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A.V. Averin, Yu.O. Ivanova, D.V. Mikryukova
Improvement of mechanisms for management of sports infrastructure and sports structures of the city of Vladivostok: problems and prospects
Key words: sports infrastructure, sports facilities, international sporting events, regional development, competitiveness, public-private partnerships, socio-economic development, targeted program.
Purpose: to formulate recommendations on improving the management mechanisms of sports infrastructure and sports facilities of the city of Vladivostok. Discussion: the management of sports infrastructure and sports facilities is an integral function of the physical culture and sports industry. Assessing the effectiveness of managing the sports infrastructure and sports facilities of the city of Vladivostok as a fundamental parameter affecting the development of physical culture and sports in the region determines the relevance and significance of this study. The study identified the methodological foundations of managing sports infrastructure, analyzed the current state of the industry, the main problems and risks of developing physical education and sports in Vladivostok, and made recommendations for improving the mechanisms for managing sports infrastructure and sports facilities in the city. Results: conclusions are drawn that the sports infrastructure of the city is diverse and developed, but it has low availability and low quality of the provided fitness and fitness services due to the significant deterioration of the premises, equipment, and inventory themselves [9]. Thus, it is necessary to attract additional investment by creating sponsorship programs and public-private partnerships; to increase the motivation of the population for regular sports and a healthy lifestyle, and when reconstructing and building sports facilities, it is important to take into account current trends in the development of the physical culture and sports industry and the needs of various population groups.
L.I. Ambarchumjan, L.I. Filimonova, M.A. Filimonova, E.V. Shevchenko
Features of promoting educational services in modern market conditions
Keywords: educational service, promotion tools, customer orientation, loyalty program, entrant, educational organizations, target audience, information promotions.
Purpose: to analyze the features of promoting educational services in modern market conditions. Discussion: the article analyzes the problem and importance of forming a correct program for promoting educational services. It is indicated that the modern consumer of educational services has changed and requires other benefits when choosing a University, that new promotion tools and their combination are required. Specific examples are given that reflect the current situation, requests and trends in the educational services market. Programs of promotion of specific universities are considered. It is noted that the development of an effective promotion program helps an educational institution to attract a larger number of applicants, which means that it can ensure a stable profit and competitive advantage in the long term. Results: the promotion of higher education institutions remains an urgent task and today requires specialists to have a special vision of the audience, carefully developed programs and appropriate skills of employees of University departments.
E.M. Ahmetshin
Research of personnel competencies in the conditions of digital transformation of russian higher school management
Keywords: competence, personnel competence, personnel selection, personnel selection, professional competence, personnel marketing, University management, Economics of higher education.
Purpose: to conduct a study of personnel competencies in the context of digital transformation of management in the Russian higher school. Discussion: the production of goods and services is increasingly dependent on electronic technologies, and the trend will only increase in the future. This process is considered the fourth industrial revolution. It entails extremely serious consequences for all countries of the world, which are either transformed under new conditions, or will fall behind hopelessly. The main factor that hinders the transformation is the lack of personnel, staff competencies, and staff marketing for the new digital economy. Currently, the impact of digitalization and new technologies on all areas of modern life is obvious. Digital transformation of higher education, based on the implementation of individual trajectories and marketing of education, is fundamentally important for responding to the constantly changing demand of the labor market in the context of the formation of the digital economy in order to choose and acquire a profession. Results: digital data is the new “oil” in its significance for the whole world and its impact on the global economy of higher education. “Digital” holds the potential for transformation into a new economy, into new types of human activities that will really be relevant and in demand by society. Humanity produces huge amounts of data that can be converted to digital format and used for the benefit of humanity. The development and introduction of new digital technologies makes society’s life more comfortable, staff competencies are broader and more professional.
T.Y. Baranova
Industrial parks as the institute of innovative infrastructure of entrepreneurship: russian specificity
Keywords: technology park, science and technology park, innovation infrastructure, government regulation, innovation financing, infrastructure, industry, technology transfer.
Purpose: to consider the development of technology parks as an institution of innovative entrepreneurship infrastructure. Discussion: the article is devoted to the features and problems of the development of the institute of technology parks (scientific and technical parks, scientific and technical parks) in the Russian Federation. The essence of technology parks and their role in the formation of innovative infrastructure is determined, the world experience in the development of this institute is considered, various stages of the evolution of scientific and technical progress in Russia are studied. Based on the analysis of the main problems in the study area, a number of recommendations were made to improve the efficiency of the functioning of technology parks in the Russian Federation. The recommendations relate to the financial and organizational aspects of the NTP. Results: technology parks should be considered as one of the most important tools for the development of small innovative businesses for the foreseeable future. The transfer of knowledge and technology, which is one of the main functions of scientific and technical progress, will make it possible to develop and implement critical technologies that determine the economic security of the country.
A.I. Basharova, I.M. Kublin, N.V. Dem’yanchenko
The impact of artificial intelligence on the development of the transport industry
Keywords: artificial intelligence, digital technologies, transport industry, automation, technological innovation, return on investment, global market, robotics, consulting company.
Goal: to study the impact of artificial intelligence on the development of the transport industry. Discussion: with the current development of digital technologies and robotic systems, the transport field is developing the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in critical areas (for example, self-driving vehicles that carry passengers), where the reliability and security of the AI system is being questioned by the General public. The main challenges in the transport industry – performance, safety, reliability, and environmental pollution-provide a wide range of opportunities (and the potential for high ROI) for innovation in artificial intelligence. The article discusses the advantages and disadvantages of using AI and automated systems in the transport industry. Results: artificial intelligence is indeed one of the most striking technological innovations of mankind. However, despite all the amazing inventions we have seen so far, it is important to note that we are only opening up the possibilities of AI, and much more remains to be explored. The above-mentioned applications of artificial intelligence in the field of transport demonstrate only a glimpse of the possibilities and future that this technology can offer.
V.A. Bondarenko, A.A. Maksaev
Issues of implementation of the university’s marketing strategy within the framework of the agenda of participation in emerging regional research and educational centers
Keywords: marketing strategy, priorities, university, models, research and educational center, platform, students, higher education institution.
Purpose: to study the implementation of the marketing strategy of the University with its participation in the work of the regional research and educational center. Discussion: the authors analyzed promising models of functioning of universities, taking into account the building of interaction with industrial partners in the region. There is a need to differentiate the spheres of research and educational activities of universities of different profiles, which should be fixed in their strategic documents that determine their functioning as partners of the research and educational center. The role of economic universities in the implementation of marketing support for projects of the regional scientific and educational center is emphasized. Results: the article reveals the need to adjust marketing strategies of universities in terms of changing the element of competitive adjustment from each other to competitive cooperation and cooperation in conducting research and training within the framework of common goals and projects. For universities, it is advisable to have a clear profile in the training programs offered to consumers, educational products, and research projects.
T.B. Brikota, T.A. Dzhum, N.B. Fedorova, E.V. Shevchenko
Features of consumer properties of services and brand positioning of a modern university
Keywords: educational institution, higher education institution, reputation, brand positioning, customer orientation, global crisis, entrant, educational services.
Purpose: to study the features of consumer properties of services and brand positioning of a modern University. Discussion: the article presents the features of the formation of the brand and image of an educational institution in the information space, considers the main criteria for the success of universities in the modern world. The article presents the trends observed in the sphere of higher education in the conditions of the global crisis. It is emphasized that the modern consumer reacts to the reputation of the University, its positioning and chooses an educational institution based on how effectively it will solve the problems of the applicant. The article contains examples and expert opinions that reflect in more detail the current dynamics and trends in the educational services market. Results: only the best educational organizations will lead in the long term in the face of limited funding opportunities for educational and research activities and global competition. In order to provide effective financial support, educational institutions are expected to have a significant mission – what social contribution they make and what global goal they serve. To build and maintain a strong brand, it is necessary to bring its management to the highest level and provide this process with the necessary resources. It is important for the management of educational institutions to be involved in the process of creating a brand, so that it can contribute to the active implementation of brand ideas in life.
