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A.P. Andrunik, A.S. Afonin-Terzijski
Trends and features of the labor market development in modern Russia
Keywords: labor market, personnel shortage, workforce, employment, crisis, personnel selection, marketing promotion, sanctions period.
Purpose: to consider the current state of the Russian labor market and the influence of geopolitical tensions in the country on it, the main factors of the consequences of this influence, incl. changes in labor force size and employment structure; provide a brief overview of the opinions and recommendations of scientists, specialists and labor market experts on issues of adaptation to the current situation, including a description of trends, prospects for the development of the labor market and useful options for finding missing candidates; formulate the advantages and disadvantages of non-standard employment. Discussion: Currently, due to the development of Internet technologies and mobile communications, precarious employment has become widespread and is often characterized by a decrease in the social security of workers. And therefore, the modern labor market requires increased attention, a detailed study of this area and the development of adequate measures to provide alternatively employed citizens with proper rights and guarantees. Results: modern trends towards expanding the workforce require effective mitigation of forms of adaptation of the labor market to the economic crisis, changes in approaches to hiring employees, staff retention, which is the main strategy of most companies, and the establishment of new approaches to motivation for effective work activity through training and advanced training , improving skills and competencies, obtaining a sought-after related profession, connecting businesses to “growing” personnel for themselves and restructuring internal processes.
A.I. Arshinova
Socio-economic effectiveness of russian schools: quality of educational services at the stage of intellectualization of labor
Keywords: correlation analysis, strategizing methodology, educational services, human potential, quality of services, economic efficiency, Unified State Examination, secondary education, school education, competence, competitiveness, labor market, skills, knowledge economy.
Purpose: to study the quality of educational services at the stage of intellectualization of work in modern Russian schools. Discussion: currently, the issue of competitiveness of educational services, not only at higher, but also at earlier educational levels, is of particular importance. The article is devoted to the issue of quantitative measurement of the quality of educational services in Russian schools. The most logical approach here seems to be a measurement based on USE performance. Results: analysis of the relationship between the quality of educational services and economic indicators confirmed that GRP per capita in the regions of Russia has little effect on the results of the Unified State Examination, measured through the average score. It is shown that neither educational standards nor methods of national or international surveys of the quality of education have proven the connection between their results and the “economic efficiency” of school graduates.
M.-E.I. Akhmadov
Substantiation of imperatives and development of modernization directions for the development of regional and sectoral economies based on digitalization
Keywords: economics, industry, regional development, digitalization, regional economy, sectoral economics, digital technologies, export, production automation.
Purpose: to substantiate the key imperatives of modernization and ensuring the long-term development of regional industrial systems based on the application of digitalization. Discussion: In modern conditions, a study aimed at determining the imperatives of modernization and ensuring the long-term development of regional systems, including industrial ones, is becoming particularly relevant. The monographic, the method of complex analysis, statistical, graphical, observations and others were chosen as research methods. Results: as a result of the research, the conclusion is formulated that automation of industrial enterprises and the introduction of digital management practices is a guarantee of modernization and increased mobility in management decision-making, variability of industrial enterprises’ production processes and orientation to the enterprise’s customer base, which will bring the economy of the industry and the region as a whole on the “rails” of sustainable development.
A.R. Ahmetshina, A.V. Abramova
Sustainable development of the regional economy through the use of lean manufacturing technology by the subjects of administrative-territorial units (on the example of the republic of Tatarstan)
Keywords: sustainable development, economic management, regional economics, scientific management, lean production, efficiency improvement, operational efficiency, development projects.
Purpose: to trace the sustainable development of the regional economy through the use of lean production technology by subjects of administrative-territorial units (using the example of the Republic of Tatarstan). Discussion: the sustainable development of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and their administrative-territorial units must be ensured. In our opinion, lean manufacturing is one of the most effective and low-cost technologies for sustainable development. The article presents the dynamics of socio-economic indicators of the development of the state, the stages, conditions and effects of technology implementation. Results: the article shows the dynamics of socio-economic indicators of the development of the state, the stages and conditions for the effective implementation of technology for administrative-territorial units. The article presents the mechanism of improving the position of municipal districts and urban districts of the Republic of Tatarstan in the rating of socio-economic development through the implementation of targeted projects. Promising effects of lean manufacturing for sustainable development of the regional economy.
V.A. Bondarenko, M.YA. Veprikova, V.A. Larionov, N.V. Przhedeckaya
Features of marketing activities and management of the hotel sector of the RF in the post-pandemic period
Keywords: hotels, post-pandemic period, tourists, preferences, hotels, prospects, marketing activities, hotel sector.
Purpose: to conduct a study of the situation in the Russian hotel services market in order to understand the emerging trends and substantiate possible prospects. Discussion: in the article, the authors analyzed the dynamics of incoming tourists arriving in Russia for various purposes, the dynamics of the number of hotels and other collective accommodation facilities, as well as their structure. Currently, domestic tourism is actively developing in Russia, and the most popular destinations (regions) in 2022 were Moscow, St. Petersburg and the Krasnodar Territory. Results: during the period considered by the authors within the framework of analytical comparisons, there was an increase in the hotel room stock, and the number of Russian tourists using hotel services increased. The number of foreign tourists has sharply decreased, it is clarified that the increase in the number of rooms in the regions of Russia is mainly represented by means of collective accommodation “without stars”, which can be defined as a potential prolongation of difficulties, since Russian consumers want to improve the quality of the services received.
V.A. Bondarenko, S.S. Galazova
Features of consumer behavior: classical approaches and current interpretation
Keywords: consumers, behavior, satisfaction, trends, standard of living, rationalization of choice, competition, consumer demand.
Purpose: to conduct a study of the emerging features of consumer behavior at the present time in correlation with the classical approaches to its interpretation described in theory. Discussion: Currently, society, thanks to the active popularization of the sustainable development agenda and the adoption of its value guidelines, has become committed to limiting the consumption of goods and services by companies that do not demonstrate sufficient social and environmental commitment within the framework of their business processes. Accordingly, to a certain extent, a shift away from the model of consumption intensification towards rationalization of consumer choice began to be observed. Results: consumers around the world and in Russia implement multidirectional behavioral trajectories, since, in addition to rationalizing choice, they show a tendency to impulse purchases, which is explained by the complicated economic and political situation, chronic stress experienced by members of society, which stimulates the growth of consumption on an emotional basis. It is clarified that in the future there will be psychological adaptation to the impact of negative information from the media, awareness of life in a new geopolitical reality, which will lead to a kind of calm and stabilization of behavior, which will cause a return to rational motives of consumption.
N.V. Vasilenko, A.V. Kulik
Sustainable development: theoretical approaches and principles
Keywords: sustainable development, three-pronged approach, ESG, development principles, ecological environment, enterprises, socio-economic relations, development strategies.
Purpose: to study the development of the theoretical foundations of sustainable development, allowing us to develop approaches to the study of the strategy of sustainable development of the state at the macro level and enterprises at the micro level, based on comparative analysis and generalization of theoretical approaches and principles. Discussion: the article is devoted to the study of sustainable development as a concept aimed at finding balance and equilibrium in achieving the goals of meeting the needs of society, business, and nature. The relevance of the study is determined by the multifaceted nature of the concept of “sustainable development” and the abundance of approaches used to study it. The scientific novelty of the research is to eliminate the gap in the relationship of activities implemented at the macro level of states, the level of mature large corporations and enterprises, as well as individual initiatives of small and medium-sized businesses. To achieve this goal, the methods of theorization, formalization, analysis, synthesis, generalization, induction, classification are applied. The classification of approaches to the study of sustainable development at the macro-level of the state and the micro-level of enterprises is proposed. The main characteristics of comparing different approaches to sustainable development are revealed. General principles of sustainable development are formulated in the context of the balance between economic, social and environmental aspects. Their importance for the implementation of the concept of sustainable development as the most important fundamental theoretical basis for finding a balance while preserving the environment, observing the set rates of socio-economic growth, permanent improvement of the effectiveness of management models of society and business entities is shown.
K.A. Voronina, A.A. Poroshin
The evolution of Russian oil industry (1900-2022)
Keywords: fuel and energy complex, oil industry, primary energy, energy production, energy consumption, export, oil, oil exports, “big oil”, “tight oil”.
Purpose: to assess the quantitative parameters of the historic development of the oil industry of the Russian Empire, the USSR and Russia. Discussion: three phases can be indicated in the evolution of the Russian oil industry: “first oil” when this fossil fuel turned from useless to strategic and scarce; “big oil” when oil turned from scarce into abundant, while retaining its strategic value; and “tight oil” when it becomes scarce once more, with its role in energy sector being eclipsed by its petrochemical importance. Results: key physical metrics of the Russian energy industry and oil industry in particular were indicated; a respective statistical database was prepared; the dynamics of the industry as well as their underlying reasons were figured out; forecasts for future were made on the basis of understanding the industry’s previous dynamics.
A.N. Golovina, A.A. Timoshin, K.A. Tret’yakov
Sustainability as the basis for the functioning of industrial enterprises
Keywords: sustainability, development, enterprise, sustainable enterprise, operating mechanism, technological sovereignty, labor productivity, competitiveness.
Purpose: to conduct a study of sustainability indicators on the activities of industrial enterprises and consider the possibilities of maintaining their sustainable development within the framework of recommended measures. Discussion: the article analyzes the current state of scientific research on the terminology of sustainability and derives the most significant provisions based on its results. The specific features of the term “sustainability” within the industry are considered. The theoretical foundations of the study of sustainability are based on its analysis in various sciences, each of which allows us to determine its features from different angles. This is ensured by designating the most rational indicators of this concept and highlighting significant components. Results: as part of the study of issues of improving the efficiency of industrial enterprises, it is necessary to consider the possibilities of maintaining the proper level of their sustainability, depending on the conditions.
A.V. Gorbenko
Modeling of interaction between the subjects of the electric power market in hard-to-reach and northern territories of Russia
Keywords: competitiveness, modeling, cognitive map, energy strategy, artificial intelligence, fuel and energy complex, northern territories, hard-to-reach territories.
Purpose: building a conceptual model of the electric power market of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation, based on the balance of interests of its main participants in relation to the goals of sustainable regional development. Discussion: The article analyzes the trends and conditions of sustainable development of hard-to-reach and northern territories of the Russian Federation, including the Arctic zone and the Far Eastern region. An analysis of the relationship between the divergent interests of the subjects of the electric power market and the goals of sustainable development of the region is carried out. The key factors of sustainable development of the region and the priority goals of the participants of the electric power market are identified on the basis of expert assessments and statistical data. Results: A model of interaction between the subjects of the electric power market of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation is proposed on the basis of the construction of a fuzzy cognitive map, methods of system analysis and generalization. The scientific novelty of the work lies in the development of a methodological approach that allows harmonizing the interests of the subjects of the electric power market with the goals of sustainable regional development.
A.V. Gorelkina
Analysis of methodological approaches and tools for the formation of an effective business model of the functioning of the media holding
Keywords: media market, media product, media industry, business process modeling, content, digital technologies, software products, strategic management.
