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O.V. Baykova

Organizational and economic aspects adaptations of the russian educational system according to the model «nti university 20.35»

Keywords: economics of higher education, management model of the University, personnel management, NTI 20.35 University, University 3.0, digital economy, University management, budget financing of the University.


Purpose: to consider the classical models of university management and develop, on this basis and taking into account
prevailing trends in education new management models. Discussion: the ever-growing demands of employers to train new personnel for the digital economy, the requirements formulated in the National Program “Digital Economy of the Russian Federation” changed not only the vector of education, but also influenced the mission of educational institutions. Today, a trained bachelor or master should have not only the skills of a specialist and researcher, but also entrepreneurial skills. In this regard, the Agency for Strategic Initiatives, together with the Skolkovo University, have developed a new paradigm for the university of the future. However, the changing teaching model and approaches to education require not only reengineering of educational processes. It is necessary to change the managerial model of the university, its organizational structure, and the approach to financing research. Results: the organizational structure of the third generation university is proposed.

K.A. Barmuta

Public-private partnership as a factor

of sustainable development of industrial enterprises

Keywords: sustainability, industrial enterprises, public-private partnerships, mechanisms, economic zones, investment contracts, development area, economic crisis, unemployment rate.


Goal: to study public-private partnership as a factor of sustainable development of industrial enterprises. Discussion: the article presents the author’s definition of sustainable development of industrial enterprises, which differs from the existing ones by the relationship of its concept with the system of balanced indicators. The main mechanisms of public-private partnership used to ensure the sustainable development of enterprises in the industrial sector of the region and the direction of their improvement are described. The analysis of publications of domestic and foreign authors has shown that at the present time there is no unified approach to the definition of the category “sustainability of an industrial enterprise”. In the context of eliminating the consequences of the economic crisis that affected all sectors of the national economy, including industry, an urgent task is to develop the main directions for ensuring the sustainable development of industrial enterprises that are adequate to modern economic realities. Results: thus, it can be concluded that ensuring the sustainable development of industrial enterprises is a complex issue that is solved on the basis of interaction between the state and the private sector using various mechanisms that adequately reflect the current socio-economic situation in the country and its regional subsystems.

O.V. Bogatyreva, I.Yu. Lopatina

Formation of an effective management system for motivating

and stimulating the work of commercial company personnel

Keywords: management system, commercial company, labor efficiency, personnel motivation, labor incentives, competitiveness, motivation management, incentive expediency, labor productivity.


Objective: to analyze the formation of an effective motivation management system and stimulation of the work of the commercial company’s personnel. Discussion: the article is devoted to the study of the factors of effective use of personnel of commercial companies in the Krasnodar region. Based on the analysis of the essence of “motivation” and “stimulation” of the personnel of the commercial companies from the standpoint of the systemic-functional approach to the study defined the functions of a control system of motivation and stimulation of personnel of a commercial company, justified the maintenance of an optimal management system of motivation and stimulation of labour, its efficiency and effectiveness. The main theoretical conclusions and provisions of this study can be used in the management of commercial organizations in the Krasnodar region and other regions of Russia. Results: further improvement of the motivation management system and stimulation of staff work by increasing the efficiency of management control over the implementation of labor productivity standards, compliance with incentive measures in full, will contribute to revenue growth, cost optimization and profit growth of a commercial company.

N.V. Vachrusheva, L.A. Vinskovskaja, V.J. Pavlovskaja, I.A. Raevich

Actual problems of spatial-territorial development

of the russian federation and tools of their diagnostics

Keywords: regional economy, spatial and territorial development, socio-economic problems, problematic locations, social unrest, regulatory framework, infrastructure barriers, geostrategic territories.


Purpose: to study the urgent problems of the spatial and territorial development of the Russian Federation and the tools for their diagnosis. Discussion: the article conducted a scientific search for relevant approaches and methods to study the features and patterns of spatial and territorial development within the regions, federal districts and the Russian Federation; as a whole, analyzed well-known techniques and international methodological approaches to the diagnosis of regional socio-economic problems and situations, formulated conclusion about the need for significant modernization of the existing tools for monitoring and research of regional and municipal problems s situations and sources of their occurrence, in relation to the specific problem locations, already had experience of social unrest and upheaval as an extreme form of instability of socio-economic processes. Results: the circumstances justified the need for significant modernization of the existing tools for monitoring and researching regional and municipal problem situations and the sources of their occurrence, especially in terms of specific locations that already had experience of social unrest and upheaval as an extreme form of instability of socio-economic processes.

V.V. Volkova, I.A. Musatov, I.M. Kublin

Quality problems and implementation prospects ERP systems in an industrial enterprise

Keywords: ERP systems, information technologies, automated systems, accounting systems, automation, industrial enterprise, prospects, economic efficiency.


Objective: to identify quality problems and prospects for implementing ERP systems in an industrial enterprise. Discussion: technologies related to control automation have an impact on both the production sphere and the quality of products. The article deals with the transformations caused by the emergence of new information technologies that subsequently give an economic effect in the economic activity of an industrial enterprise. It describes the problems associated with the introduction of an ERP system in production and economic activities, as well as the prospects and problems of implementing an ERP system in the activities of an industrial enterprise, and presents a method for evaluating economic efficiency associated with the introduction of an ERP system. Results: one of the main factors that determines the need to implement an ERP system in an industrial enterprise is an assessment of the economic efficiency of the system implementation, which gives an understanding of whether the project is cost-effective, and shows how the company’s work with the end of the project to integrate an automated system can be effective from an economic point of view and affects further production activities.

T.V. Gaponenko, A.E. Malkhasyan

Estimation of the human resources management system based on the marketing approach

Keywords: personnel marketing, model 7P, labor market, labor force, employer rating, workforce, management decisions, personnel management.