K.YU. Brikota, V.P. Nasybulina, T.S. Popova, A.S. Fedorov
Current social trends and their impact on consumer behaviour
Keywords: needs, rationality of behavior, irrationality of behavior, social trends, consumer preferences, emotions, motives, trends, marketing psychology.
Purpose: to study current social trends and analyze their impact on the economy of consumer behavior. Discussion: man is a social being, which means that he is particularly influenced by society. Often, when making a decision to buy a product, the consumer asks for advice from friends, reads reviews on social networks or forums, or simply listens to the information that he receives from the seller’s consultant. In modern society, there are and are constantly replacing each other trends that have an impact on consumer behavior. These trends are formed like fashion trends and change with changing social realities. Results: the consumer sentiment index at the end of Q1 2020 fell in urban Russia from 94 points immediately to 62. This is the lowest indicator in the history of GfK’s monitoring of consumer sentiment in Russia.
S.V. Volgina, M.Yu. Dikanov
To the question of the essence and significance of the new formats of the mixed learning concept
Keywords: information technologies, electronic resource, mixed learning, informatization of education, distance format, educational standard, personalization of learning, students.
Purpose: to study the essence and significance of the new formats of the concept of mixed learning. Discussion: in today’s rapidly changing world, there is a problem of inconsistency of the traditional educational model with the needs of post-industrial society. The General trend now is a move towards blended learning. Technologies of mixed learning provide great opportunities for a differentiated approach to learning, for building individual educational trajectories. Today, there are many new formats that allow anyone to get a high-quality education, and the combination of offline and online learning will make the process of obtaining new knowledge interesting, comfortable and exciting. Mixed learning involves independent control of the student’s educational route, time, place and pace of learning, as well as integration of the learning experience offline and online. Results: the modern world offers many opportunities for education, development, and self – improvement-and this is a big plus of the time in which we live. Thanks to the development of technology, students can choose a course or program, get education remotely, use additional sources, track their progress and create their own curriculum.
E.V. Vologdin, O.A. Grazhdankina, E.V. Dyakova
Statistical analysis of migration processes in Altai territory for the period 2008-2018
Keywords: migration, migration growth, Altai territory, external migration, migration coefficient, migration processes, migration decline, age and gender groups.
Objective: on the basis of state statistics to identify the emerging trends of modern migration of the population of the Altai territory against the background of the SFD and Russia, to analyze the impact of migration on the composition of the population, its socially significant main age and gender groups. Discussion: the significant impact of migration on the socio-economic and demographic situation in the region requires constant analysis of the mechanical movement of the population, study of the causes (goals) of migration, the composition of migrants, timely identification of migration changes and their assessment, which is required for the rapid development and implementation of appropriate measures to regulate it. The current reality is that the processes of territorial population movement are becoming unpredictable and poorly managed, while Soviet-era migrations were relatively regulated and predictable. Therefore, to manage the development of the region, it is important to know not only the numerical result of migration, but also the reasons that prompted people to change their place of permanent residence, the composition of migrants by gender, age and other characteristics, since they (migrants) have a significant impact on both the number and socio-demographic structure of the region’s population. Results: to solve this problem, a statistical analysis of the migration of the population of the Altai territory in the period 2008-2018 was performed.
H.A. Hasanov, T.A. Hasanov, I.D. Dalgatova
Digitalization of agriculture: problems and prospects of development in specific areas Russian conditions
Keywords: digital platform, agriculture, efficiency, balance of indicators, level of development, digitalization, agro-industrial complex, departmental project.
Objective: to study the mechanism of interaction and planning of the system of economic indicators that characterize the main directions of the developed project “Digital agriculture” for the period up to To identify the possibility of implementing the planned indicators for the regions of Russia, depending on the natural and climatic features and their level of socio-economic development. Discussion: in the process of considering the project “Digital agriculture” as an integral system of the digital economy, an attempt was made to trace a complex logical chain between the goal and the means of achieving it, based on the planned indicators. In the process of this review, uncoordinated and unbalanced individual material-technical and financial (cost) indicators were found. For example, if the training of digital economy specialists is mainly due to be completed in 2020. (70% of all planned funds), according to other technical and economic indicators-agricultural land; working and productive livestock; agricultural machinery; included in the digital agriculture, will be completed only in 2022-2024 according to the developed project.This is especially clearly shown in the presented figures. In addition, it is expected to take into account such factors as the level of development of regions in their socio-economic indicators; natural and climatic zones; the specifics of accounting for agricultural production itself; so that each subject of the Russian Federation can develop its own digital agriculture project. Results: the results of the research can be used by agribusiness management bodies when planning both national and national projects in the field of digitalization of agriculture, as well as at the level of agro-industrial complexes; in the course of teaching the discipline “Digital economy” and individual chapters of the course “agribusiness Economics”.
N.I. Denisova, T.S. Popova, A.A. Voronov
Institutional foundations for integrated marketing communications
Keywords: marketing environment, competitive market, communication policy, consumer loyalty, marketing communications, enterprise, generation Z, marketing, advertising.
Purpose: to study the process of forming integrated marketing communications Discussion: the success of a commercial organization depends on many factors, but, as you know, the main source of profit for any company is the client. That is why the stability of relationships with consumers is one of the most important aspects of companies ‘ activities. In dynamically developing markets with high competition and product identity, it is quite difficult to win the consumer. companies strive not only to bring the customer to their product, but also to retain it. Most companies conduct large-scale activities to build customer loyalty. It is communication that acts as a process of transferring certain information from the person who initially owns it to the final consumer. Results: thanks to effective marketing communications, the company can ensure a high level of competitiveness and profitability. Integrated marketing communications serve to establish and maintain relationships with customers, partners, intermediaries, and other interested audiences. In the context of the development of the modern market environment, the use of integrated marketing communications contributes to the growth of the number of loyal customers.
G.V. Deruzhinskij, N.E. Mal’ceva
Marketing approach to managing the flexibility and mobility of a freight forwarding company (using the example of pec Novorossiysk)
Keywords: marketing approach, freight forwarding company, logistics infrastructure, transport group, information centers, logistics providers, market segmentation, transport services.
Purpose: to analyze the marketing approach to managing the flexibility and mobility of a freight forwarding company. Discussion: in modern conditions, increased attention is paid to the transport services market, where logistics infrastructure is being developed in the process of organizing and implementing cargo transportation. Freight forwarding activities remain an integral part of the system of cargo movement from the shipper to the consignee. Foreign freight forwarding companies with more competitive services have appeared on the domestic market, which leads to the actualization of research on marketing controls in the transport services market. The study of theoretical and practical aspects of the marketing approach to the activities of freight forwarding companies involves clarifying the conceptual and categorical apparatus of this field of scientific knowledge. Results: thus, all aforesaid allows to formulate the principles of management of companies – residents of the transport services market based on marketing: a study of the transport market to identify the interests of users; segmentation of the transport market; flexible response of transport to the demands of active and potential demand for transport services; providing transport innovation of business processes; identification of reserves sales management of transport services; diversification of the economic levers of the sales of transport services.
N.A. Dimitriadi, T.A. Khodareva, N.V. Laktionova
Methodology for the development of business strategy: using the theory of frames
Keywords: business strategy, functional strategy, strategic decision, frame, project, resources, competitiveness, target market.