Purpose: to analyze and generalize methodological approaches to the formation of an effective business model for the functioning of a media holding. Discussion: various methodological approaches to the formation of an effective business model for the functioning of a media holding are considered. The emergence of digital technologies and the Internet have led to the need to change traditional business models. External political risks have led to additional difficulties in the media market. Traditional business models need to change. The author’s grouping of methodological approaches based on the generalization of theoretical research is proposed. Firstly, approaches that are based on the theory of project management, business planning, forming a business model based on the internal processes of media holding. Secondly, methodological approaches based on taking into account external changes, which change the media business and lead to a transition from a traditional business model to a multimedia business model of media holding. Results: the basic concepts, methods, tools for building business models of companies in strategic management and their application to the media business are considered, which made it possible to generalize methodological approaches to the formation of a business model of the functioning of a media holding.
D.E. Danilov
Low-carbon trend of long-term industry strategies at the stage of formation of technological sovereignty in the Russian economy
Keywords: low-carbon development, strategy, economic growth, greenhouse gases, sustainable development, technological sovereignty, industry strategies, energy complex.
Purpose: to identify how industry strategies take into account low-carbon trend in the context of the introduction of restrictive measures against the Russian economy. Discussion: the research indicates the analysis of industry documents, some of which adapt to the approval of the corresponding strategy for the socio-economic development of Russian Federation for the period until 2050. This article shows the sensitivity of industries with the highest volume of greenhouse gas emissions to investment flows. However, in order to ensure technological sovereignty, the Government of the Russian Federation approves the Concept of Technological Development, which also takes into account the low-carbon trend. Results: the relation the concept and industry strategic planning documents was identified in the context of the energy transition of the Russian economy in connection with need to ensuring technological sovereignty and sustainable development for the long term.
I.F. Dedkova, V.D. Gorshenina
Development of leadership qualities of a manager as a condition for increasing the efficiency of the personnel management system
Keywords: leadership, manager, stakeholders, organizational effectiveness, personnel management, labor collective, matrix of interests, labor behavior, norms behavior.
Purpose: to study the influence of a manager’s leadership qualities on the possibility of changing the labor behavior of employees of an organization. Discussion: the basis of an organization’s personnel management is the management of each employee, taking into account his interests, influence and work behavior. A modern leader must fully possess leadership qualities. Existing personnel management methods must have the necessary tools to fully minimize the manager’s risks and allow him to demonstrate his leadership qualities. Results: the use of the proposed matrix of interests will allow the manager to create a register of stakeholders and minimize the risks of destructive labor behavior. Thus, we have proven that the presence of leadership qualities in a manager creates the opportunity for him to effectively influence the labor behavior of employees.
N.V. Dobaeva
Stability parameters of functional and product model of medicinal support for remote territories of the region
Keywords: sustainable development, development models, regional development, public-private partnership, drug supply, product distribution, social sphere, ESG paradigm.
Purpose: justification of mechanisms for sustainable medicinal provision of remote territories of the region. Discussion: drug supply to remote territories of the regions of Russia is not currently being implemented in sufficient volume due to the lack of interest of the pharmacy business in working in these territories. Results: key parameters for building a new infrastructure of commodity movement are proposed, the creation and operation of which must be carried out by joint efforts of business and regional authorities, for which the existing forms of public-private partnership must be supplemented with mechanisms that ensure the implementation of the functional and product model of drug supply to remote territories, based on the functioning of personal channels of commodity movement and electronic ordering of medicines. The form of implementation of public-private partnership is a consortium, the parameters of the functioning of which are determined on the basis of a specially developed functional and product model. The implementation of this model will significantly increase the stability of the drug supply of the region and will affect the increase in the stability of the entire social sphere of the region.
M.G. Ezhova, D.E. Gavrilov, D.A. Gavrishov
Economic aspects of beauty industry development
Keywords: beauty industry, barbershop, price level, profit, payback period, men’s hairdressing salon, investment, quality of services.
Purpose: to study trends in the development of the beauty industry in the segment of men’s hairdressing salons in Russia as a whole and in a separate region – the city of Nizhny Tagil, Sverdlovsk region. Discussion: the authors made an attempt to analyze the relevance of the emergence and success of the development of new formats for providing services in the beauty industry. The emphasis is on men’s beauty salons – barbershops. Results: an analysis of the barbershop market in Nizhny Tagil was carried out according to the period of their presence on the market, price categories, rating among consumers of services, availability in the information space, barbershops occupying leading positions in the market were identified, an analysis of the price level for barbershop services was carried out depending on qualifications masters, conclusions were drawn about the prospects for the development of barbershops in the regional market.
D.P. Eremin, V.V. Morokishko, A.A. Volosatova
Environmental performance enhancement programme as a factor of sustainable industrial development
Keywords: sustainable development, environmental efficiency, integrated permit, environmental permit, interdepartmental interaction, mandatory requirements, public dialogue, responsible production.
Purpose: The purpose of the article lies in (1) identification of the key components of the sustainable development of the Russian industrial sector and (2) justification of the key role played by the Interdepartmental Commission for the Review of Environmental Performance Enhancement Programmes as a tool for promoting environmental and technological transformation based on Best Available Techniques. Discussion: The article discusses government incentive measures in the field of industrial development and regulations related to the protection and prevention or minimization of the negative industrial impact on the environment. The authors analyse the Environmental Performance Enhancement Programme review procedure from the interdepartmental interaction point of view, allowing combining the effort and experience of various departments, expert community and public representatives to achieve a common sustainable development goals. Result: The key component of the industrial environmental and technological transformation system is the Environmental Performance Enhancement Programme, a systematic plan that defines specific stages and deadlines, as well as the required resources and techniques needed to improve the environmental and resource efficiency of the certain industrial installation.
O.V. Kaznina
Using environmental marketing tools in the tourism industry
Keywords: sustainable development, greening of business, environmental marketing, green marketing, eco-tourism, “sustainable” tourism, greenwashing, positioning, sustainability.
Purpose: To explore issues related to the practical application of environmental marketing principles in the hospitality industry. Discussion: in modern conditions, the Russian tourism industry faces the global task of increasing the competitiveness of hotels to stimulate domestic tourism, increase loyalty and image of Russian cities and create territorial brands of individual regions. In addition to reducing the environmental footprint, sustainable initiatives in the tourism industry play an important role in attracting new customers, as modern generations pay great attention to environmental issues. Results: companies in the tourism industry need to think about greening their business, adjusting all their activities, in general, and marketing, in particular, to modern principles of sustainable development, changing these principles also in the minds of consumers of products and services, creating new standards for business practices and promoting such a concept as eco-tourism.
A.V. Karanda
Assessment of the level of green orientation of the southern federal district regions: comparative analysis of the decoupling coefficient
Keywords: green economy, decoupling, decoupling coefficient, socio-ecological-economic development, region, air pollution, pollution indicators, environmental economics.
Purpose: comparison of the level of socio-ecological and economic development of the regions of the Southern Federal District to justify the need to introduce green economy mechanisms. Discussion: within the framework of the study, the author substantiates the priority use of the decoupling coefficient, which will allow assessing the degree of impact of regional development on the state of the environment on the example of indicators of atmospheric air pollution. In the course of the study, an integral indicator of the decoupling coefficient was developed and weight coefficients based on the MPC norms were justified, which will allow a more representative comparative analysis of regions in dynamics. Results: the calculation of the integral indicator made it possible to classify the regions of the Southern Federal District into groups from the position of the degree of anthropogenic pressure on ecosystems to achieve economic results. The value of the integral indicator allows us to note that the Republic of Crimea is characterized by a negligible impact of economic development on the state of the environment, which, according to the author, can be leveled by focusing on the “green” agenda within the framework of strategic regional planning.
V.YU. Karpenko, T.A. Dzhum, E.V. Barashkina, A.S. Sazonova
Tourist potential of the region and marketing tools for its implementation
Keywords: region, marketing tools, tourism, tourist complexes, hospitality industry, tourist flows, investment projects, travel company.
Purpose: to study the tourism potential of the region and marketing tools for its implementation. Discussion: one of the characteristic trends in the development of the tourism and hotel business of the Russian Federation is the desire to increase the volume of both domestic and inbound tourist flows. The article examines the tourism potential of the Magadan region: the best travel companies in the region are presented, the categories of tourists and the number of applications realized by travel agencies in the Magadan region are studied, statistical data on collective accommodation facilities is provided, and the strengths and weaknesses of the region’s tourism activities are reflected. Results: to realize the potential of the Magadan region, the priority direction of its development is tourism, aimed at creating a competitive tourism sector in the region, as well as targeted, systematic and organized activities for training and advanced training of personnel, especially guides and instructors responsible for the quality and safety of tours with active means of transportation, taking into account the difficult and harsh natural conditions of the region. The implementation of major investment projects in the tourism industry will increase the incoming tourist flow of the Magadan region by 2.5 times.
A.V. Keller, O.P. Startseva
Economy of sustainable development: conceptual approach
Keywords: sustainable development, ESG economics, public-private partnership, flexible networks, high-tech manufacturing, blue economy, green economy, low-carbon economy, quality of life, human capital, innovation.
Purpose: to consider conceptual approaches in the study of the economics of sustainable development. Discussion: the relevance of the topic of sustainable development and its scholarly novelty are confirmed by the goals and objectives facing the development of the state, society, and business today in the context of the global challenge to build a smart national economy based on the concept of sustainable development. Making part of history, this concept endows today’s economic reforms aimed at creating a post-industrial society and building an economy relying on the principles of sustainable development with a different meaning and actualizes their content and purpose. The authors outline the approaches that help solve the issues of advancement of sustainable development economy. Additionally, they study and characterize the main problems and peculiarities of the concept of “sustainable, stable, or progressive socio-economic development” based on the principles of traditional economy, which ultimately leads to a conflict of interests of the state, society, and nature. Results: based on the highlighted problems and application of the conceptual approach, the authors propose a model of sustainable development economy, i.e. ESG-economy, revealing a high innovation potential of flexible networks of small and medium-sized high-tech industries on a new technological basis, which gives a completely different retrospective of the economy. The principles of the approach from global to local and from general to particular make it possible to change the perspective from the national economy to the economy of the region and city, from sectoral economy to the economy of a particular enterprise and project. This research fits into the new agenda of transformation of working enterprises and creation of enterprises with qualitatively new content based on the principles of sustainable development.
E.V. Kletskova
New approaches to evaluating investment projects and programs in industry
Keywords: assessment, investment projects, investment programs, investment of funds, industrial enterprises, share price, efficiency, investment attractiveness, economic feasibility, production process.
Purpose: to consider the features of the development of the joint-stock form of investment in industrial enterprises and ways to increase the efficiency of industrial production. Discussion: since industrial enterprises are interested in the fact that income from rising stock prices often exceeds direct income from business activities, a new direction is opening up for industrial enterprises – increasing profits. Statistics show that industrial enterprises with high rates of growth in value become more attractive to a wide range of financial investors. Results: the application of the concept of forecasting performance indicators of projects and programs makes it possible for industrial enterprises to carry out cost management aimed at increasing the investment attractiveness of an industrial enterprise through innovative development, which is fully consistent with industrial development programs and increasing its competitiveness.
N.G. Kobozeva, V.Y. Petrenko
Marketing and operational problems of development of the market for transportation of perishable goods in the Russian Federation
Keywords: railway transport, transportation market, transport marketing, logistics, transportation, perishable goods, isothermal train, rolling stock, continuous chain.