Purpose: assessment of the personnel management system based on the marketing approach. Discussion: the relevance of the study lies in the fact that in the context of globalization, contributing to the free flow of labor and capital between macroeconomic systems, organizations face the problem of attracting and retaining qualified personnel. In the modern labor market, not only potential employees are evaluated, but also employers from the standpoint of the attractiveness of a job offer. A marketing approach to the study of the personnel management system is proposed, which involves assessing the position of the organization as an employer in the labor market. The aim of the article is to develop a methodology for evaluating an organization as an employer in the labor market based on the 7P marketing model. Results: an algorithm for implementing the methodology is presented, a system of indicators is developed to evaluate each of the seven complex elements of the 7P model. An example of the results of the practical application of the proposed methodology is presented. The methods of summarizing, grouping, comparing and summarizing used in the analysis of scientific literature on staff marketing are used. The technique was developed using scoring methods, focus groups, questionnaires. The practical application of the developed methodology will make it possible to assess the organization’s ability to be provided with the labor resources of the right quantity and quality on time, which is the key to maintaining the organization’s competitive position.

L.I. Gurfel, S.A. Kasjanova, V.J. Pavlovskaja, Z.A. Sharudina

Forecasts of regional and municipal social infrastructure development in krasnodar region in the context of strategic goals of regional human capital accumulation

Keywords: social infrastructure, infrastructure deficits, activation problems, infrastructure processes, intra-regional differents, social protection, Krasnodar territory, human capital.


Objective: to study the forecast of regional and municipal social infrastructure development in the Krasnodar region. Discussion: the scientific article presents forecasts for the growth of infrastructure provision for regional socio-economic processes planned for implementation in the Krasnodar region, and notes shortcomings that significantly limit the functionality and future significance of municipal development programs as a tool for systematically overcoming local infrastructure deficits. It is concluded that there is a need for a radical change in approaches to the development of the regional infrastructure component and the formation of an independent document of strategic planning of social and infrastructure orientation. Results: currently, the city’s social infrastructure facility has been transferred on concession terms to a private investor who has stated that it can be fully restored at his own expense, although this statement (according to the investor’s own assessment) is not supported by any design and estimate documentation, an investment project, or the results of public hearings or expertise. It should also be noted two system fault selected in the region of the trajectory of improving the infrastructural support of the population: a complete lack of regional investment projects of social and infrastructural orientation; complete lack of attention to the availability and the functioning of non-state social infrastructure, which is able to solve the problem of overcoming infrastructure deficiencies in already built up areas, increase the availability of the services local and regional social infrastructure, to provide breakthrough innovations in the quality of services.

B.A. Delenjan, E.G. Martirosjan, S.A. Morusov, T.B. Samarskaja

Territorial features of infrastructure provision in the regions of the southern federal district

Keywords: regional infrastructure, territorial features, infr astructure support, transport route, port infrastructure, financial result, depreciation of funds, GRP of territories.


Objective: to consider the territorial features of infrastructure provision in the regions of the southern Federal district. Discussion: the scientific article is devoted to the study of dynamics, factors and trends, as well as territorial features of infrastructure support for transport activities within the southern Federal district of the Krasnodar territory. The conclusion is made about the stability of infrastructure and functional processes and the need to introduce innovative solutions that can provide a significant economic effect in the economy of the macroregion. In accordance with the current editions of the “strategy of socio-economic development of the southern Federal district until 2020”, the area in question has a unique transportation and geographical position at the intersection of two global transport routes: the Volga-Caspian and TRANS-Siberian-black sea route, the use of which currently is characterized by significant reserves, including the formation of adequate and functional transport infrastructure is able to track and manage traffic flows of various magnitude and importance. Results: in the Russian Federation as a whole, the indicator of fixed assets of transport organizations per 1 sq. km of territory in 2017 increased by 18.8% compared to 2015 and by 9.5% compared to 2016.

V.E. Dovbysh, T.S. Popova, I.V. Mishugina, I.A. Plugin

Concept and features of industrial marketing

Keywords: industrial marketing, competition, industrial products, production and sales activities, manufacturer-marketer, production technologies, potential consumers, non-personal communications.


Purpose: to study the basics and specifics of industrial marketing, and its tools. Discussion: most businessmen who are engaged in industrial production of goods perceive themselves as producers, nothing more. By selling their products through retail chains or large distributors, they entrust the marketing of their products to other companies. The fact is that really big money is not in production, but in the promotion, distribution and sale of goods. Very often, you can hear from manufacturers that they have coped with the production technology, optimized and adjusted the operation of factories. Results: as soon as the manufacturer’s focus shifts, he begins to perceive himself as a marketer and behave like a seller of his product-the company’s profitability increases sharply, because the manufacturer-marketer initially thinks not only about how to make the product, but also how to sell it profitably and earn money. The combination of industrial production and marketing gives a good effect and leads to an increase in both profit and profitability of the enterprise and sales in General.

E.V. Zhertovskaya, M.V. Yakimenko

Development of recommendations on improvement of management

of development of tourist-recreational complex of territories in southern russia (by the example of krasnodar territory): cognitive approach

Keywords: tourism and recreation complex, cognitive approach, cluster approach, cognitive methodology, tourist protoclusters, asymmetry of territories, convergence, spatial development, tourism policy, digitalization of tourism.


Objective: to develop recommendations for improving the process of managing the development of tourist and recreational complexes in the South of Russia on the example of the Krasnodar region. Discussion: under conditions of uncertainty and instability of internal and external environment of the national tourist space and territorial differentiation of regions, strategy for the development of tourist-recreational complexes of the territories should be developed based on qualitative analysis of the factors of a problem situation and assess the possible positive and negative consequences of decisions using the methodology of simulation. As a tool for supporting management decision-making, the authors used a cognitive modeling and scenario research tool that allows predicting the behavior of complex systems. The study implemented the cognitive simulation development of tourist-recreational complex of the region towards innovation and sustainable development imperatives of socio-economic development of the territory based on impulse modeling and scenario studies. Results: the authors based on the cognitive approach carried out scenario forecasting of the development of tourist and recreational complexes in the South of Russia in terms of territorial differentiation. Testing a comprehensive methodological approach on the example of the territory of the South of Russia allowed us to develop recommendations for improving the process of managing the development of tourist and recreational clusters on the example of the Krasnodar region. The presented research results can be aimed at improving the approach to managing the development of tourist and recreational complexes of territories in terms of developing, forming an innovative development strategy and a comprehensive justification of the forecast tools for building scenarios for the innovative development of tourist and recreational clusters.