Purpose: assessment of the prospects of using the theory of frames when creating a methodology for developing a business strategy. Discussion: in a modern interpretation, a business strategy (BS) defines the specifics of the actions of management and the company as a whole aimed at achieving goals in a particular market [11]. The main research methods were expert survey and analysis. Two expert surveys were conducted – EO-1 and EO-2. The analysis of the results of EO-1 made it possible to form a frame structure of expert requirements for BS development techniques. Results: the use of the theory of frames made it possible to identify the basic requirements of specialists for the functional structure of the BS, the analysis of which, in turn, became the basis for the development of a new methodology for creating a BS, formed from compatible FS resources. Further research in this direction can be aimed at analyzing the most relevant aspects of the practical application of the proposed methodology and studying the prospects for describing (using frame theory) managers’ ideas about the specifics of the strategic process.
N.V. Dolbnya, Yu.A. Pyanzina, I.M. Kublin, N.V. Dem’yanchenko
Efficiency of using agile methods in project management at the current stage of market relations
Keywords: agile, management model, agile marketing, project management, market relations, viral marketing, backlog, product features.
Goal: to analyze the effectiveness of using agile methods in project management at the current stage of market relations. To reveal the key principles of the agile system and consider examples of implementing agile tools in the activities of such global companies as Oreo, Air Methods, AviaSales and others in order to improve the efficiency of economic activities. Discussion: the introduction of agile marketing and its tools in business processes will be considered as a source of competitive advantages of the company and the main tool for optimizing the time and distribution of staff functions. In the world of modern technologies, the most popular digital tools are widely used in various fields of activity: cloud technologies, viral marketing, neuromarketing, SMM, agile marketing, and others. Agile marketing puts the client’s interests and satisfaction of their needs in the leading position. Results: agile tools allow you to successfully confirm the main values of companies, optimizing the operation of key business processes, making it more efficient to manage projects, processes and people. Despite the “young” age of agile, this model has found application in the practice of global companies (Google, Apple, Microsoft), and is also successfully used in the activities of domestic community companies (Aviasales, MDK, Sberbank).
M.A. Dubinina, L.S. Mikhaylova, K.S. Savina, E.V. Shevchenko
Research of marketing complex features and trends in the field of modern education
Keywords: educational service, marketing tools, marketing complex, customer orientation, marketing research, higher education, marketing innovations, highly qualified personnel.
Purpose: to study the features of the marketing complex and trends in the field of modern education. Discussion: the article analyzes the problem and importance of creating an effective marketing mix in the field of educational services. It is emphasized that the modern consumer of educational services has changed and requires other benefits when choosing a University. The article presents the main tools used by modern educational institutions to win consumer loyalty. The data that reflect the current dynamics and trends in the market of educational services are presented. It is noted that the development of an effective marketing package helps an educational institution to maintain a competitive advantage in the strategic perspective. Results: schools will introduce new educational programs and get rid of the third shift. Russian schools will become more modern – they will update educational programs and bring the quality assessment system to international standards.
A.V. Dubrovsky
Reflections on structural and technological transformations and liberal alternatives of Russia
Keywords: economic development, technological modernization, economic strategy, innovative development, industrial policy, structural and technological transformation, liberal alternatives, management system.
Objective: to reveal the reasons for the violation of the fundamentals of the reproduction process in the Russian economy based on an assessment of the liberal-market approach to structural transformations and to suggest ways to overcome the technological gap. Discussion: the article substantiates the hypothesis that the technical and technological lag is caused by the absence of the state in the economy, due to the dogmatization of the liberal concept of development. The article substantiates the need to activate the state in overcoming the technological gap and solving structural problems of economic development. Organizational and economic transformations based on the use-value principles of management are proposed. Results: Russia access to modern sustainable economic development should be based on the concept of a gradual movement to the Russian economy, the increasing deployment of structural and technological restructuring of production, where in one complex would take into account the global development trends, country specifics, mentality and national traditions.
N.N. Kalinina, T.S. Popova, A.I. Timchenko, A.B. Ttchukachin
Economics and tools of brand strategy of modern organizations
Keywords: competitive market, branding, marketing strategy, brand platform, trade marketing, brand strategy, life cycle, company competency, artificial intelligence, tactile technologies.
Purpose: to consider the economy and tools of brand strategy of modern organizations. Discussion: business representatives, as well as representatives of other fields of activity, like to demonstrate their competence with knowledge of modern smart terms. But in fact, the more a person understands their field, the more they feel that they “don’t know anything.” The development of the industry comes from the desire to understand something new. The article attempts to examine the brand strategy, methodology and tools for its development through this prism. Results: whatever tactics and strategy the firm chooses to “play” in the market, the ultimate goal of developing and implementing its marketing strategy is to lead the market. A well-thought-out strategy ensures sustainable development and protects the business from price wars, product depreciation, and other difficulties. And if it is time to move to a new level, developing a brand strategy makes this process a planned and successful one. In the mind of the buyer, an image must arise that motivates him to make the right choice and purchase a thing that can solve a particular consumer problem. The result should be a brand that is in high demand, bringing real profit to its creators.
N.N. Kalinina, T.S. Popova, A.B. Ttchukachin
Promising directions of transport infrastructure development as a factor of security and sustainable economic growth
Keywords: transport infrastructure, economic growth, transport network, development strategy, transport industry, investment potential, economic integration, capital investment.
Objective: to study the future directions of transport infrastructure development as a factor of security and sustainable economic growth. Discussion: this article focuses on the impact of transport infrastructure in Russia on the level of its economic development. Based on the analysis of the main indicators of the transport infrastructure, the dependence of the economic growth of Russian regions on the overall level of development of the transport system is revealed. The article analyzes the impact of transport infrastructure on the volume and structure of economic integration, the competitiveness of the real sector and the investment potential of the country. Based on the results of the analysis, promising ways of developing transport infrastructure that affect the economic growth of Russia are identified. Results: to sum up, we can say that today transport policy in the Russian Federation is in urgent need of a deep and comprehensive modernization. In the context of a radical reform of the Russian economy, a well-thought-out state transport policy is needed that takes into account the specifics of transport as a supporting segment of the Russian economy and its role in economic and social processes. A developed economy requires an appropriate transport system. Road and rail networks are an important basis for concentration and specialization of production. Improving transport infrastructure contributes to expanding trade and enhancing the competitiveness of countries and economic regions. This development usually occurs in parallel with the growth of the economy, and the growth of the transport sector generates an increase in the share of employment and their income.
K.A. Kartashov, P.V. Gorlachev, A.I. Makarenko, I.A. Kunakovskaya
Influence of state and regional management on the competitive market environment
Ключевые слова: государственное управление, региональное управление, конкуренция, государственное регулирование, региональное регулирование, секторы экономики, инновационные технологии, бизнес-структура, потребительский рынок.
Purpose: to study the instrumental approach in state and municipal management and regulation by Executive authorities of the market of goods, works, services in a competitive market environment. Discussion: the basis of state and regional management is the formation of healthy competition in the market of goods, works and services and the solution of socio-economic development of territories on this basis. Systematization and generalization of methods and tools of state and municipal management of the market of goods, works, services, mechanisms to regulate market competition environment shapes the efficiency of businesses, reduce the cost characteristics of goods, works and services in all areas and sectors of the economy, which is important for consumers. Results: the implementation of the proposed measures will allow a positive impact on the socio-economic development of the region by increasing the efficiency of state and regional management and regulating the markets for goods, works and services of territories in a competitive market environment.
