural processes affecting the reduction of radiation impact on crop production. Discussion: the article discusses an option for the implementation of the commodification of natural processes within the framework of the concept of sustainable development and the theory of ecosystem services. A variant of assessing a protective ecosystem service at the local level (enterprise level) is demonstrated, based on the calculation of lost profits using the GIS method, the method of mathematical modeling and the method of factor analysis. Results: a methodology for identifying an ecosystem service to reduce the radiation impact on crop products at the local level was developed; the cost of ecosystem services was estimated, which ranged from 0.9 to 2.9 million rubles; a digital map of SPK “Budnik I.A.” with an indication of soil types, crop production and the level of radioactive contamination in the ArcGIS program.
A.I. Ryzhih, V.G. Bocharova
Systematic use of marketing tools in franchising in the context of digitalization
Keywords: business strategies, franchising, digital transformation, online communications, engagement marketing, marketing tools, grocery retail, retargeting.
Purpose: to summarize the results of a study of systemically used marketing tools for franchising in the context of digitalization, to identify the distinctive features: how the marketing strategy of companies using a brand borrowed through franchising in a digitalization environment is modified. Discussion: the subject of the research was the marketing tools used in franchising. As a research methodology and the formation of an empirical base, a questionnaire survey, an in-depth interview, and a comparative method were carried out. The novelty is manifested in the identified specific main results and areas of application of the study, namely: marketing tools that increase competitiveness in the digital environment in the market for goods that are effectively used in franchising. Results: on the basis of practical research, a conclusion was made about the effectiveness of marketing involving the use of these tools, which affect the financial performance of companies.
R.R. Salgiriev, V.V. Hubulova, I.U. SHahgiraev
Cluster approach to the spatial development of tourism as the main pole of sustainable development of the socio-economic system in the region
Keywords: cluster approach, spatial development, tourism, growth pole, socio-economic system, region, ethnic village, ecosystem, tourist resources.
Purpose: to study the cluster approach to the spatial development of tourism as the main pole of sustainable development of the socio-economic system in the region. Discussion: domestic tourism as a regional perspective for sustainable development of socio-economic space presupposes the creation of conceptually new approaches to the formation of the development of tourist resources in the Stavropol Territory. As a result, it becomes necessary to develop and implement a conceptually new innovative approach to the spatial development of the territories of the North Caucasian Federal District. As a result of the study, it was proposed to create a cluster based on digital technologies; the cluster is based on the creation of the ethnic village “Kaf” on the territory of the North Caucasian Federal District. The ecosystem of the ethno-village consists of three blocks: “smart cottages”, an environmentally friendly transport environment and the ethno-center of Caucasian hospitality. This center operates on the basis of digital-physical convergence and functions by means of virtual and augmented reality. Results: for the collaboration of the participants of the cluster’s collaborative networks, it is proposed to create an application that expanded the news system to the “ethnic village in a pocket” solution, which allows you to have all the news for this area in one place. The app is the main hotspot for ethnic villages where users can find information about local events, organize car pooling, offer their services to the community, and much more. Finding sustainable solutions may need to transform and combine several ideas to create a new and innovative concept that will work in a given rural area. With regard to the implementation of the concept of an ethnic village, the plan, budget, schedule and motivational team are very important.
D.O. Skobelev, A.A. Uchenov
The potential of best available techniques for making decisions on the governmental support of the real economy sectors of the Russian Federation under the conditions of the global energy transition
Keywords: industrial policy, global energy transition, low-carbon development, resource efficiency, best available technologies, information and technical guides, government support, carbon intensity.
Purpose: to analyze the possibilities and directions of applying the concept of the best available technologies (BAT) for making decisions on state support for the real sector of the Russian economy in the context of a global energy transition. Discussion: the article shows that the global energy transition is a process of restructuring the world economy, which is accompanied by serious systemic changes, initiates significant structural changes, and forms a public demand for a change in the development paradigm. The authors propose ways to achieve the goal set by the Government of the Russian Federation to create an effective mechanism for low-carbon transformation of the real sector of the national economy in the context of a global energy transition. The importance of improving technologies and organization of production processes is emphasized and the key role of adequate government regulation is demonstrated. Results: the potential for the application of the BAT concept is considered in the context of the development of industrial policy as a system of measures and tools aimed at achieving the development goals of the national economy. It is shown that the criterion of BAT compliance, which has a 60-year practice of successful application in various regulatory systems in different countries of the world, can be used as the basis for making decisions on the allocation of funding within the framework of government support programs for various sectors of the real economy. It has been demonstrated that a transparent BAT criterion based on quantitative indicators established in information and technical reference books will significantly increase the efficiency of public investments aimed at modernizing production facilities in the context of a global energy transition.