Purpose: to study the marketing and operational problems of developing the market for the transportation of perishable goods in the Russian Federation. Discussion: for the well-being of any country, it is extremely important to ensure its food security and high quality of life of the population. The main measures that need to be taken to achieve these goals are maintaining a continuous cold chain during the delivery and storage of perishable goods, most of which are food products. This requires modern isothermal rolling stock and the corresponding infrastructure, as well as government support in the field of production and transportation tariffs. Results: the authors summarize that railway transport, as the most environmentally friendly and reliable, should take its rightful high place in the market for the transportation of perishable goods and contribute to ensuring the country’s food security. The result should be an increase in the volume of transportation of perishable goods and the production of domestic isothermal rolling stock and containers.
A.V. Konovalova, A.V. Mamonova, V.V. Minenkova, D.V. Sidorova
Tourism as a factor in sustainable development arctic territories of Russia
Keywords: Arctic, Arctic zone, Arctic territories, Arctic regions, Arctic tourism, territory potential, tourist and recreational potential, sustainable development, sustainable tourism.
Purpose: to assess the opportunities and conditions for sustainable development of tourism in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation as an economic sector, taking into account the tourist and recreational potential of the Arctic territories. Discussion: the territorial boundaries of the Arctic regions of Russia were considered, their potential for tourism development was investigated, an analysis of the current level of tourism development in the Arctic regions was carried out, and its role in shaping the income of regions geographically related to the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation was concluded based on statistical data. Results: it was established that the level of tourism development in the regions belonging to the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation is highly differentiated, regions have been identified for which tourism in the non-visible future will become one of the sectors of the economy that can develop sustainably, key directions for tourism development in the Arctic have been formulated, methodological problems of accounting for tourists in the Arctic regions.
A.A. Kopchenov, JU.V. Lysenko, N.S. Sogrina
Justification of the basis for calculating the indicators of regional specialization
Keywords: regional economy, specialization, localization coefficient, agriculture, production location, labor resources, standard of living, food market.
Purpose: the indicators of regional specialization analysis and justification of the base for these indicators calculation. Discussion: the review of the implementation of specialization indicators to the agricultural sector of a region is carried out; the choice of the localization coefficient calculated based on comparing the shares of the industry in the GRP structure of the region and the country is justified; the changes in the correlation coefficient of agricultural production indices and gross regional product in the regions of the Ural and Siberian Federal Districts for the periods 2004-2016 and 2016-2021 are compared; in the second analyzed time interval, in contrast to the first one, the absence of a noticeably distinct trend in changing the values of this indicator was revealed; the values of the coefficient of variation of the values of the indices of agricultural production and gross regional product are calculated. Results: when analyzing regional specialization, it is necessary to consider the presence of large regions, forming most of the GRP; there was found the greater instability in the volume of agricultural production compared with other components of GRP; it is proposed to calculate the localization coefficient based on the average values of the industry shares in the aggregate of regions.
T.YU. Ksenofontova, K.R. Fomina
Strategies of differentiated, undifferentiated and concentrated marketing in market positioning of regions
Keywords: marketing strategy, concentrated marketing, differentiated marketing, undifferentiated marketing, regional marketing, positioning, unique characteristics, region.
Purpose: to consider strategies for differentiated, undifferentiated and concentrated marketing of regions. Discussion: the article analyzes the processes of adaptation characteristics and considers the possibilities of introducing innovative marketing tools as part of the development of the concept of ensuring favorable dynamics of all indicators of business and marketing activity of the regions, including with the aim of minimizing risks in providing adaptation mechanisms to factors of the external and internal environment in a global instability, economic sanctions and restrictions. Results: the authors substantiate their own point of view, which is that the implementation of regional positioning tools within the framework of territorial marketing should help attract investment capital to the region through the potential satisfaction of the needs of target investors, the creation of a regional brand/image and a system of positive unique parameters and characteristics of the region in order to formation of competitive advantage.
A.V. Kurnosov
«Controlled compression» of economic space as a strategy of adaptation to the existing reality
Keywords: space compression, socio-economic space, communicative compression, physical compression, single-industry towns, population depopulation, territorial development, agriculture.
Purpose: to review approaches to the essence of controlled compression and on this basis, based on an analysis of the current situation in the region, to justify the need to take into account regional characteristics when developing various strategies for territorial development. Discussion: various approaches to the concepts of space compression, controlled compression and practical experience in relation to single-industry towns in Russia and abroad are considered. On the example of the Kemerovo region-Kuzbass and the city of Belovo, calculations were carried out that make it possible to assess communicative and physical compression. Results: On the example of the Kemerovo region-Kuzbass and the city of Belovo, features of controlled compression were revealed, which makes it possible to make a conclusion – the economic space is shrinking, and the territory can develop. The hypothesis was confirmed about the need to take into account the existing reality when developing a strategy for the territorial development of the region.
L.B. Leonova, A.V. Fedorov, A.G. Mokronosov
Existing business models adapted for the sector of housing and communal services
Keywords: business model, digitalization, service sector, housing and communal services, servitization, customization, consumers, infrastructure.
Purpose: to study existing business models and adapt them for the housing and communal services sector. Discussion: the relevance of increasing the competitiveness of enterprises in the housing and communal services sector is beyond doubt, since their consumers are the entire population of the country. The business models studied were mainly previously applied only to the industrial sector. For the housing and communal services sector, for the first time, an attempt was made to adapt them to bring a rather problematic area to a new innovative level using its digitalization and servicization. The article examines existing business models of enterprises: product-oriented, platform-oriented, project-oriented and solution-oriented. A brief description of them is given and the possibility of adaptation for enterprises in the housing and communal services sector is proposed. Results: it was revealed that product- and platform-oriented models can be used for resource supply and management of multi-apartment residential buildings, and project- and solution-oriented models should and can be used for management of individual housing construction. At the same time, the project-oriented model can be partially implemented for the housing and communal services sector and in apartment buildings. The housing and communal services sector must be competitive and will be helped in this by the digitalization of the economy and servicization of the sphere, which will allow the interests of the consumer to be the basis and adjusted to their individual needs.
N.V. Leonova, K.A. Novikov, B.A. Tkhorikov
Designing advertising creatives: methods and performance assessments
Keywords: cognitive sciences, neuromarketing, advertising creatives, advertising creation, marketing channels, consumer goods, target audience, marketing communication.
Purpose: to review possible methods and tools for advertising design and evaluation. Discussion: The article describes methods that allow you to generate advertising creatives for various marketing communication channels using cognitive tools. In particular, the concept of “cultural code”, the VAAL method of psychological examination of advertising texts, the EmoDetect human emotion recognition system, EEG (electroencephalography), Eye Tracker, Biometrics, the S.APP.FIR method, the TRIZ Method, ChatGPT, the theory of solving inventive problems, the method ZMET, Semantic mapping method. Areas and possibilities of their application are analyzed. Results: the use of psychological and neurophysiological methods in the process of designing advertising creatives and their evaluation at various stages of creating an advertising message allows us to generate consumer interest, control emotional involvement and create a positive attitude towards advertised consumer goods. The priority in this direction, according to the authors, are methods for objectively assessing the response of respondents, which include neurophysiological methods.
A.V. Mamonova, V.V. Minenkova, A.V. Konovalova, M.O. Kucher
Sustainable tourism: principles and approaches
Keywords: sustainable development, tourism, tourism activities, the impact of tourism, attractiveness of the territory, evaluation criteria, economic aspect, social aspect, environmental aspect, sustainability.
Purpose: to study sustainable tourism to identify compliance and relationship with the goals of the UN Concept of Sustainable Development. Discussion: taking into account the interconnection of the triune system of sustainable development (economics, social sphere and ecology), analyze the criteria for assessing tourism activities, which can reveal the sustainability of various types of tourism activities. Results: the authors analyzed the positive and negative impact of tourism activities on various spheres of human life and society as a whole, identified a connection with the main directions of sustainable development, and identified types of tourism that better meet the goals of sustainability. Considering the needs of tourism consumers, the industry as a whole, the environment and the population of host areas, consideration of its current as well as future economic, social and political implications for sustainable tourism should be mandatory.
S.I. Mezhov, M.G. Krayushkin
Improvement of the regional socio-economic development planning system in the context of a methodological approach to forecasting demographic processes
Keywords: regional system, planning system, artificial intelligence, neural networks, forecasting, model error, one-year ages, population.
Purpose: development of theoretical and methodological provisions and tools based on them for improving the regional system of planning socio-economic development in the context of forecasting demographic processes by one-year-olds based on artificial intelligence. Discussion: a meaningful analysis of the researchers’ work has shown that artificial intelligence models, including neural network models, are practically not used in predicting demographic processes, a neural network population forecast built only by one-year-olds, and not in general for all ages and age groups, has significant value for planning socio-economic development; in turn, The queue models of artificial neural networks are the most adaptive, which increases the accuracy of forecasting. Results: a neural network methodological approach, methodology and tools for demographic forecasting by one-year age are proposed, recommendations are formed for the development of the budget of the Altai Territory, as well as recommendations for adjusting the strategy of socio-economic development of the Altai Territory until 2035, and other planning documents for socio-economic development of the Altai Territory.
L.P. Mokrova
Patterns and uniqueness of the crisis: industry-specific features of sports organizations
Keywords: crisis, crisis management, systemic causes, unique causes, socio-economic systems, sports organizations, anti-crisis strategy, business, digital transformation.
Purpose: to consider the industry characteristics of sports organizations during a crisis period. Discussion: the current economic and social situation confronts organizations with the need to radically reconsider the future prospects for the development of their activities. With the help of effective crisis management tools: flexible management of the organization’s strategy, review of personnel policies, re-evaluation of budgets, development of short-term and adjustments to long-term plans – the organization will be able not only to get out of the crisis, but also to strengthen its position in the market in the context of an increasing general crisis situation . Of interest is the peculiarities of the manifestation of patterns of manifestation and management of crisis situations using the example of various regions and territories. Results: the study presents the characteristics of sports industry organizations. Sport is the development of not only physical abilities and skills, but, first of all, spiritual formation. A person can express himself in sports, realizing his goals and sharing life positions. Sport is an excellent guide to a decent life: having both physical and mental health and condition. The state is interested in the development of sports for various reasons. They are the influence of the sports movement on the image of the country, raising a healthy generation, and involving the population in socially positive activities. The sports industry has distinct features due to its social significance and the presence of a high share of intangible assets. However, like all socio-economic systems, sports organizations go through all stages of the life cycle, including crisis.
V.I. Naidenkov, I.M. Kublin, A.E. Vostrikov, V.Y. Petrenko
The impact of the sanctions regime on the marketing activity and economic activity of domestic companies
Keywords: international markets, international marketing, international sanctions, economic threats, banks, Russian Federation, consequences of sanctions, production and economic activities.
Purpose: to become familiar with the mechanism of action of sanctions, to consider the possible consequences of their violation, to study the history and various aspects of overcoming sanctions. Discussion: the article examines the types of sanctions imposed against Russia and provides a comparative analysis of the implementation of the sanctions policies of the EU and the United States. The article discusses the negative consequences for markets and the country’s economy that may arise as a result of their use. The authors emphasize the importance of in-depth study of this problem, because sanctions policy against Russia has a serious impact on the marketing environment, economic, economic and political situation in the world. Results: business needs to understand the nature of sanctions in order to more effectively overcome the consequences for industry and the economy caused by external restrictive measures. The article is intended for specialists interested in international politics and economics, international marketing, as well as for experts in the field of international relations and business.
A.O. Nikitenko
Factors and conditions of deepening polarization in the spatial development of the economy and means of its prevention
Keywords: economy, regional economy, economic space, spatial economy, spatial polarization, uneven development, conditions of polarization, socio-economic development.