K.A. Kartashov, L.N. Isachkova, P.V. Gorlachev, A.A. Bukhtoyarov
State and regional regulation in the sphere of small and medium-sized businesses
Keywords: public administration, regional management, small business, medium business, analytical research, business activity, microorganisms, legal entities, statistical data, commodity organizations.
Objective: to review and disclose the activities of state and municipal authorities, methods of research of entrepreneurial activity in the system of state and regional management and regulation of small and medium-sized businesses. Discussion: generalization of theoretical and practical materials of the system and organization of analytical research by state and regional authorities of small and medium-sized businesses in the conditions of digitalization of the competitive market environment for the development of territories. Measures to implement modern approaches in analytical research determine the relationship between the development of small and medium-sized businesses and the system of state management of the market sector of the economy of territories. Results: research of innovative methods of analysis of the business environment in the system of state and regional management, aimed at creating an effective model and system for organizing, monitoring and controlling the economic activities of small and medium-sized businesses.
I.M. Kublin, A.A. Ariskina, E.E. Udovik
Problems and trends of metal products promotion to the market
Keywords: marketing, metal products, management, competitiveness, metallurgical enterprises, competitiveness, industrial enterprise, innovative technologies.
Purpose: to consider the problems and trends of metal products promotion on the market. Discussion: the metallurgical industry in all historical periods has been one of the main branches of the economy of the world in General and Russia in particular, having a clear strategic character associated with the development of various industries. In this regard, the metal products market has consistently attracted the interest of investors around the world. Despite the strong position of domestic steel enterprises in the world market, they always face the problem of solving a set of tasks involving, in particular, the problem of increase of management efficiency of complex industrial and commercial processes with a view to strengthen competitiveness in the global steel market. The article identifies mechanisms for promoting domestic steel products, shows an example of a domestic enterprise, and develops an algorithm of actions to improve the commercial activity of a metal production enterprise in promoting it to the market. Results: today, in the face of serious competition from manufacturers from South-East Asia (including such serious competitors as China, India, Australia, etc.), manufacturers should take the most thoughtful and effective approach to improving their commercial activities. Only vigorous actions, an active (sometimes even aggressive) marketing policy, long-term contracts for the sale of metal products, the development and strengthening of a permanent sales network, as well as the orientation of production to the most popular types of metal products can give the necessary advantages to the manufacturer in the market.
I.M. Kublin, A.S. Konovalov
On the issue of import substitution in the russian agro-industrial complex
Keywords: animal husbandry, import substitution, agricultural production, agro-industrial complex, innovative technologies, agricultural products, market segmentation, export.
Purpose: to analyze the process of import substitution in the Russian agro-industrial complex. Talk: import substitution as an object of regulation in the agricultural sector has a rather complicated structure, the content of which includes the totality of conditions and factors designed to ensure economic efficiency of agricultural production, the opportunity for self-development and introduction of innovative technologies in agricultural production. The article analyzes the factors that affect import substitution in livestock and grain production, as well as the opportunities associated with increasing production volumes. The trends associated with increasing agricultural production volumes and their solutions are identified taking into account Federal subsidies and innovative incentives as well as criteria for state support. Results: the study of the nature of the influence of various factors on the mechanism of import substitution makes it possible to identify the motives of agricultural producers and their behavior in the market space. Segmentation of the agricultural market makes it possible to increase production volumes and is a strong means of increasing the competitiveness of domestic producers during the period of economic sanctions. In addition, criteria should be established that are determined by the scale and scope of activities of farmers, a specific business strategy, the state of market conditions and business conditions, as well as state support for business in this sector of the economy.
I.M. Kublin, E.P. Nerusskova, E.E. Udovik
Problems of digitalization in the fuel and energy complex of “Russian Railways”
Keywords: digitalization, digital economy, innovation, fuel and energy resources (TER), automation, energy efficiency, technological progress, innovative solutions.
Goal: analyze the dynamics and structure of costs for fuel and energy resources, as well as determine the economic effect of implementing innovative solutions. To study the problems of digitalization in the fuel and energy complex. Discussion: the relevance of this study is that the imperfection of accounting and control technologies based on paper document flow, and dubious schemes with fake intermediaries for the purchase and use of fuel have become fundamental factors for the implementation of a comprehensive digitization project, the goal of which is to optimize and minimize the loss of fuel resources at all stages of the technological process. Results: In the modern world, digitalization in business is a fundamental tool for achieving such goals as improving the company’s competitiveness and efficiency. Thanks to the project to implement automated accounting and control in the fuel supply, the company can analyze the maximum possible reduction of fuel losses at all stages of the technological process. The use of digital and innovative technologies is embedded in the management model of JSC “Russian Railways”, which will lead to radical changes in the field of platform solutions in the field of management and use of fuel and energy resources.
D.D. Kushnir, A.A. Maksaev, I.A. Shumakova, R.R. Mukuchyan
Marketing research of competitive position and advantages of university branches in the market of educational services
Keywords: educational institution, competitive advantage, applicant, higher education, marketing research, competitive advantage, educational services, Krasnodar territory.
Purpose: based on information and analytical materials based on the results of monitoring the effectiveness of branches of higher education organizations to identify their competitive advantages and determine their place in the market of educational services. Discussion: there is an extensive network of branches of various higher education institutions on the territory of the Krasnodar region, which opens up an additional opportunity for applicants, especially in the regions, to get a first-class education, without moving to the location of the University. But due to the fact that several branches representing higher education institutions are available at once, applicants experience difficulties in choosing, without having a clear picture of how these branches differ from each other in principle, and what their competitive advantages are. Results: according to the set of analyzed criteria for monitoring the effectiveness of branches of higher educational institutions in the Krasnodar region, leading positions were established that determine their competitive status. Thus, the leading set of performance indicators in the field of educational, financial, research and other activities of educational institutions is the Sochi Institute of peoples ‘ friendship University, the second position is the Krasnodar branch of REU, and the third place goes to North-Caucasus branch of the grup.
E.I. Lopatina
Analysis of the modern state of the labor market in Russia
Keywords: labor market, unemployment, region, state, production, population, economic sector, mechanism, welfare, wages.
Objective: to study the current problems of the labor market in modern Russia. Discussion: conduct an analysis of quantitative and qualitative quantities such as the nature of changes in the sectoral structure of employment, significant levels of hidden unemployment, employment growth in the informal sector of the economy, and low labor mobility. The article discusses the specifics of the functioning of the domestic labor market and current trends in its segmentation and labor structure; real practical problems of modern Russian unemployment; organizational and economic foundations of the system of state regulation of employment. Results: increasing the effectiveness of state labor market regulation policy necessitates intensifying the work of the federal employment service with its territorial divisions. It is also necessary to shift the emphasis in employment policy to promoting the acceleration of labor overflows by industry, territory and type of employment in the interests of structural changes.
A.I. Luzin, E.G. Gladysheva, T.V. Sotskaya
Modern information technologies of interaction of the state power with business and the population
Keywords: real and virtual world, information technologies, reproduction process, state, entrepreneurship, society, business, services.
Objective: to consider the integration of the real and virtual worlds into the modern life of citizens, the business environment and the activities of public administration and regulation. Discussion: the article reflects the economic relations of the state and society of the country, and the technologies involved in the reproduction cycle of the country. The use of modern information technologies for interaction between government authorities and businesses and the population is a tool for socio-economic development of territories. Results: effective and efficient reproduction process in modern conditions is impossible without the adaptation of the process of digitalization of society and the economy, which requires to ensure the level of technical and technological literacy of the population, together with the necessary increase in qualification level of labor resources of managing subjects and literacy personnel potential of civil servants. Russia’s transition to the digital economy determines a number of tasks for the state related to improving approaches to scientific and technical security and information and innovation activities.