T.G. Stroiteleva
Management of integrated structures of enterprises using information technologies
Keywords: structure management, integrated structures, information technology, platform thinking, management model, scorecards, enterprises, employees.
Purpose: to consider ways of managing the integrated structures of enterprises using information technology. Discussion: the article shows that the management of integrated structures of industrial enterprises is effective when the interests of workers are taken into account. The balanced scorecard methodology helps to account for this. The balanced approach is aimed at ensuring the prompt adoption of managerial decisions that emphasize the importance of combining financial and non-financial corporate goals, in which the management of the integrated structures of the corporation’s enterprises is laid. The Integrated Framework Management Model confirms the commitment to continuous communication, which is necessary to develop realistic goals and tools, and their deployment at all levels of industrial enterprises. Results: the feedback system is designed to break up linear communication flows and provide the possibility of upward, downward, horizontal, multidirectional communication about goals. The challenge for enterprises is to be able to explain the phenomenon of platform thinking and modularity and to relate the management of integrated structures to the technical and business goals of the enterprise itself, customers.
O.V. Titova
Management of integration processes of planning and dispatching
of high-tech industrial enterprises
Keywords: flexible systems, production systems, dispatching, integration processes, industry, high technologies, parts, computer technologies.
Purpose: to consider the integration processes of planning and dispatching high-tech industrial enterprises. Discussion: A mode of production that has flourished for several decades is no longer able to cover its inherent disadvantages in the face of heightened market competition. The progressive increase in social productivity brought about by new production technologies has led to the transformation of the dominant seller’s market into a buyer’s market, in which buyers are no longer satisfied with identical products, but seek a higher degree of individualization and serialization inherent in their purchases. In addition, random and frequent changes in market trends caused product lifecycles to shrink into voids. Results: The inflexibility of traditional fixed-automation mass production systems prevented industry from achieving these goals. To cope with the ever-changing market demands, researching how to continually improve the flexibility of Manufacturing Systems (FMS) has become an imperative task for manufacturers and researchers.
I.V. Shatskaya
Innovative and technological development of Russia in the context of digitalization
Keywords: innovation, innovative technological development, digital economy, digitalization, artificial intelligence, technologies, services, customers.
Purpose: to consider the problems and prospects of the innovative and technological development of Russia in the context of digitalization. Discussion: the relevance of the study is due to many factors, including the priority need for innovative development of the Russian economy, taking into account the global challenges posed by digitalization. The article provides an overview of the features of the innovative and technological development of Russia at the present stage, as well as the factors that contribute to and hinder the digital transformation of the economy. Directions and specific measures to improve the economy through technological innovations, including innovations in the digital sphere, are formulated. Particular attention is paid to the issue of creating value for innovative enterprises in the digital economy in the dynamics of digital platforms and business ecosystems. Results: the leadership of high-tech enterprises in our country, which prioritizes innovations in the digital field, can make their enterprises one of the most efficient and competitive not only at the Russian also at the international level.
O.I. Shchepilov
Interpretation by the management of commercial organizations of the content of the concept of «competitiveness of the company»
Keywords: company competitiveness, assessment criteria, competitiveness assessment, semantic analysis, product competitiveness, work efficiency, management, commercial organizations.
Purpose: to study the variants of semantic interpretation by the heads of various commercial companies of the concept of “competitiveness of the company” and the identification of the related criteria used by them for assessing the competitiveness of their organizations. Discussion: the article examines the options for the semantic interpretation of the leaders of commercial companies of the concept of “competitiveness of the company”, as well as the criteria used by managers to assess the competitiveness of their organizations. Results: the results obtained showed that the interpretation of the term “competitiveness of a company” for most respondents is reduced to the concept of “competitiveness of a product”, while insufficient attention is paid to such elements of the organization of the company’s work as marketing, the effectiveness of the company’s management in target markets, product and pricing policy. As criteria for assessing the competitiveness of a company, the respondents limit themselves to considering most often only two indicators – “the company’s market share”, “the company’s image in the market”.
E.V. Atamas
Policy of environmental financing of risk
Keywords: green economy, green finance, sustainable development, environmental risks, financing, risks, households, environment.
Purpose: to consider the impact of environmental risks arising from both business structures and the banking sector. Discussion: The article discusses the policy of environmental financing and the main risks of this activity. As part of the analysis, an assessment was made of the existing regulatory documents affecting the development of environmental finance. Results: the author came to the conclusion that in the Russian Federation, since 2018, there has been a development of legislation governing a set of measures to support environmental financing instruments. The implemented government policy and the participation of the financial sector allows for an increase in the amount of green investments, which will have a positive impact on the climate and the environment. Among other things, it helps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions faster, use resources more efficiently and improve the efficiency of infrastructure activities.