Purpose: to clarify and systematize the conceptual and methodological aspects of various states of interregional differentiation – polarization, asymmetry, unevenness, gradient – as well as to generalize the existing factorial conditions that produce an intensification of the processes of uneven spatially associated socio-economic development of territories. Discussion: the article is devoted to the issue of considering the factors and conditions for the formation and deepening of spatial polarization and socio-economic asymmetry of regional development. The article shows the essential differences in the various stages of growth of interterritorial (interregional) differentiation, generalizes the primary and secondary reasons for its formation and development. Results: it was concluded that in the absence of a targeted regional policy to counteract the deepening asymmetry and polarization in the spatial and economic structure of the regions, irreversible changes occur that negatively affect the economic system and social sphere of society, leading to destruction and dysfunction in macro-regional economic mechanisms. In the applied aspect, the use of scientific knowledge about the factors and conditions for the formation and development of spatial polarization and socio-economic asymmetry in the development of the regional economy can be focused on preventing its critical manifestations and timely prevention of negative and destructive processes caused by this phenomenon. The study may be useful for the regional management system in the development and implementation of regional economic policy, as well as for scientific and expert circles as an epistemological basis and a retrospective basis for similar research.
A.Y. Podchufarov, A.L. Rybas, S.S. Vanina, A.N. Galkina
Competitiveness factors of the russian energy industry under global trends in the hydrogen market development
Keywords: energy transformation, hydrogen energy, competitiveness factors, ICC model, scenario analysis, technology cluster, promising technologies, hydrogen market.
Purpose: the purpose of the article is to investigate the prerequisites and dependencies determining the development of hydrogen energy, to analyze possible scenarios and justify effective ways to develop domestic industry enterprises in the emerging global market for hydrogen energy technologies and resources. Discussion: an analysis of the global hydrogen market development until 2050 and the structure of the value-added chain (VAC) of hydrogen energy was conducted, and forecast scenarios for the participation of domestic industry enterprises in the VAC were formulated. For each stage of the VAC, the limitations to be considered were justified, and a forecast of the Russian industry indicators due to entering the global hydrogen market is made. According to the results obtained, an approach to the priority stages of hydrogen technologies development in the Russian Federation based on creating an intersectoral cluster is suggested, and tools for its implementation are proposed. Results: the results of the presented study allow us to draw conclusions about the presence in the Russian Federation of the required prerequisites for the national industry to achieve a competitive position in the emerging international hydrogen market. The feasibility of developing experimental technological solutions based on the principles of in-depth inter-industry cooperation in the format of scalable inter-industry clusters of promising energy technologies and a set of development programs aimed at ensuring a sustainable and efficient supply of electricity, heat and fuel to remote areas using small nuclear power plants is substantiated.
O.V. Prushchak, N.A. Kireeva, I.M. Kublin, N.N. Kosivtsov
Ensuring technological sovereignty as a condition for the sustainable development of the Russian agro-industrial complex
Keywords: technological sovereignty, food security, agrarian-industrial complex, sustainable development, digitalization of the economy, agri-food policy, competitiveness, investment.
Purpose: substantiation of the need to develop scientific and practical recommendations related to ensuring the technological sovereignty of the domestic agro-industrial complex. Discussion: in accordance with the purpose of the study, a set of systemic measures is justified that should be aimed at maintaining the technological sovereignty of the country’s agro-industrial complex, which will have a positive impact on the technological safety of the Russian agro-industrial complex, the efficiency and sustainability of its development. Results: the considered approaches to ensuring technological sovereignty make it possible to comprehensively assess sustainable development in the agro-industrial production system, to identify critical areas where it is possible to concentrate the efforts of entrepreneurial businesses to solve the problems of import substitution. One of the most important tasks in the formation of technological sovereignty should be competent and systematic policies at various levels of government and business decision-making with support for institutional and infrastructural reforms that will stimulate the sustainable development of the country and sectors of the national economy.
S.N. Reznikov, T.O. Grafova, A.N. Kononov
Foreign trade protectionism and localization of the full production cycle: problematic aspects of accounting and analytical support for the development of production chains in the Russian pharmaceutical industry
Keywords: import, pharmaceutical industry, analysis, accounting and analytical support, profit, profitability, competition, global chains.
Purpose: to reveal the institutional and market features of the modern transformation of the domestic pharmaceutical industry in the process of strategically calibrated development and subsidization of pharmaceutical companies and chemical enterprises, the transition of which to the full cycle of drug production will require the development of adaptive tools for accounting and analytical support for the processes of distribution of added value and a controlled shift in the center of value accumulation (profit ). Discussion: localization and the full production cycle of drugs within the framework of subsidizing the expansion of domestic small-scale chemical capacities along the entire perimeter of the value chain create no less a problem of assessing and accounting for the distribution of added value, balancing the profit parity itself within individual links, the distribution of which due to subsidies is not “purely” market or natural. Results: the gradual development of drug exports will create the need for an accounting division of added value for the production of products for the purpose of selling them on the domestic market of the Russian Federation and for selling on the foreign market. At the same time, localizing the synthesis of substances at individual domestic enterprises will virtually eliminate the need to take into account added value created in other countries.
M.A. Rybalko, A.S. Astahin
The marketing complex of universities in the modern conditions of higher education in Russia
Keywords: marketing complex, universities, reform, objectives of universities, marketing tools, personnel training, sanctions realities, innovation activities.
Purpose: to master various ways of interpreting higher education reforms from the point of view of correcting the marketing mixes used by universities in order to understand their popular format and content when constructing a model for the development of higher education in Russia in the current realities. Discussion: changes in the functioning capabilities of domestic universities, adjustments to the tasks facing them, imply changes in the involved marketing tools used when interacting with partners and target audiences of consumers. This actualizes the need to consider higher education reforms and appropriate adjustments to the marketing tools used by universities. Results: conclusions were drawn about the need to build a university marketing complex, in addition to the educational direction, along the research track and in the format of the university’s implementation of its “third mission” – a social, cultural and innovative agenda in the development of the region, which universities help build their model of competitive advantages.
E.S. Siverceva, N.G. Kobozeva, A.A. Ivankova, M.YA. Veprikova
Investigation of the peculiarities of logistics systems management in railway transport: digitalization of inspection activities
Keywords: cost savings, investments, economic security, competitive environment, economic effect, transport inspection, railway transport, innovative technologies, logistics optimization, logistics systems, inspection activities, logistics coordination, profitability.
Purpose: to conduct an economic justification for the mechanism for introducing innovative technologies aimed at the rational use of railway transport resources and management of operational logistics activities. Discussion: in the process of performing the work, methods of visualization, comparative analysis, analogy, and generalization were used. The article substantiates the advantages of using unmanned aerial vehicles in the logistics of the railway transport industry, and also examines the possible stages of introducing new equipment into the logistics activities of Russian Railways. Results: during the study, the theoretical and applied features of managing supply targets in railway transport were clarified. Implementing a project to simplify the supply management system and remotely inspect railway tracks requires investment in purchased equipment and specialists with skills in working with UAVs and the ability to evaluate the information transmitted by this device.
S.E. Trofimov
Theoretical general scientific approaches in the scientific research of state regulation of the oil and gas complex
Keywords: government regulation, oil and gas complex, theoretical research, methodology, general scientific approaches, system-functional approach, Sixth technological paradigm, advanced development.
Purpose: to explore the second level of the structure of theoretical research methodology – general scientific approaches. Discussion: regarding the study of state regulation of the oil and gas complex, various approaches and methodological techniques are considered, the choice of a system-functional approach is scientifically determined. In the context of the emergence of the digital economy and the Sixth technological order, this makes it possible to connect disparate factors, direct them to achieve the set targets, and develop new theoretical and methodological provisions, which will subsequently be implemented in practice. The methodology allows you to organize a number of disparate events and phenomena that do not fit together, but have a direct or indirect impact on the final results. Within the framework of methodological approaches based on dialectical principles, the paradigm of historical materialism is highlighted, combining formational and subjective approaches. Results: the interaction and combination of methodological approaches allows you to structure the research, summarize existing facts and positions, correlate them with a scientific hypothesis, on the basis of which it is possible to prove or disprove your own assumption, in which the scientific provisions being developed will be the connecting links. They must have a practical component, be able to be implemented in practice, and in some cases be applicable to other sectors of the economy. The theoretical and methodological provisions of the research reveal the essence of the studied object, its current state, causes, directions of development and their substantiation, as well as the purpose of the research.
O.YU. Frantsisko, A.S. Molchan
Automation of assessment of the level of economic security of the enterprise by components of determinants
Keywords: automation, software, assessment, economic security, determinants, enterprise, working time, integral indicators.
Purpose: to consider the issues of assessing the level of economic security of an enterprise according to its constituent determinants. Discussion: the article substantiates that assessing the level of economic security of an enterprise is extremely necessary in modern conditions. To carry it out, various methodological approaches are used, one of the directions is obtaining results in the form of a system of determinants. The article proposes to use a software tool that allows assessing the level of economic security according to the constituent determinants: personnel, technical and technological, resource and production. The functionality of the program is presented. Results: the use of the software proposed in the article makes it possible to more effectively carry out predictive procedures for assessing the level of economic security of the analyzed enterprise, reduce the cost of working time, and make the assessment process as comfortable and accessible as possible for ordinary specialists.
I.S. Kholohoev
Ensuring sustainable development regional economies in an adaptive economy
Keywords: economics, sustainable development, region, adaptive economy, regional system, socio-economic system, quality of life, adaptation.
Purpose: to analyze the adaptation of the regional economy to determine the key factors of sustainable development. Discussion: in today’s conditions, many regions and some economic sectors need to be able to quickly adapt to changing conditions of the market environment in order to be competitive and survive in conditions of instability in the market, not forgetting that the world does not stand still – new technologies, changing consumer tastes. Adaptability is a component that is a key condition for the well-being of society. Therefore, the main directions of research are the identification of key factors in the adaptation of industries and, in general, the regional economy to changes in economic conditions based on the use of methods of scientific analysis and generalization of scientific publications. Results: special attention is paid to such factors as the existing business model and economic institutions. The scientific and practical significance of the work lies in identifying the dependence of the stability of the regional economy on external and internal conditions and factors.
E.E. Shvakov, A.YU. Shamkov
Social policy of a modern organization, its content and implementation concepts
Keywords: social climate, social sphere, social protection, social services, social partnership, social policy, population, external stakeholders, social guarantees, social responsibility.
Purpose: to study the content and concepts of implementing the social policy of a modern organization. Discussion: the implementation of social policy is an indispensable attribute of every modern organization. At the same time, its content and the list of measures to support employees of organizations and the social events and projects they implement vary significantly. Based on a study of legislative requirements for the content of social policy, approaches to understanding its essence and implementation practice, the author’s vision of the directions of social policy of a modern organization, as well as their content, is presented. Results: the basis of the proposed model of the organization’s social policy is formed exclusively by social contradictions with internal and external stakeholders. It is they who determine the content of the social policy of a modern organization, covering labor relations and relations arising during the implementation and financial support of social and other projects in the interests of the company for external stakeholders.
O.V. Shimuk
Sustainable development of rural areas: theoretial aspects and measurements
Keywords: sustainable development, rural areas, system stability, socio-economic inequality, social sphere, quality of life, regional level, welfare growth.