O.A. Lymareva, N.E. Zhukova, I.S. Shcherbina
Analysis of the labor motivation system for employees in foreign and domestic state structures
Keywords: motivation, motivation system, public service, public servants, certification, remuneration, state guarantees, employees.
Purpose: to consider the system of motivation of civil servants in modern realities. To analyse the specifics of the Russian and foreign labour market in the aspect of public service. Discussion: the article analyses the system of motivation of civil servants in different countries – the UK, France, the USA, the Russian Federation and others. Results: it is necessary to emphasize the priority of professional qualities and high qualifications in the civil service and create such a system of material and non-material incentives that eliminates the need for “shadow” payments and develops the loyalty of employees and potential candidates for positions to the state apparatus and the ethics in the process of performing official activities. Understanding the motivational problems in the civil service will be made possible by understanding the specifics of labour motivation for public civil servants, applying the experience of the commercial sector and focusing on the experience of foreign countries that have succeeded in improving motivation in the civil service.
M.V. Liuliuchenko, A.K. Berlizev, I.A. Kuznetsova
Prerequisites for the formation of the university’s innovation ecosystem
Keywords: innovation ecosystem, small enterprise, innovative enterprise, regional system, innovation system, innovative development, regional economy, higher education institution.
Purpose: to analyze the main prerequisites for the transition from the existing model of the University’s innovation system to the ecosystem, as well as to identify the main features of this process. Discussion: the article analyzes the level of innovative development of the Russian Federation in accordance with internal and external data sources (state statistics and international analytical data). Approaches to the regional model of the innovation system and its interaction with the University are studied. The main problems limiting the innovative development of economic entities are identified and the main solutions are proposed. The main research methods were analysis, synthesis and induction. Results: the creation of a regional MIP Association and the formation of an innovation ecosystem are priority areas for the development of Russian regions. The identified results can be applied in the development of various economic entities.
A.A. Maksaev
Demand for innovation marketing in the university’s activities
Keywords: innovation marketing, university, entrepreneurial university, commercialization, innovation, inventions, students, financing.
Purpose: to investigate the understanding of innovation marketing in relation to the activities of universities in the Russian reality. Discussion: the existing experience of foreign universities in forming a model of an entrepreneurial type of University involved in the creation and promotion of innovative products to promising markets is analyzed. Results: we believe that higher education institutions in Russia should develop in the format of an entrepreneurial model that allows them to become a «generator» of innovation in the region and actively cooperate with industrial partners, while maintaining independence in terms of ideological content. Taking into account the involvement of universities in the process of analyzing promising new markets, assessing needs, creating and commercializing innovations, innovation marketing becomes the most important functional in their work, both in terms of research and development, and in offering educational products.
A.A. Maksaev
Endowment as a socially responsible marketing technology in education
Keywords: endowment, socially responsible marketing, social and ethical marketing, market structure, endowment objects, endowment subjects, education marketing, target capital.
Purpose: to study the endowment as a technology of socially responsible marketing in education. Discussion: this article is the first attempt at a systematic study of the developing market of endowments of educational organizations in Russia from the perspective of socially responsible marketing. The structure of the University endowment market is presented. Fundamental principles of socially responsible marketing in the University endowment market. An analysis of the interests and needs of the endowment market entities was conducted. The main marketing tools and technologies for working with donors and attracting resources from the University’s endowment are considered. The benefits of participants in the market system of University endowments and donors are formulated. Marketing technologies and tools for promoting University endowments are presented in detail. Results: today a lot is being done to support endowments in the state and legislative terms, amendments to laws and new regulations are being prepared to promote the development of the endowment market, and knowledge centers for creating target capital have started and are successfully functioning. The endowment market can expand only thanks to the technologies and tools of socially responsible marketing, which are the subject of this scientific article.
A.S. Molchan, I.V. Petrov
Problems of legal regulation of economic security of small and medium businesses in conditions crisis
Keywords: business, small business, medium business, crisis, coronavirus infection, economic security, legal regulation, state policy.
Purpose: to study the problems of legal regulation of the economic security of small and medium-sized businesses in a crisis. Discussion: the article analyzes the current legislation regulating the economic security of small and medium-sized businesses in the context of the spread of coronavirus infection, as well as law enforcement practice. Currently, against the background of a prolonged economic crisis and the existence of political and economic sanctions against Russia due to the spread of a new coronavirus infection, there is a catastrophic threat to the development of small and medium-sized businesses. Results: currently, an analytical analysis is needed’ first of all’ of such circumstances: which small and medium-sized businesses are critically important for the country in this period in terms of employment, as well as providing citizens with the necessary goods and services. At the same time, the main social function must be fulfilled – the preservation of jobs. Regarding legal regulation, it should be said that the presence of a variety of normative legal acts of different levels and industry affiliation ‘providing for measures of state support during the spread of coronavirus infection ‘creates difficulties for citizens’ small and medium-sized businesses’ law enforcement agencies in the search for norms ‘ that regulate a certain life situation. Therefore, ‘it is advisable to systematize such norms in a single normative act’ and take into account gaps and conflicts of existing legal acts.
I.S. Naydenko, T.R. Yoienko
Analysis of the level of digitalization of the Rostov region
Keywords: digitalization, digital transformation, Rostov region, region, digital technologies, digital economy, digitalization indicators, regional economy, digitalization financing, regional competitiveness.
Goal: to analyze the level of digitalization of the region and identify the weaknesses of the region in this area. Discussion: the article presents key indicators of the level of digital transformation, the choice of which is based on a detailed analysis of statistical data. The study presents indicators of the level of digitalization of various regions of the Russian Federation, highlights: leaders in financing digital transformation regions with maximum and minimum values of indicators. Based on these indicators, the paper analyzes the level of digital transformation of the Rostov region. Regional programs aimed at stimulating and supporting companies in the process of transition to the digital economy are also considered. Results: the main directions for the development of digitalization of the region in question are formulated, taking into account the programs and projects being implemented in the region.
E.N. Novikova
Marketing opportunities for ensuring economic security of the enterprise
Keywords: marketing, economic security, market activity, economic threats, market, demand, marketing strategy, marketing tools.
Purpose: to consider the role of marketing in ensuring the economic security of the organization. Discussion: the article discusses the features of the use of marketing tools and technologies in solving problems of maintaining economic security. A group of threats that can be prevented with the help of marketing is given, the components of an integrated approach to the development of a mechanism for ensuring the economic security of the market using marketing are determined. Results: summing up, it should be noted that using various marketing tools it is possible to prevent the appearance of many threats to the economy of the organization. To ensure the market activity of the organization, it is necessary to use marketing tools as widely as possible. Marketing allows you to study the market in detail, customer needs, regulate production according to needs, reduce business risk and help the company achieve its desired goals.
V.J. Pavlovskaja
Infrastructure type of regional economic development: modern approaches and features
Keywords: regional economy, spatial and territorial development, regional infrastructure, national goals, socio-economic sphere, natural growth, budget support, infrastructure projects.
Purpose: to consider modern approaches and features of the infrastructure type of regional economic development. Discussion: the article reveals the prospects for the formation and implementation of a managed infrastructure scenario for the spatial and territorial development of target locations, focused on the fullest possible mobilization of the existing economic potential and its use in the processes of the regional economic system. The conclusion is made about the possibility of infrastructure regional development in terms of creating new and developing the economic potential of existing territorial centers of economic growth, reducing territorial barriers to mobility of all factors of economic activity, optimizing infrastructure costs and increasing regional and national competitiveness. Results: continuous infrastructural development should now become the paradigm of the current stage of spatial and territorial development of the Russian Federation and provide real prerequisites for solving significant national economic problems, named in the relevant strategy and other strategic planning documents in terms of creating new and developing the economic potential of existing territorial centers of economic growth, reducing- inter-regional barriers to mobility of all factors of economic activity, optimization of infrastructure costs and growth of regional and national competitiveness of products and producers in domestic and international markets.