D.M. Zhuravlev, K.V. Chaadaev

Management of economic development of the region based on digital transformations

Keywords: innovations, strategic planning, management mechanisms, regional economy, reproduction complex, labor market, socio-economic system, digitalization.


Objective: to study the management of economic development in the region based on digital transformations. Discussion: the article deals with the development and practical application of a decision support system for analyzing the current situation, planning forms and methods of administrative and business support for regional development. The main functional tasks of the structural divisions of regional authorities and management responsible for the formation of long-term development plans and long-term target programs, which together make up the region’s strategy, are to determine priority directions of socio-economic policy, assess economic processes, and search for and justify managed factors that determine and set trends for achieving the set goals. The availability of appropriate mechanisms makes it possible to identify the necessary dependencies with a high degree of probability, identify real growth points, and use the calculation method to determine the most promising areas of modernization and development, as well as to create prerequisites for improving the regulatory environment. Results: the applied research is based on the General principles of regional strategizing and reflects the provisions formed taking into account international and domestic experience in the development of management systems for macroeconomic processes using modern information technologies. The processes of regional strategizing are considered in the projection of the model of the socio-economic system of the region, considered as a structure that includes a number of Autonomous subsystems, each of which is characterized by certain objectively measurable indicators. The functionality is proposed and the basic aspects of implementing a software application are considered. the results of this application provide decision-makers with the information necessary for developing a regional development strategy.

P.P. Kapustin, A.S. Medvedeva, I.V. Mishugina, T.S. Popova (Kachanova)

Functional and marketing features of unemployment as one of the main problems of modern economic development

Keyword: unemployment, economy, earnings, state, mar keting features, economic development, innovative methods, national product.


Goal: to study unemployment and its impact not only on the economy of a single state, but also on the entire world economy. Discussion: this paper discusses the main types and varieties of unemployment and provides the points of view of foreign economic researchers. The main problems and factors affecting unemployment are described, and the implementation of measures aimed at reducing the unemployment crisis is studied on the example of not only Russia, but also foreign countries. Results: it is necessary to conduct a thorough monitoring of regional employment registers, analyze effective measures to reduce unemployment, focus on innovative methods of reducing unemployment, and reduce the state tax burden. Regional and Federal projects are an important part of eliminating unemployment. When developing a Federal and regional employment program, it is necessary to take into account the specifics of these regions. As a result of this work, we can make a logical conclusion that unemployment has significant consequences not only on the economic but also on the social elements of the state, so the government is using all possible measures to reduce the unemployment rate, improve the economic spheres and attractiveness for investment in the Russian economy.

I.M. Kuznetchova, A.A. Markushina, S.A. Morusov, I.A. Raevich

Functioning and development of single-profile localized economic systems as a spatial phenomenon and a systemic regional problem

Keywords: regional economy, spatially localized systems, socio-economic systems, single-industry towns, diagnostics, problem situations, municipal level, regional level.


Objective: to study the functioning and development of single-industry localized economic systems as a spatial phenomenon. Discussion: the article presents and critically analyzes modern approaches to the study of the phenomenon of functioning and development of single-industry towns as part of spatially localized economic systems, and as an independent such system. The prerequisites, types and features of the formation of a single-industry city as a component of the social infrastructure of spatially localized territorial production systems and complexes, problems and risks of their functioning and development, methods and tools for research and diagnostics, as well as goals, tasks, models and tools for development management are considered. The conclusion is made about the need for further improvement of methods and tools for research and diagnostics of socio-economic problems of single-profile municipalities. Results: summing up, we formulate the following conclusions regarding the scientific support of the processes of functioning and development of single-industry towns, which are a systemic spatial phenomenon and are characterized by risk and the presence of a significant number of problems in the course of municipal socio-economic processes: causes, features of formation and typology of single-industry towns are among the most studied theoretical scientific concepts and allow to justify the place and socio-economic significance of the city as a part of spatially localized territorial production systems and complexes.

D.D. Kushnir, A.A. Maksaev, I.A. Shumakova, A.A. Voronov

Features of the implementation of the marketing research function in the local markets of educational services

Keywords: field of study, applicant, higher education, Economics, academic load, marketing research, local markets, educational services.


Purpose: to identify the respondents ‘ preferences of the directions, forms and places of study in the context of the second higher education provided by higher education Institutions in Krasnodar. Discussion: interpreting the data obtained from the research results, it can be argued that for modern applicants in choosing the direction, form and place of study, the fundamental criteria are the possibility of combining work and training, choosing the most popular areas of training in the market, and the prestige of the University with the possibility of obtaining an affordable education. Results: the most attractive areas of training in the second higher education, according to respondents, are still: Economics and law, but with an emphasis on digitalization and commercialization of business. Form of learning, the most attractive is still – by correspondence, and among the most attractive Universities in the city, remain Kuban state University, Kuban state technological University Kuban state agrarian University named after I. T. Trubilin, oldest Universities of the city.

E.V. Lehman

Harnessing the potential of localized infrastructure systems for economic management based on targeted regional programs

Keywords: import dependence, import substitution, beneficiaries, localized systems, infrastructure systems, target programs, regional programs, competitiveness.


Objective: to study the possibilities and prospects of using the potential of localized infrastructure systems in the management of the regional economy on the basis of targeted programs. Discussion: the scientific article is devoted to the study of import dependence management as a condition for balanced functioning and progressive development of the regions of the Russian Federation. The stability of their territorial economic functioning and development is quite amenable to restriction, regulation and reduction to the limits of safe and innovative open functioning, on the basis of targeted regional programs with the involvement of all subjects and beneficiaries of regional economic activity in the corresponding long-term system process. Results: the conclusion is made that there is a need for scientific justification and demand for the modernization of regional tools for managing the dynamics of import dependence as a significant limitation of the current regional economic activity. The increased resilience and autonomy of the spatial localized economic systems, the growth of subjectivity of the main beneficiaries of the regional level, targeted, systematic and comprehensive impact on the problem areas, which shows the available international experience accelerated regional development, can and should be offset by factors of the “new economic geography” of the second order on the basis of self-direction spatial strategy, with appropriate scientific justification and indicators of effectiveness of implementation of, both in terms of regional competitiveness and in the reproductive (long-term) aspect.