Purpose: to make specific methodological foundation for measuring sustainable development and to substantiate a system of indicators for its quantitative evaluation at the regional and municipal levels. Discussion: based on analysis of research approaches to defining sustainable development, the author revealed that there are different opinions in the understanding of sustainability as the main characteristic of the process under discussion. This determines the choice of indicators for quantitative evaluation. Results: taking a system approach the researcher formulated attributes of sustainable development. This made it possible to structure the proposed indicators and to justify the special significance of the social variables. The practical applicability of the proposed approach to evaluation has emphasized. As the result, it’s important to develop a rating scale and to strengthen the research methodology. This is the direction for the author’s future study.
A.V. Shleenko
Methodological approach to assessing the cost of capital in spatially-localized meso-economic systems on the example of Kursk, Oryol and Belgorod regions
Keywords: income structure, cost of capital, cadastral valuation, depreciation, market value, retropolation, deflation, regional economics.
Purpose: to adjust Thomas Piketty’s methodology for assessing national wealth, taking into account the peculiarities of Russian accounting and statistical accounting and apply the adjusted methodology to assessing the cost of capital in the Kursk, Oryol and Belgorod regions. Discussion: assessing assets located in a specific territory is an important methodological and practical task. The resulting estimates of the cost of capital for the Russian Federation as a whole are compared with Piketty’s estimates as a benchmark. The study showed that Piketty and his team are based on the most pessimistic values of fixed assets, housing and land in the Russian Federation. Results: The results obtained allow us to estimate the ratio of the cost of capital to gross domestic and/or gross regional product. The capital structure of the Kursk region is closest to the average all-Russian structure. In all three regions studied, the share of land value in the capital structure is 4-5 times higher than the Russian average. Further improvement of the proposed methodology will make it possible to more effectively solve the key economic problem of capital assessment at the regional level.
M.A. Yusupov
Research of certain aspects of digitalization implementation in business processes of regional industrial enterprises
Keywords: regional potential, regional economy, sector, industry, digital production, digitalization, industrial enterprises, production process.
Purpose: to conduct a study of certain aspects of the implementation of digitalization in the business processes of regional industrial enterprises. Discussion: the presented article examines the content, as well as the modern transformational dynamics of the processes of introducing digitalization into the business processes of industrial enterprises in the region. The key challenges facing the digitalization of industrial production are shown. The advantages of digitalization processes that have a positive impact on the work of a modern enterprise and the pace of development of the regional economy are analyzed, and proposals are formulated to eliminate the problems of introducing the digitalization process into industrial production. Results: the author determines that in the modern world, technologies that simplify and speed up the production process should be actively introduced into industry, which will have a very positive impact on the development of not only the enterprise itself, but also the economy of the entire region.
L.N. Drobyshevskaya, L.V. Chukhontseva
Methods for neutralizing risks when selling banking products in the RBS system
Keywords: remote servicing, banking services, RBS risks, types of risks, security, risk minimization, funds, commercial banks.
Purpose: to consider the features of the development of remote banking services (RBS) in the digital environment, to highlight the types of RBS risks, to establish the reasons for their occurrence and methods for minimizing them. Discussion: in modern conditions, fraudulent schemes using social engineering, malware, phishing, and denial of service are growing. It is noted that the criminals stole most of the funds through transfers using online banking, including borrowed funds. Banks, as a rule, have the necessary means and specialists for protection, but at the same time, modern practice shows the presence of problems in this area. Results: the authors reviewed methods for minimizing and preventing threats in the remote banking system. An important component of the system is assessing risks, developing a management strategy, controlling and monitoring the effectiveness of risk reduction measures, as well as conducting analysis and making adjustments and improvements.
A.S. Kotov
Trading strategies in the conditions of the modern Russian stock market: features, formation model, modified oscillators usage
Keywords: trading strategies, Russian market, stocks, modification of oscillators, technical analysis, trading strategies, sanctions, liquidity.
Purpose: to assess the situation on the Russian stock market, to identify problems in modifying trading strategies. Discussion: the article discusses the most characteristic features of the Russian market, as well as factors whose influence has increased in the period 2022-2023. The key attention is paid to the use of technical analysis oscillators and trading strategies built on their basis. The influence of individual factors on the effectiveness of trading strategies and stock price forecasting methods is assessed. The basic trading strategy in the Russian stock market is considered. Results: the author proposes modifications of oscillators and algorithms for their use, a set of recommendations for carrying out trading operations on the Russian stock market, identifies the most promising trading strategies for use, and also forms a model for constructing trading strategies.
I.N. Kulinich, A.E. Chikalova
Identification of determinants that affect the efficiency of the use of current assets
Keywords: current assets, working capital, asset efficiency, return on assets, financial cycle, operating cycle, accounts receivable, econometric analysis, panel data.
Purpose: to identify the main factors that affect the efficiency of the use of current assets, and to argue for possible reasons for the effects. Discussion: in the article, based on the study of the topics related to the efficiency of the use of current assets of the enterprise, in the scientific literature, the main financial indicators of the enterprise’s activity that can influence the effectiveness of this type of assets are determined and justified, a hypothesis is put forward about the existence of an inverse dependence of the influence of the duration of the operating cycle on the profitability of current assets and the construction of econometric models with panel data by determining the best of them using tests in the R-Studio program. Results: based on the research and study of the efficiency of the use of current assets in the scientific literature, as well as financial statements of enterprises of the machine-building industry, a model with panel data was built by econometric analysis, with the help of which three groups of main indicators affecting the efficiency of the use of current assets of the enterprise were identified, according to the degree of influence, and possible the reasons for the impact exerted by each of them.
O.V. Nikylina, A.E. Golovan
Improving the financial stability management mechanism of trading enterprises
Keywords: financial stability, management mechanism, trading enterprise, sustainable development, budgeting, financial resources, profitability of sales, retail chains.
Purpose: development of practical recommendations for improving the mechanism for managing the financial stability of a trading enterprise. Discussion: this problem is currently relevant due to the need to improve existing methods of managing the financial resources of an enterprise, developing an effective and practically applicable mechanism for managing the economic system of a trading enterprise. It includes information support for the management process, forecasting trading activities and its timely budgeting, managing the economic condition of the enterprise, its expenses, performance results and its effectiveness. Results: the specifics of the activities of commercial enterprises influence the formation of a mechanism for managing their financial stability based on the application of the concept of sustainable development, which provides for a combination of economic and social development, as well as environmental safety. Improving the management mechanism includes a set of measures that make it possible to create the most optimal management systems.
E.A. Prohorova
Methodological approaches to transformation of personal finance in a rapidly changing external environment
Keywords: financial behavior, analytical review, non-trivial approach, behavioral model, financial organizations, financial literacy, financial awareness, behavioral strategies.
Purpose: To study a non-trivial approach to the development of financial behavior of Russian youth in the context of new realities. Discussion: the article examines the main models of behavior of participants in economic relations that meet such parameters as adequacy, completeness, practical suitability and ergonomics. Sustained qualitative changes in the structure of behavior of Russian citizens, which resulted from the coronavirus pandemic, indicated the need to reassess the current state of the problem of developing personal financial stability. Results: the hypothesis of atypical financial behavior demonstrated during the period of epidemiological tension, which is characterized by the search by subjects for alternative opportunities to ensure financial stability, was confirmed. We consider it necessary to continue searching for solutions aimed at integrating the results of research on personal financial management, as well as at creating optimal models of financial behavior for the next generation.
D.A. Rozanov
Personal finance: attractor and trigger for modernization of the financial services market
Keywords: financial literacy, financial skills, budgeting, investments, financial behavior, spending level, savings, economic literacy.
Purpose: to analyze the dynamics of financial literacy indicators among the population and to consider the effectiveness of practical implementation of educational programs in the field of personal finance. Discussion: the article examines the financial education of the population, the structure of the educational program to improve the level of financial literacy, as well as the analysis of data on economic literacy of the population. It is worth considering the fact that based on the data obtained, it is possible to determine the level of financial education of citizens and structure the psychological attitudes of the respondents. Results: the key aspects of the structure of educational programs are identified, the main emphasis is on the need for practical application of knowledge acquired within the framework of these programs. The results obtained suggest that the behavior of Russians is determined to a significant extent by the age of the members of the primary social group, as well as their level of financial literacy.
I.S. Tolkachev
The investing in the new realities of the Russian stock market: the possibilities of fundamental analysis and portfolio optimization combination
Keywords: investments, Russian market, shares, portfolio optimization, sanctions, stock market, securities, industry indices.
Purpose: to consider the features of investment activities on the Russian stock market. Discussion: the article highlights the features of the Russian market and their impact on the formation of a securities portfolio. At the same time, both established features and changes that occurred in 2022 are taken into account. The author pays attention to the investing and portfolio formation practice in Russian conditions, as well as theoretical aspects of this activity. The article identifies the key factors affecting portfolio investment in modern conditions, and recommendations are formed taking them into account. Results: in the article attention is paid to the fundamental analysis indicators and portfolio optimization methods usage, as well as the possibility of combining these approaches. The author identifies the most effective approaches to investing in Russian conditions, examines their key elements, forms recommendations for building a methodology for combining fundamental analysis and portfolio optimization.
V.A. Voronin
Problems and prospects of Chinese foreign direct investment in the Russian economy
Keywords: foreign investment, motives, investment climate, Russia, China, transnational corporations, competitive advantages, investment climate.
Purpose: is to identify competitive advantages and barriers to Chinese direct investment in the Russian economy. Discussion: China is considered one of the most important players in the global economic arena, and its foreign direct investment (FDI) has attracted the attention of researchers. The methodological basis of the study was formed based on the results of a survey in which more than 80 people took part. Results: allow us to assert that the most attractive factor in the Russian economy is cheap production materials/resources. The study reflects that the unstable geopolitical situation, anti-Russian sanctions and the risk of the spread of secondary sanctions are the main barriers for Chinese investors. Survey participants consider Russian-Chinese economic cooperation promising and predict its development. The study emphasizes the importance of continuing dialogue and cooperation between Russia and China in the field of economics and investment.
A.A. Voronov, A.V. Ekimov
International logistics as a driver of geopolitical transformations
Keywords: railway transport, metro car, diesel locomotive, electric locomotive, export, international cooperation, international logistics, rolling stock.
Purpose: to determine the impact of geopolitical transformations on international logistics. Discussion: The article presents the concept of logistics and its practical implementation in the Russian railway industry. Export of railway equipment is one of the dominant aspects of the domestic industry. The manufactured products are actively in demand in the near and far abroad. Results: the authors presented projects of cooperation between Russia and other countries, each of them has its own individual approach, taking into account the maximum number of conditions for the implementation of qualities. For safe operation, it is necessary to replace rolling stock that is not suitable for use as soon as possible, as well as to develop measures of flexible professional approaches, sometimes focused on specific areas or regions, taking into account the overall ecosystem and many external factors.
A.A. Voronov, A.V. Ekimov
Promising formats of international logistics
Keywords: cargo delivery, import, Caspian Sea, logistics, maritime transport, transport strategy, export, international logistics.
Purpose: to present the relevance of the main logistics approaches for the exchange of goods with Russia during the period of sanctions. Discussion: a search was conducted for priority methods and projects for using international delivery services, a text review of methods was published, and it was determined that today the most effective option for the delivery of imported goods is transit. It involves the movement of goods on Russian vehicles in friendly countries. The article presents methods and projects, as well as their payback periods and economic efficiency. Results: scenarios of strategies for active cargo turnover of friendly countries with Russia using the neutral waters of the Caspian Sea, as well as other routes of communication, are presented. These events help create a number of favorable conditions and increase the speed of delivery of large quantities of container and groupage cargo.