M.S. Panteleeva
Features concessional agreements application for improve various economic activity areas of Russian Federation citizens
Keywords: concession agreement, public-private partnership, rating of the region, socio-economic effect, sphere of life, economic activity, investment investments, investment climate.
Purpose: to substantiate the concession agreement as an effective mechanism for switching to public-private partnership in the implementation of projects of social significance. Discussion: public-private partnership (hereinafter referred to as PPP) is today a solution for the Russian economy to the systemic problems in the development of various spheres of citizens ‘ life, which for a long time has been so badly needed by the country. We need to make more active use of the potential of public-private partnerships and create conditions for attracting long-term money. The article considers a substantial list of the main criteria for using the mechanism for implementing public-private partnership in four main areas of life of various regions of the Russian Federation. Special attention is paid to the legal assessment of the possibility of concluding concession agreements for various spheres of life of Russians and the assessment of the socio-economic effect of their implementation. Results: the proposed analysis of the features of concession agreements for the social sphere, health, road, housing and utilities sector was carried out taking into account the risks and sources of return on investment.
N.V. Poluyanova
Universities in the implementation of socio-economic policy in the regions: focus on innovative development of the regional economy
Keywords: socio-economic policy, role of universities, perspective models, transformative role, scientific and educational center, regional innovation system, region, cooperation.
Purpose: to study the impact of socio-economic policies of universities on the development of the regional economy. Discussion: the article examines the role of universities in the successful implementation of socio-economic policy in the region in terms of focusing on the transformation of the regional economy in the direction of innovative development. The author studies promising models of functioning of universities that allow for a positive transformation of the socio-economic system of the region. It is concluded that the creation of a scientific and educational center based on cooperation between the leading universities of the region and their industrial partners is in high demand in Russian conditions. Results: development of scientific-educational center in the region, it is advisable to exercise on a University model of regional innovation system, contributing to the goal of innovative development of regional economy and improve the quality of life of the population. This solution is combined with the goals of socio-economic regional policy and corresponds to the tasks set in the Russian reality for universities.
D.O. Skobelev, A.T. Mikaelsson
Best available techniques as criteria for excluding russian industrial installations from the list of environmental hot spots
of the Barents Euro-Arctic region
Keywords: best available technologies, international obligations, environmental hotspots, Barents Euro-Arctic region, exclusion procedure, program, operator, enterprise.
Objective: to develop a scientific justification for the international procedure for excluding Russian industrial enterprises from the list of environmental hotspots in the Barents Euro-Arctic region based on compliance with the applicable requirements of the best available technologies. Discussion: the article presents an analysis of the results of an international project carried out in the Russian Federation with the participation of experts from Russia and the Nordic countries. It is shown that industrial enterprises included in 2003 included in the list of environmental “hot spots”, characterized by low resource efficiency of production and significant negative impact on the environment. Using the example of the pulp and paper industry enterprise of the Komi Republic, the stages of fundamental ecological and technological modernization are traced. It was noted that setting the goals of modernization taking into account the requirements of the best available technologies allowed using the principle of consistent improvement to achieve a significant expansion of production and improve product quality, to minimize the negative impact on the environment and to contribute to the solution of social and environmental problems in the region. Results: it is proposed to implement an international procedure for excluding industrial enterprises from the list of environmental “hot spots” using objective criteria recognized by all parties – the requirements of the best available technologies, justified in information and technical directories. In the case of a pilot enterprise, these criteria are the requirements set for the pulp and paper industry. It was emphasized that the procedure is transparent, scientifically based, replicated, taking into account the positions of interested parties in the Barents Euro-Arctic region and reflecting the principles of Russia’s environmental industrial policy. In 2019-2020, the procedure was also implemented for an enterprise that provides municipal wastewater treatment in the Republic of Karelia.
L.A. Skorohodova
Features of application of health system services promotion tools
Keywords: medical service promotion, healthcare system, medical service as a product in the marketing system, marketing communications in the healthcare system.
Objective: to consider the features of the use of modern promotion tools in the market of medical services taking into account the specific features of medical services as a product in the marketing system. Offer an author’s vision of a model of marketing communications in the healthcare system. Discussion: when implementing measures to promote medical services, it is necessary to comprehensively take into account a number of principles: the social factor, meeting the needs of potential consumers, taking into account economic feasibility for the healthcare institution itself, and the formation of sustainable demand in the face of uncertain environmental conditions. Results: the study allows us to define a medical service as a product in a marketing system with a number of specific properties: a medical service belongs to the category of public goods designed to satisfy collective needs at the expense of state support, which allowed us to build an author’s model of marketing communications in the healthcare system. It is determined that an important component of the communication process of the healthcare system is the relationship between the subjects: patient – medical worker – healthcare institution – state.
N.N. Solopova, E.V. Dyakova
Problems of identifying labor market needs in specialists
Keywords: higher education, labor market, state power, local government, research organizations, employment problem, reference universities, applicants.
Purpose: to consider the problems of identifying the needs of the labor market for specialists. Discussion: stable partnerships between higher education institutions, research organizations and businesses are undoubtedly one of the essential factors in the development of a market economy. In the current conditions, there is a nationwide trend of “aging” of personnel in working professions, as well as engineering and technical specialties, doctors, teachers, etc. In this regard, the study of the relationship between higher education, the business community, and public authorities in the field of personnel issues for the development of all types of economic activities is particularly relevant. Results: a small study in the article showed that the main reasons for the current situation in the field of employment of University graduates can be attributed to the shortage of jobs in the labour market according to the obtained specialty, not matching the level of training young specialists to requirements of the employer, the wage offered, the lack of coordination of actions of state authorities and local self-government, employers and higher education institutions, the low level (or absence) of monitoring of the effectiveness of interventions.
N.A. Tolstobrova, E.A. Bogdanova
Ability of the enterprise in the bread industry based on the analysis of the regional market
Keywords: enterprise viability, bakery, industry analysis, inventory, regional market, competitiveness, antitrust legislation, food security.
Purpose: based on the analysis of the regional market to identify the features and assess the viability criteria of enterprises in the bread industry. Discussion: the inclusion of bread products in the list of socially important food commodities requires the establishment of the maximum possible retail prices. This restriction makes it relevant to determine the criteria for assessing the viability of bakeries and mini bakeries, since the production of bread products is carried out in each region directly. The article presents the results of data collection on the state of the industry in the Perm region, and determines the level of market concentration. Results: based on the analysis of the dynamics of assets and liabilities of JSC Pokrovsky bread for 2017-2019.comparison with changes in the number of economic entities, the trends in the development of the bread industry were determined. Based on the industry analysis, a high level of market concentration was determined.
V.N. Shcherbakov, A.V. Dubrovsky
Actual problems of transformation processes in the industry and their influence on economic growth
Keywords: economic growth, technical and technological modernization, innovative development, industrial potential, transformation process, industrial products, investment, innovation implementation.