O.A. Lymareva, O.A. Balabanova, I.R. Zhemgurazova

Organization of management activities in the system personal management in the public service

Keywords: personnel management, public service, management system, public institution, motivation, human resources, personnel, management activities.


Objective: to consider the theoretical aspect of personnel management and, based on these aspects, to propose methods for improving the efficiency of personnel management. Discussion: human resources management plays a special role in the process of formation and development of management activities of civil servants. Consideration of the issue is relevant, since the process of organizing effective work is possible only if an appropriate legal and managerial framework is created that can manage personnel. The article examines the theoretical and legal aspects of the organization of management activities in the public service system. Results: based on the study, proposals will be formulated to improve the effectiveness of the personnel management system in a public institution. The research is based on the fact that improving personnel management, improving career management and introducing a clear incentive system allows increasing interest in public service, as well as improving the personnel management system as a whole.

O.A. Lymareva, A.A. Kozlovskaya, N.E. Zhukova

The role of corporate culture in the system of management of remote employees

Keywords: corporate culture, personnel management, remote employees, motivation system, freelancing, remote employees, qualified personnel, employee loyalty.


Purpose: to consider the concept of remote work in modern realities. Consider the specifics of the Russian and foreign labor markets in the aspect of remote work. Determine the role of corporate culture in the remote employee management system. Discussion: the article discusses the concept of remote work and analyzes the prospects for the development of this trend in the Russian labor market. The situation in other countries and in Russia is compared. The main areas of activity of remote employees and the problems faced by employers are considered. Results: corporate culture is an important aspect of any modern company and its correct retransmission can become a tool for increasing awareness of the internal HR brand of the organization. This is especially true for remote employees, who have a huge choice, unlimited by geographical boundaries.

O.V. Martinenko

Definition and tools of industrial marketing in modern conditions

Keywords: industrial production, industrial products, segmentation, marketing research, industrial marketing, industrial product, market conditions, business development.


Purpose: to determine the tools of industrial marketing in modern conditions. Discussion: the article describes the characteristics of marketing in the field of industry and describes its specific features. Industrial products are sold and promoted on the market using industrial marketing tools. Industrial marketing is the promotion of products and services that meet the needs of industrial enterprises. Although an industrial product has the same functional set of features as a regular retail product, it still requires a more global approach to research and promotion. In the industrial sphere, the conversation about marketing most often comes when the market situation threatens to negate the company’s efforts to develop the business for a long period up to this point. Results: the problem of B2B business is often the lack of flexibility to changing market conditions. The task of industrial marketing is to create a business strategy that would avoid problems in the future and bring the current product to a leading position.

O.V. Martinenko

Industrial marketing in Russia: features and prospects

Keywords: industrial market, industrial purpose, industrial marketing, competition, Russian business, consumer psychology, market globalization, customer mentality.


Purpose: to study the features and prospects of industrial marketing in Russia. Discussion: Russian Industrialists, thanks to state orders and long-term administrative and economic relations, did not need special technologies for promoting their products for a long time. This is especially evident in the example of companies working in the energy and electrical industries, where both manufacturers and consumers were famous for their conservatism. Only sharp changes in the country (market globalization, fierce competition, changing customer mentality) forced domestic manufacturers to turn to the experience of marketers. Results: marketing theory has been developing for almost 100 years and has a rich Arsenal of successful commercial schemes and consumer psychology research. However, even win-win practices in the consumer market can be ineffective if they are transferred to the industrial sector without taking into account its characteristics. In this regard, the article analyzes the specifics of B2B market marketing in relation to Russian practice.

A.S. Molchan, T.O. Tolstykh, A.Y. Nadaenko

Principles of ecosystem formation and development and their impact on industrial management strategy

Keywords: industrial management, economic development strategy, industrial ecosystems, life cycle, industrial community, system formation principles, classification of principles, collaboration.


Objective: to study the principles of formation and development of ecosystems at various stages of the life cycle. Discussion: the article presents approaches to defining and classifying the principles of ecosystem formation and development. The paper proposes a classification scheme for the principles of development and formation of ecosystems. Effective management of large-scale projects and processes that arise in the course of their operation is one of the most important tasks that arise in the modern realities of global globalization. Creating effective models and approaches for solving the above-mentioned problem is a new challenge for science. Results: the article considers various variations of the principles of formation and development of ecosystems. It is revealed that dynamism is one of the main properties of the principles, which allows them to play different roles and relate to different classifications depending on the stage of the life cycle and the strategy being implemented. It is advisable to classify the principles of ecosystem formation in three categories: system formation, development and growth, and sustainability, which have different priorities in accordance with certain stages of the ecosystem life cycle.

A.V. Nikitina, R.R. Mukuchyan, B.R. Khuazheva

Actual problems of protection of personal data of state servants

Keywords: public service, public servant, personal data, anti-corruption policy, municipal employees, unauthorized access, antivirus protection, public authority.


Purpose: to identify features and problematic aspects of personal data protection of state and municipal employees. Discussion: the article discusses the legal framework for the protection of personal data of civil servants, defines the features of the protection of personal data of civil servants, taking into account the need to implement anti-corruption policy. The main measures of personal data protection that are used in public administration bodies are analyzed. The practical organization of protection in the system of state administration of the Krasnodar region is considered. The results of control measures regarding compliance with the rules for processing and protection of personal data in the Krasnodar region are analyzed. Results: shortcomings and problems in the current system of protection of personal data of civil servants are identified and recommendations are made to overcome them. Thus, the development and improvement of the protection of personal data of civil servants is one of the priorities in the process of digitalization of the public administration system, which is of great importance for the national security and stability of the public service system of the Russian Federation.