A.A. Voronov, A.V. Ekimov, V.Y. Petrenko
Prospective updates to the transport strategy of the Russian Federation and its international bloc: new operational and marketing opportunities
Keywords: regional center, regional aviation, regional aircraft, airport reconstruction, feeder transportation, transport marketing, business strategy, transport strategy.
Purpose: to present current opportunities and directions for the development of modern regular regional air services, its prospects for airports in Russian cities, the organization of flights to international airports of megacities, as well as issues of improvement technologies and engineering tasks for this area of activity: reducing noise levels, improving takeoff and landing characteristics aircraft, creating a network of additional domestic flights and improving the quality of passenger service. Discussion: the article discusses conceptual solutions in the sector of regional intercity air transportation, presents the straight-line distances between airports in the cities of the Central Federal District and the North-West of the Russian Federation, it is assumed that new transport links of urban and (or) suburban routes to the airport are being formed in the centers of the regions. Results: in addition to increasing the mobility of the population, the emergence of new airlines, the creation of new types of aircraft, engineering potential, technological services for airports and the organization of new jobs, the development of transportation is also facilitated by the exclusion of the use of busy aviation hubs in megacities for those passengers who do not need transit. Additionally, subsidies and other tariff policy loyalty programs should be developed.
A.N. Galkina
Substantiating priority development scenarios of nuclear power to achieve the SDGs in the digitalization context using sustainable development index
Keywords: sustainable development, digitalization, nuclear energy, global initiative, climate change, carbon neutrality, digital technologies, index.
Purpose: the purpose of the article is on the basis of existing methods for assessing the achievement of integral indicators of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to develop a modified index considering the digitalization level, to conduct testing in relation to nuclear power development projects as one of global initiatives areas to achieve the SDGs, and to analyze the results obtained. Discussion: in order to further develop the methodology for substantiating priority scenarios for the global initiatives development to achieve the SDGs, the sustainable development index (SDI) has been refined, ensuring that the digitalization level is considered, a modified index SDI-D (Sustainable development index digital) has been developed. As an indicator of digital technologies, the ICT index being a component of the Global Innovation Index has been included in the original index. The effectiveness of the SDI-D index has been tested in relation to plans for the long-term development of global nuclear power. Results: comparing the results of the analysis of specific development scenarios of nuclear power using the SDI-D index and the author’s conclusions, obtained on the basis of the SDI index, which were discussed in the management bodies of enterprises of the State Corporation Rosatom and received a positive expert assessment, have confirmed the impact of the growing share of nuclear power in the global energy balance on achieving the SDGs. The Advanced Development Scenario, characterized by an increase in nuclear power up to 20-25% by 2050 and ensuring growth of the SDI-D from 0.45 in 2022 to the level of 0.6-0.65 for the same period, has been substantiated as a priority model for the global nuclear power development.
L.I. Egorova, D.V. Ushnov
Promising areas of expansion of foreign trade cooperation between Russia and APEC countries under sanctions pressure
Keywords: regulatory instruments, directions of reorientation, foreign trade interaction, sanctions pressure, export, import, foreign trade turnover, commodity flow.
Purpose: to consider promising directions for expanding Russia’s foreign trade cooperation under the conditions of sanctions restrictions. Discussion: the article is devoted to the analysis of Russia’s foreign trade interaction under sanctions. The relevance of the problem under study lies in the fact that the sustainable growth of foreign economic activity within the framework of geopolitical instability is the most important task of the state. In this regard, the article solves problems related to the search for promising directions for expanding export-import supplies and improving the instrumental complex for their implementation to ensure not only sustainable economic growth, but also effectively counter external threats and barriers. Results: in modern conditions, the development of foreign trade interaction between Russia and APEC countries based on ensuring the priority of high-tech supplies will make it possible to build an effective barrier to the impact of sanctions, as well as create conditions for strengthening the economic security of countries and increasing the level of technology in export-oriented production.
L.I. Egorova, D.V. Ushnov
Theoretical approaches to the definition of Russia’s foreign economic relations in the current geopolitical realities
Keywords: scientific category, foreign economic relations, sanctions, instruments, international regulation, non-tariff regulation, trade and economic sphere, foreign trade turnover.
Purpose: expanding scientific understanding of the essence of foreign economic relations, taking into account the modern specifics of their transformation under the influence of changes in international regulatory instruments. Discussion: this article is devoted to the study of theoretical and methodological approaches to determining the essence of foreign economic relations and analysis of how the interpretation reflects the specifics of the current state of the use of non-tariff methods of regulation in the international practice of foreign trade interaction between countries. The current version of import substitution, which takes place under the guise of protectionist measures, is of a kind of mobilization nature. Results: modern realities of the unstable development of foreign economic relations significantly influence their nature, which requires reflection in the interpretation of foreign economic relations. To offset the negative impact caused by the reduction in imports due to the imposed sanctions, the Russian Government began to use a new mechanism for regulating import supplies – parallel imports, which made it possible to contain the fall in the volume of goods imported to Russia.
I.N. Efremenko, M.V. Mikhailyuk, S.N. Reznikov
Convergence of trajectories of market institutionalization of hard discounters in Russia and Europe: growth dynamics and development strategies in the commodity supply system of the consumer market
Keywords: discounter, hard discounter, Europe, Russia, European retail, anti-crisis formats, trade, business model.
Purpose: to analyze the trends in the development of discount retailers in Russia, to consider this process through the prism of the longer evolution of anti-crisis sales formats in Europe, to highlight the similarities and differences that empirically fix the boundaries of the transfer of foreign experience, as well as the limitations of business models of Russian hard discounters to European market. Discussion: A clear example of the business model of Russian hard discounters in the European market is the development of the export model «Svetofor» – the «Mere» chain and withdrawal from the European market due to a shortage of suppliers caused by the asymmetry of commodity and sales cooperation. Results: Based on the longer market evolution of Western format discounters in Europe, we can conclude that Russian retail has gone through a certain period of market maturation of formats and business models, during which a significant change in consumption patterns has occurred. The transition of part of the demand to less expensive online (cost economics, «D2C» – direct-to-customer) and the social polarization of the population have given rise to a new demand for economical consumption, as well as convenient purchase of products online.
M.V. Zharikov
Digital routing systems in post-covid economy of China
Keywords: digital routing, global chains, supply chains, zero covid, Chinese experience, digitalization, intellectual potential, multiplier effect.
The purpose of writing this article is to demonstrate the latest scientific advancements used in number of countries trying to adapt their logistics and supply chains to new post-covid business environment. It shows how transport adapted during lockdowns, especially looking at China’s experience. The article is also helpful in identifying techniques that are used in China since it was one of the few countries with strictest lockdown rules where logistics had many difficulties causing havoc not only in the country itself but also abroad since China has too much influence on global supply chains and international trade. China’s expertise show that the country was still able to supply its citizens with goods and services during the pandemic can be used in Russia. The paper discusses ways of implementing techniques of startups in creating digital transportation solutions in dealing with bottlenecks in global networks as well as regional transport routes. The article concludes with some ideas how to make use of China’s and global expertise in Russia based on the existing infrastructure and technological basis of companies and fintechs such as Yandex and Sber.
S.S. Zmiyak, D.S. Lazarev, K.V. Tkachuk
Issues of international labor migration and national competitiveness in the new conditions of the global economy
Keywords: skilled labor, economic growth, migration growth, world economy, international migration, able-bodied citizens, national competitiveness, labor migration, staffing, professional qualifications.
Purpose: to explore the current state of international labor migration to ensure the competitiveness of the Russian Federation in the new conditions of the functioning of the world economy. Discussion: Currently, there is a relationship between the staffing of economic sectors, the increase in human capital and the potential for growth of national competitiveness; processes of international labor migration determine the competitiveness of countries on the world stage. The argumentation presented in the article indicates that national competitiveness in the current conditions of the functioning of the world economy is in direct relationship with population migration and labor migration. Results: it is the active interaction of the Russian Federation with friendly countries to form a single labor market, where citizens of Russia and these countries can receive education and build a career, that will contribute to the growth of the competitiveness of the economically active population.
Liu Xingyi
Performance evaluation system of Chinese state-owned enterprises based on BSC-AHP model
Keywords: performance assessment, hierarchy analysis, system of indicators, state-owned enterprise, Chinese enterprises, telecommunications industry, finance, business processes.
Purpose: to use a combination of a Balanced scorecard (BSC) and a hierarchical analysis method (AHP) to build a performance evaluation system suitable for telecommunications companies to ensure their effective functioning and achievement of strategic goals. Discussion: this article includes an empirical analysis. Using the company’s operational data for the period from 2016 to 2022, and based on standards published by SASAC of China, estimates by experts and scientists, as well as averages for the telecommunications industry, the author obtained the results of an efficiency assessment. Results: by using BSC, a basic model was built to evaluate efficiency, the problems of inconsistency between strategic goals and performance management were solved. Using the AHP in combination with the Delphi method, the problem of the imbalance between the estimated indicators was solved. Thus, the efficiency assessment system based on the BSC and AHP method has a high applicability for evaluating the effectiveness of state-owned enterprises in China.
O.I. Malikova. D.O. Surikov
International experience of carbon pricing (the case of the BRICS)
Keywords: energy-intensive industries, reduction of energy consumption, economic instruments, fiscal burden, carbon pricing, climate policy, decarbonisation, emission trading scheme, carbon tax, carbon market.
Purpose: to study carbon pricing mechanisms in foreign jurisdictions using the example of the BRICS member states, including the dynamics of their development; explore the economic, institutional and legal aspects of their functioning, as well as analyze and characterize the processes of development of carbon pricing mechanisms in the BRICS member states; identify the main issues and challenges faced by foreign jurisdictions when implementing national or regional greenhouse gas emissions trading and carbon tax systems. Discussion: based on a comprehensive analysis of national characteristics of the implementation of carbon pricing practices, a conditional classification of jurisdictions is presented according to the level of development of the necessary mechanisms, and key factors complicating this development and potential cooperation of jurisdictions in the field of creating a single BRICS carbon market are identified. Results: the author comes to the conclusion that the BRICS member states remain quite heterogeneous both in terms of the degree of readiness for the widespread use of carbon pricing mechanisms and the approaches they use to carbon regulation, which is currently slowing down the processes of harmonization and subsequent integration of the relevant national systems.
Z.K. Samaibekova, A.A. Kocherbaeva
Main trends in the labor market in Kyrgyzstan
Keywords: employment service, labor market, employed, unemployed, labor migration, labor resources, personnel management, Kyrgyzstan.
Purpose: to consider the main trends in the labor market in Kyrgyzstan, to analyze the number of employed and unemployed by level of education in the Kyrgyz Republic for 2013-2022. Discussion: the dynamics of employed and unemployed by level of education for 2013-2022 is presented. and the structure of the employed population by type of economic activity. Trends have been identified for certain types of economic activity of the employed population with higher education and secondary education in 2022 compared to 2013. The main problems in the labor market in Kyrgyzstan have been identified. The importance of creating an effective system of strategic personnel management in business structures of Kyrgyzstan has been substantiated. Results: Effective measures to attract and retain labor resources in Kyrgyzstan are an integral part of successful human capital management. The introduction of comprehensive strategies focused on the needs of the modern labor market will create sustainable and prosperous business structures that contribute to the economic development of Kyrgyzstan.