Objective: to substantiate the priorities and directions of structural modernization of the Russian industry based on progressive mechanisms for managing technical and technological potential. Discussion: to achieve this goal, the following tasks are set: to identify patterns of socio-economic development and reveal the directions of structural modernization of the Russian industry; to offer methodological approaches to managing the transformation process of the industrial economy in a changing market environment. The article deals with the problems of industrial modernization in Russia. Regularities of transformation processes are revealed and strategic priorities of structural modernization of the Russian industry are determined, which can lead it out of the current paralysis. Results: entering the path of sustainable economic growth requires the development of a new development model focused on accelerated innovation and ensuring dynamic and sustainable industrial growth, taking into account the dominant role of States and classical concepts of development.
Yu.A. Abrosimova, K.V. Bykova
Basic options for the financial crisis
Keywords: financial system, crisis events, quality of life, stagnation, recession, epidemic, recovery, crisis.
Purpose: to study the background of the basic options for the development of the modern financial crisis. Discussion: COVID-19 affects almost all aspects of the global economy. The degree of influence of coronavirus will vary from country to country, and this will increase poverty and inequality on a global scale. Without operational socio-economic measures, the situation will only worsen. The path of development of states, in the long run, depends on the government choosing one or another most effective strategy. Here there is a need to develop a plan not only to get out of the situation, but also a plan designed in case the outbreak of infection occurs again. Results: right now, during the crisis, it is time to draw conclusions and buy not production, but production technologies, invest in our own economy and attract our own labor resources. If you look closely at the veil of bad news, you can see the outlines of the future world as it will be after the recession is left behind, and the memories of the boom-bust begin to fade from memory.
N.V. Vahrusheva, L.A. Vinskovskaya, A.A. Markushina, T.S. Popova
Background and risks of occurrence and functioning financial pyramids as a type of unproductive entrepreneurship
Keywords: shadow economy, unfair entrepreneurship, financial pyramids, financial sphere, commercial scams, institutional innovations, fraud, bankruptcy, network marketing.
Purpose: to analyze the background and danger of the emergence and functioning of financial pyramids as a type of unproductive entrepreneurship. Discussion: the article deals with the problem of the existence of financial pyramids as one of the areas of shadow economic activity. A historical tour of the functioning of financial pyramids is conducted. The main regularities and institutional innovations in the sphere of “financial pyramid building” are considered. The analysis of the key features of a financial pyramid, as well as tools and methods to combat fraud in the financial sphere, is presented. Results: financial pyramids are a fairly organic product of modern “financial civilization” with a typical conflict of principals and agents. Owners of capital have to resort to the services of professional managers, but they can not constantly and completely control them. The higher the professionalism of the Manager-agent, the more opportunities he has to deceive investors-principals. As long as there is a separation of ownership and management, this problem is completely fundamentally unsolvable. However, by creating effective “rules of the game”, you can significantly reduce the attractiveness of pyramid construction, completely excluding the guilty from the business world and confiscating “unrighteous” income. When Russian pyramid builders and other actors of organized economic crime begin to receive “real” prison terms with confiscation of property, innovators will begin to move from unproductive entrepreneurship to productive one.
Y.S. Ermakova, E.G. Baldyga
improving taxation of personal income in Russia
Keywords: individual, tax scale, income tax, non-taxable minimum, tax deductions, tax rates, tax burden, budget system.
Objective: to analyze the foreign experience of collecting income tax and apply foreign practice in the formation of a progressive taxation scale in Russia. Discussion: the article is devoted to the study of domestic practice of levying tax on personal income in Russia, the definition of its role in the formation of budget revenues at various levels. Based on the analysis, it was proposed to replace the current flat taxation scale with a progressive one, and the optimal gradation of the tax base and tax rates was determined. The main theoretical and practical conclusions of the study can be used by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation and subjects of the Russian Federation in reforming the tax system and its individual elements. Results: the introduction of a progressive taxation scale solves the problem of social inequality: a high level of tax burden on low-income groups of the population and a relatively insignificant level of tax burden on the category of citizens with a high income level, while the prevailing level of tax revenues on personal income tax to budgets of various levels is kept.
O.V. Zubareva
Methods and mechanisms for the international environmental projects financing
Keywords: project financing, grants, soft loans, subsidizing rates, interest rates, equity investments, green bonds, international organizations, environmental projects.
Objective: to identify the most appropriate methods and mechanisms for financing various types of environmental projects. Discussion: the article analyzes the methods and mechanisms used by international organizations to Finance environmental projects. The world experience of applying methods and mechanisms of financing is summarized and systematized, and the advantages and disadvantages of each of them are highlighted. Traditional and innovative financing mechanisms are analyzed. At the same time, the use of various mechanisms and methods is considered on specific examples. Results: after analyzing the main financing mechanisms, a table of their compliance with various types of environmental projects was compiled. It is concluded that there is no universal method and funding mechanism. The choice of a particular method and mechanism depends on the characteristics, goals and objectives of the environmental project itself.
E.A. Mamiy, A.I. Timchenko
Cash flow management as a tool for improving the efficiency of a transport company in a digital environment
Keywords: cash flow, transport company, digitalization, transport sphere, financial management, financial stability, digital technologies, financial assets.
Objective: to investigate the essence of the concept of “cash flows”, directions for improving their management in order to increase the efficiency of the transport company. Discussion: the article formulates an approach to the definition of the concept of cash flows, their classification, taking into account the requirements of the financial management system. The study systematized the basic stages of the analysis of cash flows, a system of financial indicators for assessing the quality of cash flows, the principles and stages of managing the cash flows of a transport company, taking into account industry specifics, the genesis of risks and modern conditions for the development of the economy. Results: today, the company’s cash flow management is aimed, first of all, at creating a balanced settlement system and cash flow stability to ensure dynamic development subject to financial stability, which is especially important for companies and enterprises in the transport sector, which are characterized by significant exposure to various factors and a high degree of implementation of digital technologies in the process of control and management of transportation.
V.V. Nalivkina, L.V. Kutsegreeva
Evaluation of the advantages and disadvantages of application of tax on professional income by self-employed taxpayers
Keywords: self-employment, forms of employment, labor economy, state regulation, professional income, taxpayers, business activity, shadow sector.
Purpose: to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of applying the professional income tax by self-employed taxpayers. Discussion: currently, the problem of self-employment is the most controversial form of employment in the Russian Federation. The measures taken by state authorities aimed at regulating business activity and removing it from the “shadow” sector of the economy are not regular and are mainly aimed at increasing tax revenues from this category of taxpayers. The article presents an assessment of the current state of the self-employed, as well as the main possible directions for the development of self-employment in Russia. Results: in the current difficult economic situation in Russia, the self-employed and the small business sector primarily contribute to solving problems related to improving the quality of life. They are able to provide not only their own existence, but also create new jobs and material products by providing their services. The most important advantage of developing small businesses is that they organize their own work activities, thereby reducing the state’s costs associated with paying unemployment benefits, as well as reducing the burden and risks of the state associated with public investment.
V.P. Nasybulina, L.V. Kukharenko, I.M. Kuznetsova, A.V. Ryabchenko
Financial behavior during the crisis
Keywords: financial system, crisis events, financial literacy, financial habits, airbag, personal finances, quality of life, financial instruments, investments.
Purpose: to study the impact of the crisis on the financial behavior of consumers and global trends. Discussion: throughout life, a person has to face various kinds of troubles and problems from time to time. The same thing can happen with the economy. For example, an economic crisis for the economy is like flu for a person is a common and unpleasant disease, but a universal cure for it has never been invented. The crisis divided our society into three categories: it has not yet touched someone, someone has fallen in income or even lost a job or business, and the third category includes those who understand that the crisis is not only a problem, but also an opportunity. Results: the crisis does the work of financial consultants: it gives the realization that you need to be careful about earned money. So the basic concept is the same for everyone – it is savings and, if possible, investment. As a result, we can get the desire to localize production, technology, and resource supply in one territory, which will lead to an increase in the independence of these territories from the general economic, social and political system.