A.L. Bulgakov, S.D. Smirnov
Pricing of green and social bonds in Russian market
Keywords: green bonds, social bonds, sustainable development, pricing, investment returns, benchmarks, bonds, Russian market.
Purpose: to identify the additional return that investment in ESG bonds brings in comparison to investments in standard bonds in the Russian market. Discussion: a case study is being carried out on market liquid ESG bond issues on the Russian market. The main sources of data for the study are data from trading on the Moscow Exchange, data from marketing and issuance documents on bond issues. Results: In four out of five issues, there is a narrowing of the yield-to-maturity spread on ESG bonds compared to benchmarks. This confirms that, all other things being equal, and without taking into account the urgency of the issue, investments in ESG bonds allowed investors to receive increased returns compared to benchmarks. It is expected that the increased investor interest in these issues on the primary placement will lead to a decrease in the rate and reduce the opportunities for investors to receive increased income.
I.A. Berov
Impact of the sanctions regime and the coronavirus pandemic on bilateral trade and economic relations between Russia and the countries of the European Union
Keywords: sanctions, pandemic, trade and economic relations, coronavirus, international trade, international economy, trade turnover, world GDP, world market.
Purpose: To describe the impact of COVID-19 on the trade and economic relations of the EU countries and on the mechanisms by which the pandemic influenced the changes in supply and demand. Discussion: The article analyzes the impact of the crisis caused by the sanitary and epidemiological situation in the world on the trade turnover between Russia and France, and presents possible scenarios of the impact on the economies of countries in the event of a fall in world GDP. Many experts predict that the coronavirus pandemic will dramatically accelerate the ongoing restructuring of international relations, which could ultimately lead to bipolarity between the United States and China. Results: overcoming the existing problems will enable the world economy to cope with the consequences of the pandemic. Additional economic problems are looming between Russia and the EU. The collapse in oil prices has destroyed the bulk of Russian exports to Europe, while falling real incomes, coupled with the devaluation of the ruble, have done the same for European exports to Russia.
Y.V. Gnezdova, V.M. Lavrushin, A.A. Nikonorova
Regional structure of Russia’s exports
Keywords: export, import, region, foreign trade activity, socio-economic development, world economy, economy, credit.
Purpose: to study the regional structure of Russian exports. Discussion: the article provides a detailed analysis of the current conditions for the development of the regional Russian economy, which is acquiring special relevance and practical importance for domestic companies, making it possible to comprehensively study the structure of Russian exports, trends and dynamics of its development. The relevance of the article lies in the fact that the full disclosure of the economic potential of any state cannot be imagined without full integration into the modern world economy, without expanding the export activities of companies, and increasing its efficiency. Results: foreign economic relations in the context of significant expansion and intensification of international relations have ceased to be a monopoly of the state and the prerogative of a narrow circle of specialists. A specialist who has sufficient knowledge in the field of foreign economic activity will always be self-sufficient and independent in his actions.
N.E. Petrovskaya
International migration of specialists and scientists to the USA
Keywords: migration, skilled workers, labor force, specialists, scientists, employment, entrepreneurial activity, migrants.
Purpose: to examine issues related to the international migration of highly skilled professionals and academics to the United States. Discussion: migrant workers are not only a source of labor, they also play an important role in other aspects of the country’s life. They make a significant contribution to the intellectual and innovative activities of the country. Immigrants, as a rule, show higher entrepreneurial activity. Results: in the 21st century, America has the most educated immigrants in history. Almost 30 percent of U.S. science and technology employment is foreign-born. In 2019, four of the eight U.S. Nobel Prize winners are foreign-born. Research shows that foreign-born scientists are more productive than US-born scientists with similar levels of collaboration and grant involvement.
M.YU. Sheresheva, Li Tyan’tyan’
Features of the PRC tourism services market in the conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic
Keywords: tourism, pandemic, coronavirus, COVID-19, regulatory mechanisms, tourism services, cooperation, industries.
Purpose: to identify the features of the PRC tourist services market and the prospects for its development in the context of the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic. Discussion: This article discusses the features of the functioning of the tourist services market in the PRC and the impact on it of the global pandemic COVID-19. The consequences of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the tourism industry of the PRC are systematized and the prospects for the development of domestic tourism in the post-quarantine period are identified. For example, one of the most promising areas for the development of tourism in the PRC is rural tourism. The regulatory mechanisms for ensuring the functioning of tourism enterprises in the context of a pandemic have been determined. Results: The global COVID-19 pandemic and its consequences forced the tourism industry to change the usual structure of work and look for new progressive ways of development for the existence of this area. In order for the tourism industry to recover as quickly as possible after the end of the crisis, it is necessary to introduce the latest technologies and innovations in the activities of travel companies.