E.I. Baldina, M.G. Napalkova, G.G. Vukovich, A.V. Ostrovskaya
Modern trends in HR management: problems and ways to solution them
Keywords: personnel adaptation, digital competencies, digitalization of the HR sphere, staff turnover, corporate culture, maladaptation, HR activity, competitive advantages, adaptation model, managerial personnel, personnel hunger.
Purpose: to study theoretical and methodological ideas about modern risks, threats and opportunities in personnel management, to consider and describe the problems that arise in HR management; to identify ways to solve problems in personnel management, as well as to determine how technological changes and globalization affect personnel management. Discussion: the theoretical and methodological aspects of various algorithms of personnel management are disclosed; typical problems of personnel management are formulated; the process of personnel selection and recruitment is also described in detail. Results: in the HR sector, an effective system for balancing labor demand and supply in the domestic market plays an important role. That is why clarifying HR problems and even the outline ways to solve them are aimed at sustainable and balanced economic development in the face of new realities.
E.N. Bogdanova, O.I. Bederdinova
The management of the business process of a ship pipeline tracing in the conditions of digital economy
Keywords: production management, increasing competitiveness, process approach, shipbuilding enterprise, business process modeling, augmented reality, economic efficiency, opportunity costs.
Purpose: development of a transformation model for the process of tracing ship pipelines to increase the efficiency of production process model management. Discussion: Improvement of production processes in the conditions of digital economy is possible by integrating augmented reality technologies into the technological process, which allows transforming the current business process and reducing alternative costs for ship designing. This will meet the requirements of the governmental customer and increase the competitiveness of a shipbuilding enterprise. The proposed solution will result in decreasing alternative expenses of an enterprise, improve the accuracy and quality of works at an early design stage. The theoretical approach to the process model management of an enterprise based on modeling the production business process system can be extended to other business processes of a shipbuilding enterprise, which will provide an integrated approach to the implementation of digitalization and process management in accordance with the strategies of Industry 4.0 and Maritime 4.0. Results: process models of the current AS-IS model (typical) and the target state TO-BE of the ship pipeline tracing were built. To reduce the time and productivity, to prevent violations of the process continuity, digitalization and transformation of the business process sequence were carried out. A new approach to producing and installing pipeline tracing is proposed, which provides creating electronic geometric models of pipeline tracing in a ship using augmented reality technology, which has positive impact on economic effectiveness of production due to reducing alternative expenses.
M.E. Botalova, N.YU. Kucenko, G.G. Vukovich, A.V. Ostrovskaya
Research of transformation of staff loyalty systems in conditions of critical dynamics
Keywords: staff loyalty, staff competitiveness, loyalty formation, personnel management, staff involvement, loyalty regulators, hidden loyalty, neutral loyalty, disloyalty.
Purpose: to explore theoretical concepts of staff loyalty, to clarify the significance of this phenomenon for ensuring effective and competitive activity of the enterprise, to consider the levels and algorithms of personnel loyalty management. Discussion: the article reveals various aspects of staff loyalty using structural-logical and verbal-graphical models. The factors influencing the level of loyalty, such as engagement, commitment and corporate culture, are analyzed. The importance of the role of the head in creating a favorable climate for a new employee is emphasized. Results: the classifications of employee loyalty factors and tools for increasing staff loyalty have been clarified, algorithms for managing staff loyalty have been characterized, methodological approaches to assessing staff loyalty have been systematized; recommendations have been formulated to ensure the growth of staff loyalty, as well as methods of responding to changes in the organizational environment for the sustainable development of loyalty.
I.YU. Vaslavskaya, M.I. Pshmahova, A.V. Ostrovskaya, G.G. Vukovich
Features of HR activities in the new reality: using the competitive advantages of domestic adaptation models
Keywords: personnel adaptation, staff turnover, corporate culture, maladaptation, HR activity, competitive advantages, adaptation model, management personnel.
Purpose: to investigate the evolution of theoretical ideas about personnel adaptation, to consider the features of modern methods of personnel adaptation at the stage of a new reality; to identify the factors of successful adaptation and describe its mechanisms. Discussion: the article reveals various aspects of domestic adaptation models, examines the types and forms of labor adaptation, as well as the cognitive model of employee adaptation. It is worth considering the fact that, based on theoretical data, objective and subjective indicators of the success of personnel adaptation are described, which will determine the level of employee integration and improve work efficiency. Results: the semantic load of the concept of “personnel adaptation” is established, the legality and expediency of modernization of traditional adaptation technologies to modern personnel constraints are proved, the structural and logical model of personnel adaptation is formalized.
O.V. Gubina
Balanced development of arctic socio-ecological-economic systems: approaches and principles
Keywords: balance, equilibrium economy, nonequilibrium economy, sustainability, socio-ecological-economic systems, region, Arctic, sustainable development.
Purpose: improving the theoretical foundations for the balanced development of Arctic socio-ecological-economic systems. Discussion: the work examines the main provisions of classical and neoclassical theories in relation to ensuring balanced development within the framework of equilibrium and nonequilibrium economies, which made it possible to establish the relationship between the concepts of “harmony”, “balance”, “sustainability” and to identify the subordination of balanced development to sustainable development as a necessary condition for its achievement in Arctic socio-ecological-economic systems. Results: the basics of balanced development of socio-ecological-economic systems were revealed, a definition of such development was proposed, and principles for ensuring balance were formulated as a condition for sustainable development of the Arctic. The principles of ensuring the balanced development of Arctic socio-ecological and economic systems are formulated, including the principle of taking into account Arctic specifics, partnership, inclusiveness, innovation, mutual influence, individualization and specification, a combination of global and local knowledge and systematic management.
I.G. Davydenko, D.N. Misirov
Current scenarios for the development of corporate ESG-governance under the sanctions regime
Keywords: corporate governance, sanctions, ESG agenda, ESG reporting, ESG rating, ESG strategies, turbulence, non-financial reporting, artificial intelligence, market value.
Purpose: to consider the current state and identify the key problems of corporate ESG management with their subsequent extrapolation to the conditions for the evolution of the sanctions regime to develop ESG scenarios for the development of corporate business. Discussion: Currently, corporate governance problems are becoming more pressing in the domestic economy due to the influence of geopolitical risks and turbulence factors provoked by sanction pressure. The research methods are comparative, descriptive and trend analysis, logical methods of processing economic information and the scenario approach. The author’s interpretation of “corporate governance” is given from the point of view of the issues under study in order to ensure corporate efficiency in the context of increasing sanctions risks. The most pressing problems in the field of corporate ESG management outside of sanctions have been identified: insufficient transparency of companies’ non-financial reporting on ESG factors, as well as the reliability of data used to assess ESG risks; lack of standardization of ESG metrics and reporting; problems of corporate governance and the consequences of trends in the field of digitalization. Results: it was noted that the system for generating public non-financial ESG reporting is not streamlined, therefore the degree of information content and comparability of ESG ratings and ESG indices remains low, including due to the imperfection of methods for assessing the sustainability of corporate governance of companies. The practical application and integration of machine learning, blockchain, and artificial intelligence technologies into the processes and procedures for generating public non-financial reporting on ESG factors is recommended to solve the problem of ensuring the accuracy and transparency of ESG reporting.
I.P. Dovbiy, N.V. Ugryumova, M.V. Kondratov
Strategies, key accents and principles for the implementation of the climate agenda
Keywords: climate policy, mitigation, adaptation, climate change, ESG principles, energy transition, decarbonization, energy efficient technologies.
Purpose: to form a holistic view of the interrelationship of the climate agenda, climate policy, decarbonization, energy transition, mitigation, adaptation to climate change, ESG transformation. Discussion: the author’s schematic diagram of the climate agenda is proposed in the interrelation of main strategies (mitigation and adaptation), elements (Sustainable Development Goals, energy transition), tools (ESG reporting, sustainable finance) a ctr. Results: the article is devoted to the study of climate agenda as a determinant of the conditions for formation of new economies at all levels for the 21st century: the climate policy of states and regions, the processes of mitigation and adaptation to climate change, energy transition, the emergence of sustainable finance, the transformation of business processes based on ESG principles. The paper reveals the essence of climate policy, energy transition, and climate risks. The problem of formation of climate legislation defining the implementation of adaptation and mitigation projects is touched upon, which is especially important in the context of greenwashing.
K.D. Efimov, O.V. Dorofeev
Energy sector of the RF: managing import substitution processes in 2023
Keywords: import substitution, energy, strategy, management, domestic, development, decline, enterprises, modernizatio
Purpose: to study the issues of import substitution of high-tech equipment in the Russian energy sector in 2023. Discussion: the article discusses issues of managing import substitution processes in the energy sector, including industry analysis, strategies for implementing processes aimed at reducing “import dependence” in the new reality . An assessment of the level of dependence on imported components is given, based on the data provided, the processes of import substitution for 2022-2023 are considered, and the main achievements for this period are assessed. Results: given the specifics of business in the energy sector, this is one of the most capital-intensive industries. In addition, the energy industry is one of the most regulated industries by the state, which also has an impact on business processes. Another feature is that energy depends on many factors: fuel prices, environmental regulations and technological changes. All this requires companies to constantly monitor and adapt to changing modern conditions, which are aimed at reducing imports.
I.V. Ignatyeva, I.I. Zedgenizova, E.L. Vlasova
Effectiveness of PR- and communication activities
Keywords: public relations, communication events, PR activities, conferences, fairs, happenings, festivals, company image.
Purpose: is to analyze the effectiveness of public relations (PR) and related communication activities. Discussion: to achieve the goal set in the study, the following research methods were used: theoretical generalization, abstract-logical. The paper identifies the approaches of scientists to the disclosure of the content of the concept of “public relations”, key aspects of an effective communicative event and types of communicative events and conditions of their effectiveness. Results: communicative events play a significant role among the PR activities of the company and are one of the most effective tools at its disposal. A well-prepared communicative event is one of the best elements of image building, as it attracts a lot of recipients and directly affects emotions, is memorable and unites people. A company’s range of communication tools should include appropriate packages of different types of communication activities addressed to both internal and external recipients.
A.V. Kulebakin
Theoretical and methodological aspects of the transformation of the company management model in the context of increasing socio-economic challenges
Keywords: mechanistic model, clientocracy, holacracy, new approaches, evolutionary goal, independence, integrity, motivation, demotivation, burnout, management.
Purpose: to explore the transformation of management models, compare key classical management systems, consider their features, advantages and disadvantages, identify innovations in the field of management of domestic companies. Discussion: the article reviews and systematizes new alternative approaches to management, showing new ways to solve problems of classical management. A special place is occupied by the issue of maintaining control over the company and its processes while providing greater independence to employees and reducing the number of management levels. Results: the result of the study is general recommendations for the selection and implementation of new models of company management. The further development of most companies will be associated with the abandonment of the mechanistic management model. The effectiveness of management methods and the ability to attract the best specialists directly determines how successfully Russia can compete with other countries in all areas.
R.R. Mukuchyan, E.A. Prohorova
Structural-logical modeling in propaedeutics of strategic management
Keywords: management structure, strategy implementation, strategic management, decision-making, strategic alternatives, strategy formalization, management efficiency, personnel management, graphical models, cognitive graphics, control.