M.A. Novak, E.I. Kozlova, M.YU. Karlova

Development of a model of the relationship between regional indicators of labor resources and gross regional product: theoretical aspect

Keywords: gross product, factors of influence, production function, labor resources, demographic factors, regional development, macroeconomic indicators, econometric modeling.


Purpose: to consider the features of building regional development models based on production functions. Discussion: in order to make competent and informed decisions within the framework of regional policy, it is necessary to clearly represent their effectiveness. One of the methodologies for obtaining a forecast of regional economic development is the output of the production function using time series. Results: the main approaches and problems that arise in the construction of econometric multidimensional models of regional development are studied. The problems of choosing the type of production functions, using available sources of regional statistics, determining the necessary set of factors that influence GRP and classifying them by their level of influence on the resulting indicator are considered. Further investigation of the proposed model using correlation and regression analysis methods will determine the degree of influence of factors of different levels on the resulting indicator of the public product.

K.N. Onishchenko, V.V. Verna, S.K. Onishchenko

State personnel policy in the field of health care

Keywords: state policy, personnel policy, health care, national projects, strategic development, primary link, health care, personnel support.


Objective: to identify trends and features of the development of the health care system of the Russian Federation in the formation of an effective state personnel policy. Discussion: the article considers the fundamental theses that characterize the state personnel policy in the field of health care, examines the issues of formation and development of effective personnel potential of health care, which should become a driving organizational, legal and managerial mechanism for implementing changes in health care. The problems of primary health care are analyzed, and significant shortcomings of the industry’s staffing are identified. Results: based on the identified need to reform the national health care system, improvement measures are proposed to improve efficiency and improve quantitative and qualitative industry indicators. The priority tasks of improving the health sector are defined, which include updating the approaches of personnel support, developing the material and technical base of medical institutions, improving and reforming the budget financing of the industry.

N.V. Polujanova

Issues of assessing the economic potential of regions in the framework of socio-economic policy implementation

Keywords: economic potential, socio-economic policy, infrastructure, labor processes, demographic criteria, market agents, investment attractiveness, cash income.


Objective: to analyze the issues of assessing the economic potential of regions in the framework of socio-economic policy. Discussion: the article examines existing approaches to assessing the economic potential of the region, which is in demand in the framework of regional socio-economic policy. Despite the large number presented in the scientific literature methods, the conclusion about the need for more accounting indicators of infrastructure and demographic characteristics of the region, with the multiplying and reduction factors for the use of infrastructure and community involvement in labor processes, and the impact of intangibles on the growth of the business climate in the region. Results: thus, for a full assessment of the region’s economic potential in the framework of a balanced regional socio-economic policy, it is necessary to take into account indicators that determine the entire range of production assets of market agents located in the region, reflect the infrastructure provision that contributes to the implementation of the region’s mobilization capabilities and the variety of factors related to the working-age population and characteristics of demographic criteria, increasing and decreasing coefficients of infrastructure use and population involvement in labor processes, as well as the impact of intangible assets on the growth of the business climate in the region.

E.E. Ponomarenko, E.A. Prohorova, D.A. Rozanov, O.S. ZHirina

Problems and prospects of economic modernization higher education in the context of digitalization

Keywords: digital economy, higher education, digitalization, University funding, online education, educational services market, University Economics, educational efficiency, information environment.


Objective: to consider the problems and prospects of modernizing the economy of higher education in the context of digitalization. Discussion: the positive aspects of the digital economy are analyzed, the ways of effective implementation of the digital economy in the education system are studied, and the significance of the main problems of modernization of the higher education economy is proved. In the modern world, the digital economy is being implemented in all spheres of human activity. Information technologies and education are not bypassed. New models of education suggest that the concept of learning will become a continuous process of learning throughout life. The most important problem of modernizing the economy of higher education is the organization of network interaction of participants in the market of educational services. Results: the current transformation of higher education reflects a number of positive trends that provide a wide range of alternative ways to acquire new knowledge.

E.E. Ponomarenko, E.A. Prohorova, D.A. Rozanov, A.V. Nikitina

Changing the model of higher education economics: features of transition in the conditions of digitalization

Keywords: University competitiveness, higher education, digitalization, University Economics, economic model, distance education, online courses, University funding, intellectual potential, innovative technologies.


Objective: to study the changes in the model of higher education Economics and the features of transition in the conditions of digitalization. Discussion: the types of distance higher education centers in Russia and modern teaching methods are considered. A comparative analysis of the growth of the cost of training in comparison with the growth of wages is carried out. The main direction of development in many countries of the world is the sphere of education. Today, the main focus is on the introduction of digital technologies and the development of new information educational services aimed at training specialists with appropriate qualifications. Now many people are wondering about the quality of higher education, which not only affects the intellectual potential of modern students, but also the national economy of the country. Results: in recent years, the possibility of obtaining distance education has been increasing. Higher education is becoming a management tool that forms the market for educational services with appropriate educational programs. Higher education institutions should implement digital learning directions, as they contribute to improving the quality of education through the use of modern technical means. It is the financing of projects on digitalization of higher education institutions at the expense of extra-budgetary funds that opens up prospects for the development of long-term digital education.

R.A. Popov, M.S. Arutunyan, CH.A. Sajnaroev, M.R. SHahiev

Organizational, economic and technological aspects of contemporary issues housing and civil engineering

Keywords: economic efficiency, housing and civil construction, construction technologies, large-panel housing construction, volume-block housing construction, housing renovation, construction complex, residential building.


Objective: to investigate the organizational, economic and technological aspects of modern housing and civil engineering. Discussion: in the conditions of increasing the economy regime, the need for organizational, economic and technological improvement of construction production, modernization of traditional methods of building construction and the introduction of such methods based on the latest achievements in the field of materials science, design and organization is growing. The article analyzes the organizational and technological processes in the field of housing and civil construction, examines the traditional technologies of building construction from a critical point of view, and evaluates the relevant implementation experience of construction industry enterprises in the Russian Federation and neighboring countries. Results: the Russian construction industry as a whole is developing in a progressive mode: the equipment and technologies of construction production are being improved; according to the new economic conditions are optimized organizational-economic interaction of participants of building complex, increase the quality of work and their efficiency – combine to provide a successful solution of the relevant production-economic tasks. Recent advances in material science, technical equipment of buildings, best practices of the housing construction plants form the basis for organizational and technological progress in the field of housing and civil construction.