N.N. Kalinina, A.V. Nikitina, R.I. Kovtun, G.G. Vukovich
Economic and legal aspects of interaction of business, science and education in a pandemic
Keywords: education, science, entrepreneurship, legal regulation, educational institutions, practice, business, innovation.
Purpose: forecasting the development of the social sphere, entrepreneurship and the branch of law in modern conditions, increasing the importance of education in the eyes of pupils and students, as well as improving the educational system of the Russian Federation. Discussion: improving the regulatory approach to socio-economic spheres in a pandemic. Ways to improve the business environment. Discussion of entrepreneurship problems and ways to solve them. Pros and cons of distance learning and work format. Consideration of issues related to the protection of human rights. Providing teachers and educators with recommendations for the implementation of their work activities. Results: exchange of experience and knowledge of economic development, science and education. Increasing the confidence of young people in government bodies. Ways to improve the business environment. Gaining experience in entrepreneurial education. Publication of reports in the collection of scientific papers.
A.V. Nikitina, M.G. Napalkova, E.N. Basov, G.G. Vukovich
Changes in the HR system in the coronacrisis environment
Keywords: digitalization, modernization, coronacrisis, contact centers, resource optimization, personnel management, customer service, motivation, involvement of staff.
Purpose: to consider the main trends and innovations in the field of personnel management during the post-crisis pandemic. Discussion: the conference was attended by speakers of such well-known companies as BEAC, Alfa-Bank, Rostelecom, CallTraffic, VTB. The event was initiated by the SSGuru Community of Professionals together with the International Institute for Certification of Contact Centers. All the most significant issues were presented by the speakers in the form of presentations, followed by a discussion of the most pressing issues of the conference participants. More than 600 people took part in the conference. The event was held in two formats: in-person offline format at the Holiday Inn Sokolniki Hotel in Moscow at 24 Rusakovskaya Street and in a remote online format. Special attention was paid to the discussion of the organization of the work of remotely employed employees and measures to optimize it. During the two-day period of the conference, new realities of the contact center industry, digitalization and modernization of processes taking place in companies, as well as the main directions of optimization in the field of personnel management on the example of contact centers were considered. All the most significant issues were presented by the speakers in the form of presentations, followed by a discussion of the most pressing issues of the conference participants. Special attention was paid to the discussion of the organization of the work of remotely employed employees and measures to optimize it. The result of the conference was a demonstration of changes in the field of personnel management in the context of digitalization using the example of contact centers and identifying specific areas that contribute to optimizing work in the coronacrisis environment.
S.V. Semenova, I.S. Voroshilova, G.G. Vukovich, A.V. Nikitina
Digital technologies in business: problems and ways of their solution based on HR analytics
Keywords: digitalization, corporate culture, personnel management, digital personnel, online education, artificial intelligence, digital globalization, personnel consulting.
Purpose: to consider the main directions of the development of innovative technologies as a tool for personnel consulting, to outline the importance of building business processes to improve the efficiency of personnel management at the stage of a pandemic. Discussion: participation in the international forum “Step into the Future” 1,115 participants, including leading specialists from domestic and foreign IT companies, such as: “Rostec”, “Lanit”, “Knowledge Dialogues”, PJSC MTS, Loginom Company. The conference was attended by 42 universities and representatives of 16 countries. The conference was initiated by the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics with the support of the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media, the Ministry of Science and Education of the Russian Federation, as well as the Department of Entrepreneurship and Innovative Development of the city of Moscow. The key topic of the conference over the course of two days was a discussion of the features and new developments in the field of artificial intelligence and the digital economy. Result: the event takes place in the context of the implementation of digital economy projects and the digital economy staff. Today, the number of Internet users is growing, there is an increase in the digital literacy of the population. The conditions of the modern world dictate the need for the use of digital services in business and personnel management.
YU.A. Abrosimova, K.V. Bykova, I.V. Bobreshova
Environmental marketing: implementing green strategies or greenwashing
Keywords: green marketing, green strategies, marketing strategies, greenwashing, organic food, consumers, innovation, governing bodies.
Purpose: to consider the possibility of companies using the concept of “environmental marketing”, to study the attractiveness of the market for “green” strategies, as well as the problems of its development. Discussion: the article substantiates the role of economic marketing in the activities of companies at the present stage of management, dictated by the adoption of sustainable development attitudes, focus on environmental and social effects, in addition to the desire to make a profit. The growth of the market for environmental goods and consumer interest in such products has been demonstrated. The main guidelines for the development of “green” marketing strategies are considered, such a phenomenon as greenwashing is characterized. Results: it was concluded that greenwashing is the initial phase of developing “green” marketing strategies and, when requested by society and controlled by governing bodies, it is transformed into a variation of environmental marketing for productive and mutually beneficial work with partners and consumers.