Purpose: to determine the basic principles of strategic management, to study theoretical and methodological ideas about the development of strategic management and the processes of its goal-setting, to consider the possibilities of graphical interpretation of the phenomenon of strategic management. Discussion: the article reveals the theoretical and methodological lacunae of strategic management, analyzes current trends, and provides practical tools for developing and implementing strategies that meet the unique goals of the organization. The influence of strategic management on the formation and development of corporate culture is determined. Results: cognitive mapping provides an operational and transparent perception of the features of verbal and graphical modeling of key issues of theoretical and methodological understanding of propaedeutics of strategic management. The use of structural and logical schemes for understanding methodological innovations in business process management significantly expands the range of interested parties, ensuring the formation of competencies among suppliers and other external stakeholders.
O.V. Pshenichnikova, D.B. Shcherbakov
Technocratic approach incorporated into the system of mechanisms and ensurement measures to develop sustainability during a real transition to the green economy
Keywords: green economy, green transformation, sustainable development, energy sector, investment, greening, resource intensity of production, economic sector.
Purpose: to study the global economic and production conditions in the context of which the transition to a green economy can be carried out, as well as the basics of a technocratic approach to greening production facilities and energy facilities in order to ensure sustainable development and reduce the degree of uncertainty in the global economy. Discussion: the article reveals the problematic of the fact that the green economy can be called a fundamentally different economic structure, different from others – recognized and past decades of practice and active development – and capable of radically changing the already formed financial and production chains. The causal factors of the fact that only it has such a complex of factors of economic development, which is equally uncharacteristic for all other economic paradigms – the sum of economic growth, social development, environmental protection and inclusive territorial progress, are analyzed. Hypotheses are confirmed that with all of the above, there is clearly a serious lack of material base – in particular, technological – to ensure such an economic system anywhere, with the exception of individual territorial entities or even individual initiative organizations. Results: conclusions are drawn in the following paradigm: green transformation in such circumstances becomes a matter of more than just time, which cannot but require a study of its problems against the background of the fact that the development of the global economy has largely led to obvious environmental degradation.
O.I. Samarchenko
The main aspects the program-target approach in order to ensure economic growth of the Russian Federation today
Keywords: program-target approach, planning, regional development, economic development, socio-economic efficiency, achievement of indicators, sanctions, import substitution.
Purpose: to describe the idea of a program-targeted approach to solving complex intersectoral management problems through the development of special systemic measures. Discussion: the relevance of the study of the intensification of the program-targeted approach in managing economic processes in our country is determined, first of all, by modern economic requirements and political realities, including unprecedented sanctions pressure, in which the economy of the Russian Federation is forced to face today. Currently, the creation of a modern sustainable, effective economic development management system, focused on obtaining specific results in the medium and short term, is a priority process both for each specific enterprise, region, and for the country as a whole. Results: to implement this approach, it is necessary to build an integral system of long-term planning, the main mechanism of which would be the subordination of all spheres of economic activity and policy, including monetary policy, first of all, to the main strategic goal, ensuring progressive economic growth and an increase in the well-being of the population , which can be realized through the correct balance of using a program-targeted approach in various areas of economic activity. It is the intensive implementation of a program-targeted approach in all strategic directions that will allow us to realize the main tasks facing our state and ensure its competitiveness in the international arena. However, this requires the use of a program-targeted approach not in individual economic spheres, but the comprehensive implementation of this method in all areas that are critical for the development of Russia.
S.V. Syatchikhin
Analysis of approaches to the formation of country and regional indices
Keywords: methodological approaches, country indices, regional indices, territorial indices, adaptation, population, investment decisions, labor market.
Purpose: to analyze approaches to the formation of territorial (country and regional) indices. Discussion: scientific sources devoted to methodological approaches to the formation of country and regional indices are analyzed, the classification of these approaches is highlighted, their relationship with the assessment of population adaptation is studied, and the conclusion about the need to assess population adaptation based on the human development index is substantiated. The results of the study were achieved through generalization and analysis of scientific works devoted to methodological approaches to the formation of country and regional indices. This made it possible to systematize key approaches to the formation of country and regional indices and identify the possibilities of linking them with the assessment of population adaptation. Accordingly, population adaptation is determined by the influence of various environmental factors, and country and regional indices have different methodological approaches. Resolution of this contradiction is possible by assessing the adaptation of the population based on the human development index.
YU.A. Abrosimova, N.A. Kol’cova, O.B. Panteleeva, V.V. Lobanova
Research of the mechanism of optimization configuration of HR systems in conditions of “personnel hunger”
Keywords: configuration, digital technologies, human resources, personnel management, efficiency, human resources management, personal management, artificial intelligence.
Purpose: to monitor key trends in the HR sphere related to the changing technological order and the strengthening of the role of artificial intelligence in human resource management. Discussion: Theoretical and methodological gaps that need to be filled are highlighted in the HR discourse. It is the university community that today determines the possible risks and opportunities of digitalization of HR technologies. Results: speakers and the audience present at the conference received theoretical experience from company executives, useful contacts and live communication with specialists who will be able to use in practice. As a result, a collection of articles based on the materials of the reports of the last scientific conference was formed. The speakers and the audience present at the conference received theoretical experience from company executives, useful contacts and live communication with specialists who will be able to use in practice.
L.A. Vinskovskaya, N.G. Kobozeva, O.V. Bogatyreva, V.V. Lobanova
New concept of personal management: problems and ways to solution in the new reality
Keywords: personnel management, artificial intelligence, HR practices, employees, communication efficiency, sanctions restrictions, insurance, HR technologies, competencies.
Purpose: personnel training, cooperation with competitors, joint development of production personnel, increasing the expertise of working qualifications; to build a strategy and effective HR management, personnel insurance, digitalization in HR, cloud technologies, AI. Discussion: strategies and effective personnel management, corporate training systems, transformation of approaches to personnel assessment, corporate insurance. Results: Dmitry Shcheglov shared the ways of organizing and successful functioning of the team with the help of cloud technologies, which consist in improving horizontal and vertical communication of employees and structural divisions; Natalia Petukhova, ALSORA, shared ways not only to save, but also to minimize the workload of the company’s personnel; after the press conference, participants and the audience learned a lot and they received theoretical experience from the heads of large companies, which they will be able to use in practice in the best possible way.
E.A. Gorlova, N.A. Kol’cova, G.G. Vukovich, A.V. Ostrovskaya
New contour of personnel management: narratives of scientific and methodological discourse
Keywords: personnel management, labor motivation, HR practices, competencies, staff turnover, production personnel, benchmarking, sanctions restrictions.
Purpose: to establish cooperation with competing enterprises to attract, jointly develop production personnel and increase the success of work qualifications. Discussion: HR conference “Production Personnel Management 2023” was held on June 22-23, 2023 in Moscow. The topics of the sections were related to the introduction of an economy mode, the involvement of working personnel in conditions of its severe shortage, the motivation of employees to work with maximum efficiency, to increase efficiency. Results: Vice President for Personnel Policy and Social Responsibility of Russian Copper Company, considered the possibilities of training candidates for working specialties, starting from school, college, college; after the press conference, participants and the audience learned a lot of new things and received useful information from the heads of large companies. The conference helped to raise the level of professionalism of the listeners, which, in turn, will help employees to take higher positions.
N.YU. Egorova, R.I. Dzhamalov, G.G. Vukovich, A.V. Ostrovskaya
HR technology development strategies: imperatives of scientific and practical discourse
Keywords: personnel management, unemployment, HR practices, labor market, competencies, labor economics, personnel, self-employment, digital technologies, personnel reserve, sanctions restrictions.
Purpose: to bring together representatives of various schools and directions to discuss topical problems of economics and management at the present stage of development, to identify promising areas for their solution; to explore the most pressing problems in the field of management and economics not only in the region, but also in the Russian Federation as a whole. Discussion: the current situation on the labor market, strategies and effective personnel management, the introduction of progressive methods of training and staff development. Results: at the end of the press conference, the participants and the audience learned a lot of new things and received theoretical experience from the heads of large companies, which they will be able to use in practice in the future. A collection of articles “Modern problems of Economics and Management” has been published, indexed by the RSCI. The conference participants learned about the challenges of the business community. The audience actively asked questions, and the speakers shared relevant profile information.
N.YU. Egorova, N.A. Kol’cova, G.G. Vukovich, A.V. Ostrovskaya
HR innovations at the stage of strengthening economic constraints as a tool for balanceing social and labor disproportions
Keywords: personnel management, innovative dominants, HR practices, social and labor sphere, personnel, employees, qualifications, labor standards, workplaces, employer functionality.
Purpose: to present narratives and triggers in the social and labor sphere of economics and management. Discussion: the authors consider the ideas of the participants of the scientific conference, which was held on May 19, 2023. The topics of the sections were related to personnel management and the specifics of its development, ways to promote the employer and communication focuses. Results: following the results of the conference, speakers and the target audience received best practices from company executives, useful contacts and live communication with specialists in the social and labor sphere. The participants of the conference were very interested in the presentations at the round table “Priority areas of work with youth in trade unions”, dedicated to the current state of employment, employment and adaptation of youth in the Voronezh region. The stated topics were interesting and useful, fully revealed the practical benefits to novice specialists, the speakers were ready to answer all questions, exchange contacts for potential cooperation.
YU.N. Kepa, L.N. Zaharova, E.V. Kleckova, V.V. Lobanova
HR modeling of competitive strategies of domestic credit institutions: methodological approaches to preservation and reproduction of managed configuration based on artificial intelligence
Keywords: artificial intelligence, cyber strategies, digital technologies, computer vision, robotization, education development, robotics, Sberbank of the Russian Federation.
Purpose: to explore a new chapter of AI development in Russia. Discussion: against the background of changing technological models, new challenges and further prospects for the development of artificial intelligence were considered. Results: the theoretical experience of using artificial intelligence in various fields is systematized. The speakers and the audience present at the conference received knowledge from company executives, useful contacts and live communication with specialists who will be able to use in practice. As a result of the event, the audience received a lot of new and useful knowledge about the future possibilities of digitalization and automation of various spheres, gained new experience in working with AI. The speakers and the audience present at the conference received theoretical experience from the heads of large companies, specialists and developers in the field of AI, useful connections, live and online communication, which they will be able to use in the future. The stated topics of the conference are useful and most of them fully revealed the practical benefits of using artificial intelligence.
A.N. Kostetskiy, E.M. Malkova, D.V. Shichova
Archetypes in the theory of brand positioning
Keywords: brand archetypes, groups of archetypes, branding strategy, positioning, basic values, trademarks, competition, advertising campaign.
Purpose: to explore the features of archetypes in branding theory, identify their role in the formation of brand positioning strategies. Discussion: the article analyzes groups of archetypes, identifies purposes, desires, essential characteristics of each of the twelve archetypes, their strengths and weaknesses, and also draws attention to the fact that four subgroups of archetypes can be distinguished, which have the same basic values. Popular brands are considered in the context of the theory of archetypes and an analysis of their communication strategies is carried out, consider examples of their use in the implementation of advertising campaigns, which made it possible to identify the features of how they build a qualitative relationship with their audience when forming certain associations and images of the brand in the minds of consumers. Result: in practical activities, positioning can and should be understood as a clear and detailed process of forming a unique image of a product in the minds of buyers, different from the competitive one. The theory of archetypes, which is built at the intersection of marketing and psychology, allows us to combine the brand positioning strategy, the role and values of the company, image, communications and other aspects of branding, while forming a holistic brand identity, which is especially important in conditions of extreme saturation of the product market and increasing competitiveness the struggle of brands for the attention and loyalty of consumers.