R.A. Popov, A.S. Zobkova, K.G. Shkuratova, T.A. Maremkulov

Modeling of economic and technological processes for renovation of residential fund

Keywords: life cycle, housing renovation, investments, repair efficiency, network modeling, BIM-technologies, building renovation, repair and construction activities.


Purpose: to model the economic and technological processes of housing renovation. Discussion: the article discusses the modern economic and technological problems of the renovation of the housing stock of Russia. The large residential microdistricts of cities and towns formed since the 60s of the last century are entering the stage of mass reconstruction and major repairs, which necessitates new approaches to solving this problem that is expanding in the long term. Along with this, the need for updating and improving the comfort of residential and civil buildings, which are historical and architectural monuments, does not decrease. The development of construction technologies is a favorable basis for the success of solving this problem, while the corresponding management is somewhat complicated. Results: modern achievements in the field of network modeling, the development of BIM technologies contribute to the formulation of work in the field of housing renovation on a computerized basis, to optimize management, increase the efficiency of relevant investments. Оne of the promising solutions to this problem may be the clustering of contractors.

T.N. Sidorenko, V.R. Averyanova, T.O. Efimova, N.B. Yakusheva

Problems of innovation policy implementation in the system of consumer cooperation in Krasnodar region

Keywords: consumer cooperation, innovation policy, automation, category management, cooperative business, scientific and practical cooperation, business processes, national currency.


Purpose: to study the problems of implementing innovation policy in the system of consumer cooperation in the Krasnodar region. Discussion: the article describes the main directions of modern innovation policy of the Krasnodar regional Union of consumer cooperatives, societies and unions. The article deals with the problems faced by organizations of the consumer cooperation system of the region when implementing the cooperative innovation policy. The importance of implementing the results of research and development of researchers of the Krasnodar cooperative Institute for improving the efficiency of consumer cooperation enterprises in the region is noted. Results: thus, in a difficult economic situation, it is necessary to continue the development of consumer cooperation organizations in the region in order to prevent a decrease in the share of the system in the market. In times of crisis, it is advisable to focus on fast-paying and less costly projects to introduce innovations and improve business processes.

D.O. Skobelev

Developing the infrastructure for the resource and technological modernization of industry

Keywords: sustainable development, national goals, resource and technological transformation, industry, available technologies, expert community, economic transformation, highly qualified personnel.


Goal: to develop a scientific justification for building the infrastructure of resource and technological transformation of the Russian industry based on the principles of the best available technologies. Discussion: the article presents the results of building the transformation infrastructure. The relationship between the national goals and priorities of Russia’s development and the goals of sustainable development is traced. The role of the best available technologies in achieving a number of national and international goals is substantiated. It is shown that the transformation infrastructure should be built taking into account the requirements of legislative and regulatory acts on the basis of a single methodological base. The methodological base should be formed as a system of national standards developed for use in Russian conditions. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account both international experience and the possibility of using standards by other States in the transformation of the economy. Results: the authors Analyzed the functions of Federal Executive authorities and authorities of subjects of the Russian Federation, Bureau of best available technologies and expert community. The role of scientific and educational institutions in conducting research, training and improving the skills of personnel.

E.V. Sleptsova, S.I. Zhovanova

Peculiarities of personnel development in state authorities

Keywords: civil service, personnel development, personnel management, competence approach, employee competencies, managerial position, development programs, individual plans.


Purpose: to consider the features of personnel development in the public service system of the Russian Federation on the basis of scientific approaches and practical experience. Discussion: the article reveals the features of personnel development in state bodies; studies the problems of personnel development in the public service system; justifies the need to form the competencies of civil servants as the most important direction of personnel development. The problems of developing the personnel management system are particularly relevant, since it is the strategic approach in the formation of the personnel management system that allows the most effective use of the resources available to the organization and achieve the best results. Results: refined theoretical aspects of staff development taking into account the specifics of public service; the principles of development management staff in government agencies; identified problems of development management of personnel in public bodies; and the ways of solving the identified problems.

E.V. Sleptsova, B.R. Khuazheva

Problems of construction of personnel policy in the system of state service in the context of a modern approach to state governance

Keywords: civil service, civil servant, public administration, competence approach, personnel policy, personnel composition, personnel management, state management.


Purpose: to consider the features of the formation of the personnel of the state civil service of Russia on the basis of modern scientific approaches. Discussion: the democratization of society and the development of government institutions determine the need for state and municipal employees who meet qualitatively new requirements. The analysis of the current situation on the formation of the personnel structure of public service organizations of the Russian Federation is carried out; the importance of the competence approach as an integral element of the personnel management system is proved; the main stages of formation of the organization’s personnel structure are analyzed; the requirements for candidates for the position of a state civil servant are justified. Results: the proposed concept of “new state management” is based on the idea of introducing methods and technologies used in business structures into the practice of personnel work of the state civil service, which should help to increase the efficiency of personnel work, make it more flexible and adapted to modern requirements of the state service.

D.N. Shvidenko

Lean production tools in the quality management system of railway transport enterprises

Keywords: lean manufacturing, labor productivity, management system, railway transport, corporate culture, staff motivation, national system, Japanese model.


Purpose: to analyze the possibilities of using lean manufacturing tools in modern industrial production within the framework of a quality management system to ensure financial stability and increase work efficiency. Discussion: the quality management system and its main tools, including Lean – lean manufacturing, are one of those reserves, which, if properly implemented and implemented, can have a significant effect. The article discusses the problems of implementing lean manufacturing tools within the framework of a quality management system at domestic industrial enterprises. Results: results that demonstrate both problems and the positive experience of using lean manufacturing tools at railway enterprises prove the effectiveness of this concept in solving the main tasks of the quality management system – improving the quality of products (services), productivity and efficiency.

I.V. Shcherbakov

Human economic identity: essence and behavioral styles

Keywords: economic identity, institutions, internals, behavior style, transaction costs, economic behavior, institutional orders, introjected style.