O.V. Nikulina, Y.A. Khit
Increase in financial stability of the industrial enterprises (on the example of the companies of the oil and gas industry)
Keywords: financial stability, industrial enterprises, oil and gas industry, solvency, sources of financing, controlling, financial management, competitiveness.
Objective: to assess the financial stability of leading Russian oil and gas companies based on their financial statements and develop measures aimed at improving the financial stability of Russian oil and gas companies. Discussion: the results of the analysis of the financial stability of PJSC Gazprom, PJSC Rosneft and PJSC Lukoil allowed us to develop proposals and recommendations to improve the financial stability of the studied companies in the long term by optimizing control measures and implementing a system of controlling the use of own and borrowed funds, implementing a set of measures to minimize risks and losses, and optimizing working capital. Results: the developed recommendations will ensure the solvency and investment attractiveness of the enterprises under consideration in the long term. The results of the analysis of the financial stability of the leading Russian oil and gas companies for the period 2015-2018 showed that the financial stability management of each of the oil and gas companies considered needs to be improved. This is especially true for PJSC Lukoil, which has an unstable financial condition due to a high level of accounts payable.
V.V. Goretskii
Current state of the world economy and prospects for its development
Keywords: world economy, current state, development prospects, global economy, economic relations, activity index, cyclical development, financial system.
Purpose: to study the current state of the world economy and highlight the prospects for its development. Discussion: the current stage of development of the world economy is characterized by extreme instability, in these conditions it is especially important to determine the prospects for its further development. The article analyzes statistical data, provides economic indicators that indicate the state of the world economy, and describes the priority directions of development of the Russian economy. Results: 2020 the world economy will face slower growth amid slowing GDP will remain difficulties in world trade, slowed the pace of economic integration on a global scale, disrupted the global supply chain. However, according to a number of PwC experts, the service industries will develop successfully. The anti-crisis strategy for the development of the Russian economy should include an effective monetary policy, the introduction of currency control, ensuring the convertibility of the ruble, reducing interest rates, expanding the use of rubles in foreign trade, implementing an active industrial policy, creating “growth points” in the national economy, implementing a policy of price regulation, and ensuring economic security.
E.N. Danilevskaja, V.S. Konovalova, A.S. Konovalov, I.M. Kublin
Foreign economic activity and trade in international economic development strategy
Keywords: economic development, priority sectors, macroeconomics, foreign economic activity, international strategy, manufacturing industry, public services, non-resource sector.
Objective: to study the economic condition of the African country of Nigeria, its economic growth indicators, as well as to consider a possible plan of action of the Government in order to solve existing problems in the economic sphere. Discussion: the relevance and diversity of the research topic determined the need to use a comprehensive methodology. The principle of historicism is of particular importance in the study. It acts as a principle of cognition of phenomena in their formation and development, in organic connection with the specific conditions that generate them, emphasizing the continuity of changes. Results: with rising inflation and recession, the country’s economy is going through difficult times. The main causes of these economic problems are long – standing and deep-rooted structural and economic factors, as evidenced by the continued high dependence on one type of raw material-crude oil, as well as the lack of budget reserves, financial leakage, corruption and inefficient budget spending.
S.M. Nikonorov, S.V. Solovieva, A.I. Egorova
Economic aspects of improvement of environmental policy in ASEAN countries
Keywords: economic context, management context, greening of enterprises, available technologies, “green” enterprises, enterprise planning, environmental policy, small businesses.
Objective: to identify proposals and recommendations on the economic aspects of improving environmental policies in the ASEAN countries. Discussion: this article examines environmental policy in the ASEAN countries. The most significant areas of environmental policy for the ASEAN countries to ensure environmentally sustainable development of the region have been identified. The components of the environmental policy aimed at enterprises are identified, and a set of incentives and tools for “greening” enterprises is proposed. In this paper, using General methods of scientific knowledge, we consider economic and environmental policies in the ASEAN countries, measures of state support for the greening of enterprises, the effectiveness of incentives, state assistance in compliance with regulations, and support programs for enterprises that implement environmental projects. A study of environmental policies in ASEAN countries has shown that specific efforts to support the greening of small businesses in the region are relatively rare. General policies, regulatory incentives, and financial support are not targeted at small businesses and are more accessible to large businesses. The article substantiates the importance of the policy of supporting the greening of small enterprises, its inclusion in the broader state support for small enterprises. Results: countries in the region are encouraged to monitor and evaluate the implementation of environmental policies. Green growth opportunities for small businesses should be taken into account both in planning and in institutional transformation. Two key areas are highlighted: innovations in the field of environmentally efficient products and the introduction of more energy-efficient and less material-intensive processes. Sources of financing for green growth programs for enterprises have been identified. The article provides recommendations for stimulating the greening of enterprises.
K.O. Litvinskij, R.R. Mukuchyan, Fam Thi Thu CHang
Tourism management and the hospitality industry: strategic outline
Keywords: economic forum, tourism, strategic growth, target programs, industry projects, government policy, attracting investment, investors.
Goal: to study management in the tourism and hospitality industry. Discussion: the forum received participants from more than 50 regions of the country. Among the forum’s guests are more than 300 representatives of government and business, sports and tourism industries. Forum participants were expected to participate in three days of discussion sessions and seminars on more than 15 topical topics. 80 speakers addressed the guests of this forum. The Vice-Governor of the Krasnodar territory, Vasily Shvets, delivered a welcoming speech at the plenary session. Results: the “point of growth” forum will become one of the platforms where we can conduct a dialogue between business representatives, investors, Federal authorities, as well as regions on issues of development in the field of tourism, sports and investment.
R.R. Mukuchyan, A.V. Nikitina
Personnel-marketing and personnel-management: problems, trends, prospects
Keywords: personnel–marketing, personnel–management, corporate environment, marketing research, internet recruitment, personnel management, emotional intelligence, coaching approach, staff motivation, industrial revolution.
Purpose: to study the problems, trends and prospects of personnel marketing and personnel management. Discussion: the conference was attended by a special guest, HRConf, who pointed out new strategies for staff training, explained which employees will help make production efficient and bring maximum profit, and also taught how to determine what the employee wants. The main topic of the conference was the construction of a unique corporate environment for staff development. HeadHunter, Head of Corporate Culture and Internal Communications, noted in his speech that digital business performance is growing if there are additional resources to fulfill ambitious tasks. The conference revealed the internal potential of employees and the development environment, motivating to achieve high results. Results: for the development of key trends in personnel marketing and personnel management, it is necessary to build a unique corporate environment for the introduction of innovative HR technologies.
V.V. Verna, V.A. Gasyuk
Transforming the role of HR manager in organizations: from HR manager to business partner
Keywords: business partner, business partner, talent management, business strategy, talent leader, HR Manager, human resources, HR Department.
Goal: to identify trends and features of changing the role of HR Manager in modern organizations from HR Manager to business partner. Discussion: the article examines the concept of HR-business partner, determining its role in the personnel management system, its differences from the HR-Manager. In modern conditions, attention to human resource management has significantly increased, which is facilitated by the strengthening of global integration, as well as globalization processes. The types of activities in which the HR business partner participates are defined, and the characteristics of their business qualities are given. Results: the scheme of evolutionary changes of HR functions in business management is constructed, and the trend of changing the role of HR-business partner is considered. The review of business partnership development in Russian companies is conducted. HR business partnership in Russia is at the initial stage of its development, since the development of the HR management function directly depends on the level of development of management technologies.