Purpose: to analyze the economic identity of a person: the essence and styles of behavior. Discussion: the paper traces the transformation of the understanding of identity from a psychological and sociological phenomenon to its interpretation from an economic point of view, as the compliance of existing norms and rules with the ideal ideas of a person about them. The author’s understanding of identity from the position of a model of human behavior in the institutional economy, which is primarily focused on obtaining additional economic effects (internals) from the use of existing institutional arrangements of the organization, is proposed. Based on the modeling of human behavior in the new institutional economy and the psychological concept of self-determination, two main styles of economic behavior of a person are detailed, which are formed when the main regulator of his behavior is institutions. The first style of economic behavior is introjected, known in Economics as obedience, when an individual strictly follows institutional prescriptions. The second style, which is formed by identity, is characterized not so much by the knowledge of institutional prescriptions as by the use of them by the individual to obtain internals. Results: the widespread representation of identity in the sociological, psychological and economic literature as an individual’s acceptance and division of existing norms and rules does not strictly correspond to the understanding of the human model in Economics.

D.T. Gavryutina, O.B. Panteleeva

Analysis and forecasting of investment activity in the Russian Federation

Keywords: capital-forming investments, financial investments, public policy, investment activities, investor, cash, investments, management apparatus.


Objective: to analyze and forecast investment activity in the Russian Federation. Discussion: given the high rate of economic development both at the country level and in the international arena, it is necessary to provide additional incentives to the activities of economic entities. This can be done by financing various investment projects. Since the most common type of objects is fixed assets, a separate indicator was allocated that characterizes the level of investment processes in the country      – investments in fixed capital. Statistical data help determine the correct direction of state policy on the part of the governing body, as well as correct the wrong direction of development. Based on the indicator was the analysis of incoming investment in the country by ownership and implemented the forecasting of the index of investment in fixed capital by extrapolation. The values for Russia as a whole, as well as for domestic investors, were taken as a basis. Results: the study revealed that a significant proportion of investments come from private investors from Russia. There is a tendency to increase foreign revenues, which guarantees further growth of the economy in case of a lack of domestic investment. Speaking about the formed forecast, there is a positive trend in the considered indicators.

V.A. Grebennikova, E.I. Polyakov

Advantages and disadvantages of the optional incentive program top managers of the company

Keywords: option program, stock purchase, top management, motivation, stock market, company shares, stock market, financial results, referencing method.


Objective: to identify the pros and cons of the option incentive program for TOP managers of the company, taking into account the shift of employee interest from their individual benefit (bonus) to a more global-total profit, and to determine the most appropriate scope of its application. Discussion: based on the analysis of the scientific literature and the opinions of the practicing entrepreneurs, the article proves the importance of timely use of the option incentive program for employees in the context of minimizing the risks of demotivation. Results: the option program should be developed and implemented taking into account the stage of the company’s life cycle. It will be of interest to young companies that have just entered the market, and startups that at first have insufficient funds and, as a result, there are no opportunities to stimulate employees with bonuses and other financial benefits.

L.I. Gurfel, N.V. Laktionova, A.A. Maksaev, A.A. Chernik

Features of investment support promising regional activity socio-infrastructure in the Krasnodar region: education, health and social sector

Keywords: regional infrastructure, social infrastructure, investment support, long-term strategy, socio-economic development, Krasnodar region, education, health, social sector.


Objective: to analyze the features of investment support for promising regional activity of a social and infrastructure nature in the Krasnodar region. Discussion: the scientific article is devoted to the consideration and constructive analysis of the existing and implemented regional investment strategy in the context of the validity and reality of investment support for promising regional activity of a social and infrastructure nature. The advantages and disadvantages of the strategic planning document are identified, and the need to activate the regional investment process in the direction of modernization of the social and infrastructure component is noted. Results: thus, we note the presence of a specific and significant national economic task on a regional scale, related to the formation of a modern social infrastructure that can ensure the stability of regional and local settlement systems, increase the attractiveness of the region for incoming migration of human capital and keep its representatives planning to permanently leave its borders, and also contribute to solving the problem of generating and using regional human capital in the economy as the most scarce resource of the modern stage of development of the Krasnodar region.

E.V. Semenova, K.Y. Kopylova

Development of modern service systems for private investors in the securities market

Keywords: retail investors, securities, digitalization of the economy, Internet trading, risks, Bank of Russia, economy, securities.


Purpose: analysis of the development of modern systems for servicing private investors in the securities market. Discussion: the article analyzes the development of systems for servicing private investors in the securities market, namely, it considers the main measures for the development of the securities market developed by the Bank of Russia. The main problems that affect the current state of the Russian securities market are studied. Modern banking services, Russian and foreign programs intended for trading in the stock market are considered. Results: as a result of the study, the advantages and disadvantages of online trading and the risks associated with it, were identified. Measures for the further development of Internet trading systems are considered, which in turn will facilitate the penetration of financial services of the securities market among private investors.

N.V. Sokolova, А.К. Mimokhod, L.N. Khamzina, O.A. Snimshikova

Peculiarities of tourism and hotel enterprises monitoring and financial management

Keywords: financial management, tourism, hotel complex, financial management, number of rooms, room occupancy, rate of return, economic and statistical analysis.


Purpose: to analyze the directions and features of the organization of financial management at the enterprises of the tourism industry and to Supplement the methodology for monitoring their financial condition and management, taking into account the specifics of the tourism and hotel industry. Discussion: in the article, based on the analysis of the financial statements of the hotel complex, a set of coefficients is proposed that complement the assessment of the quality of financial management of enterprises in the tourism sector, taking into account the industry specifics. Results: the assessment of the quality of financial management of the company under study based on the proposed additional set of coefficients allowed us to conclude that the hotel room stock is low and, as a result, the loss of part of the potential revenue, which is reflected in the financial results. Based on the results obtained, we made recommendations for improving the financial management of enterprises in the tourism and hotel sector.

A.V. Averin, Yu.O. Ivanova, A.G. Petukhov

Organization of international sporting events as a factor of infrastructural development and economic growth of regions

Keywords: international events, sports events, regional development, infrastructure, competitiveness, infrastructure development, economic growth, management model.


Objective: to consider the impact of international sports events on Russian cities and regions, their infrastructure development and economic growth. Discussion: in recent years, the study of the effect of international sports events has become a very relevant topic for research and discussion. Results: determining the high degree of positive impact of large-scale sports events on the economy of countries in General and on their individual regions in particular. The authors analyzed the effect of such events and gave recommendations for improving public policy in this direction. It is determined that not always such events can be recouped in the short term, but the long-term socio-economic effect is most important for the country. It is proved that Sochi, Kazan, and Saransk are examples of cities that have received a significant boost for their development thanks to the events held there.

D.N. Beresnev

Main trends and best marketing practices of educational services export in the context of countries ‘ rating

Keywords: trends, export of services, leaders, new “players”, rating ratings, higher education, “soft power”, educational services.


Objective: to study the main trends and best marketing practices of the export of educational services in the context of rating countries. Discussion: the authors of the article analyze the current situation in the sphere of export of educational services and formulate the main trends manifested in this segment of the market, consisting in increasing the influence of state structures and the development of specialized programs at the state level to promote the export of education. There was also an increase in competition in this market segment between traditional leaders and new “players” who are implementing best practices for the development of education exports. The efforts made in Russia in this direction are determined. It also identifies difficulties in positioning Russia as a world scientific and educational center, due to low indicators in the world rating system, which implies the adoption of targeted operational measures to overcome this negative trend. Results: it should be noted that the main trends in the export segment of educational services are the growth of interest in this sector on the part of government agencies in almost all countries involved in this process. In fact, the state policy of developing educational systems and attracting foreign students is being implemented.

O.G. Vandina

Improving the technological structure of investment investments as a condition for increasing the efficiency of enterprises in the Russian Federation

Keywords: technology platforms, investment investments, enterprise efficiency, advanced technologies, large business, economic forum, innovation ecosystem, high-tech industries.


Objective: to analyze possible ways to improve the technological structure of investment as a condition for increasing the efficiency of enterprises in the Russian Federation. Discussion: the forum “Global technological leadership” discussed issues of forming state technological policy and cooperation to achieve Russian leadership in global markets. The forum is organized by RVC and the NTI Platform with the support of the Russian Government. The event is dedicated to the introduction of advanced end-to-end technologies in high-tech industries. The Forum will host “stress tests” and presentations of “road maps” for the development of high-tech areas based on end-to-end technologies, strategic sessions with state corporations, presentations of technology consortia, and discussions of the National technology initiative community. Results: in Russia, a number of programs and initiatives are already being implemented at the state level to support high-tech industries, open new markets, and stimulate scientific and technological development of enterprises in order to create conditions for global leadership. The process of building an integrated innovation platform of the state continues, but at this stage we can analyze the experience of the past years, the effectiveness and inefficiency of domestic business.

A.V. Nikitina, R.R. Mukuchyan, E.A. Tremilya

Peculiarities of personnel management international companies south of Russia

Keywords: HR management, international companies, HR managers, HR trends, employment diversification, human resources, HR leadership, employer brand, employment, organization competitiveness.


Purpose: consider the features of personnel management of international companies in the south of Russia. Discussion: HR managers of Russian and foreign companies, employees of the Regional Public Chamber, the Administration of the Krasnodar Territory and Kuban universities attended the conference. The main purpose of the conference was to discuss the following issues: forming an employer brand; preparing talent for business; the specifics of diversifying the employment of people with disabilities with mental disabilities; digitalization and business transformation; HR leadership. Results: the use of new technologies is not enough for the development of the company. The competitiveness of the organization is determined precisely by human resources. Managers do not always pay due attention to the “personal issue”, which is detrimental to the company. There is a significant gap between the experience of personnel management in Russian and international companies. This conference is a platform for exchanging experience in the field of personnel management and assessing the potential of a human resource, the effectiveness of building interaction between the company’s management, its personnel and the labor market.

R.R. Mukuchyan, K.O. Litvinskij

Modern business optimization technologies: features of strategic management in recreational areas

Keywords: optimization technologies, strategic management, recreational territories, business support, Republic of Crimea, forum speakers, promotion of franchise projects, economic development.


Purpose: to consider modern business optimization technologies: features of strategic management in recreational areas. Discussion: the forum was attended by more than a thousand entrepreneurs. The events are organized jointly with the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea and the Ministry of economic development of the Republic of Crimea. Within the framework of the forum program, representatives from different spheres spoke about effective methods of business promotion, strategies that are focused on increasing revenues and reducing costs, as well as on optimizing business. Results: the Speakers raised issues of creating a successful brand, tactics of development as a separate enterprise, and promotion of franchise projects. The topics of effective methods of product development and launch were raised. Regional features and problems of business development in Crimea were discussed. Master classes, project presentations, a section on women’s entrepreneurship, as well as consulting points from business support institutes were organized at the forum sites.

I.V. Bardina

Affordable fintech: opportunities and new questions

Keywords: financial accessibility, fintech, digital Finance, financial stability, financial risks, financial institutions, information and communication technologies, investments.


Objective: to examine the advantages and disadvantages of digital Finance and the fintech paradigm and formulate relevant issues for the digital economy that require further discussion. Discussion: the article deals with topics related to digital Finance, a subject area whose problems are reflected in the literature, but, nevertheless, have not yet been studied in detail. Digital Finance and its accessibility offer a number of advantages to both service consumers and providers, as well as to governments and the economy as a whole. Despite this, there are still a number of issues that can make digital Finance a more effective tool for individuals, businesses, and the state. The issues of digital services in the financial sector discussed in this article are relevant to all activities carried out in the financial sector using information and communication technologies and aimed at increasing the availability of such services in countries with developing and underdeveloped economies. Results: the advantages and disadvantages of digital financial services are formulated, and the problems of fintech availability are described. The article attempts to focus on the prospects for the use of digital financial technologies, the spread of which is one of the consequences of digitalization of the economy.