Dear authors!

All materials should be submitted to the editorial office in electronic form in WORD format by e-mail

Checklist for preparing the material for sending to the editor

As one of the submission process stages, the authors must check that their material meets all the following points, the materials can be returned to the authors if they do not meet these requirements.

  • the article has not been previously published, has not been submitted for review and publication in another journal;
  • the article file is presented in Microsoft Word, RTF document format;
  • the abstract is structured and sustained in the volume of 100-200 words;
  • the text meets the stylistic and bibliographic requirements described on the journal’s website in the “Authors” section;
  • the text is typed with a single line spacing; the font size is -12; italics are used for highlighting, not underscores (except for Internet addresses).

A guide for authors

General provisions

The journal “Sustainable Development Economics” accepts for publication previously unpublished materials containing the original research results and scientific reviews. The manuscript should be analytical, but not descriptive. It should present the author’s approach to solving the problem under study.

The works of graduate students are published free of charge on a first-come, first-served basis.

It is mandatory to submit a certificate of postgraduate study, certified by the head of the institution. The original certificate with the seal of the institution is sent by mail. Scanned copies of certificates are not accepted!

Graduate students who publish without co-authors, in addition to the manuscript, provide the following documents to the editorial office: a certificate of full-time postgraduate study, a recommendation from a supervisor. The recommendation should contain the title of the article and the surname of the author, the signature of the head, the transcript of the signature, the name of the organization to which the head belongs, and the seal of this organization.

1.Formatting the text.

  1. Page format — A4, Font — Times New Roman, Font size — 12, Line spacing — single, Margins — left 2 cm, right 2 cm, bottom and top 2 cm each. Alignment – by width.
  2. It is not recommended to use automatic hyphenation.
  3. The letter “ё” is replaced by “e” everywhere, except for surnames and special cases.

2.Formatting formulas.

  1. Remote mathematical formulas, drawn up in a separate line, must be typed in MathType as a whole.
  2. A set of formulas from composite elements (part of the formula is a table, part is a text, part is an embedded frame) is not allowed.
  3. For formulas typed in MathType, common font settings, character sizes and their placement should be used.

3.Formatting of drawings.

  1. Drawings should have a clear image.
  2. The drawings must be in black and white with a resolution of at least 250 dpi.
  3. The width of the drawing should be at least 15 cm

4. The thickness of the lines in the illustrations should be at least 0.5 pt. The inscriptions on the illustrations made in Tahoma 12 font should not come into contact with any parts of it.

  1. The background of the drawing should be white.
  2. The name of the drawing should be located below it.
  3. Do not use full-page drawings.
  4. The journal editorial board does not accept landscape drawings.

4.The structure and content of the manuscript.

1. For publication and timely preparation of the journal, it is necessary to fill in the registration card of the participant, submitted in electronic form.

Registration card of the surname published in the journal                                                         “Sustainable Development Economics”

Surname (Russian/English) Name (Russian/English) Patronymic (Russian/English)
Full title of the article (Russian/English)
Academic degree Academic title Position indicating the department, department, laboratory
E-mail Office phone/Fax Home address and phone
  1. The title of the article should be concise, informative and without abbreviations.
  2. The volume of one article is not fewer than 6 pages.

4. In articles it is necessary to allocate sections with the following headings:

  1. Introduction

Includes: the relevance of the research topic, a review of the literature on the research topic, the formulation of the research problem, the formulation of the goals and objectives of the study.

  1. Methods (Materials and Methods)
  • describe in detail the methods and the scheme of observations, allowing to reproduce results, using only the text of the article;
  • describe the conditions for conducting observations.
  1. Results

Representation the actual results of the study (text, tables, graphs, diagrams, equations, photographs, drawings).

  1. Discussion

Contains an interpretation of the study results, including:

  • compliance of the results obtained with the hypothesis of the study;
  • limitations of the study and generalization of its results;
  • suggestions for practical application;
  • suggestions on the direction of future research.
  1. Conclusion                                                                                                                                  Contains a summary of the sections of the article without repeating the wording given in the sections.
  1. Requirements for the content and structure of the abstract.
  1. The abstract should provide concise information about the results of the study. The information contained in the title should not be repeated in the abstract.
  2. The abstract should explain the study process, summarize the results and their scientific significance.
  3. The abstract should be structured according to the scheme:
  • purpose;
  • discussion;
  • results.
  1. The abstract is provided in Russian and English. The abstract in English must be original; a researcher should not provide a duplicate of the Russian-language abstract with a literal translation. When writing an abstract, it is necessary to observe the basic rules and stylistics of the English language. It is necessary to use English special terminology. The use of Internet translators is unacceptable.
  1. Keywords.
  1. Reflect the main content of the article, without repeating the terms of the title and annotation.
  2. Terms from the text of the article are used, as well as terms that define the subject area and make it easier to search for an article in a reference search system.
  3. Available in Russian and English.
  1. Bibliography.
  1. Links issued in violation of the rules will be removed from the list of references. The author is responsible for the correct data provided in the reference list.
  2. All the sources given in the text should be referenced (in square brackets indicating the source number, for example [1]). Sources without a link to them in the text will be deleted.
  3. Self-citation is not allowed.
  4. No more than 3 citations of the works of one author are allowed.
  5. Russian–language sources are given in Russian, foreign – in the original language. The literature in the list should be arranged in alphabetical order, with first editions in Russian, then in foreign languages (alphabetically).
  6. It is mandatory to cite (2 or more references) foreign authors-specialists on the subject of the study (in the original language, preferably on articles from journals).

7. It is recommended to cite 12 or more literary sources. The bibliographic description of the sources             used is carried out in accordance with the rules of the journal.

Source type Description form
Journal articles Article / Authors // Journal. – Year. – Number. – Article placement pages.

If more than 4 people worked on the article, then one of them is not mentioned in the title.

Monograph Title. / Authors – Number. – City and publishing house, year of issue. – The pages where the work is posted.

It is allowed not to use dashes in the design of this description, but to use only dots to separate individual parts.

If the works of other authors were used, then they can be mentioned in the general enumeration, or added in square brackets as a separate part.

Synopsis Title of the work: (author’s regalia). – City, year of publication. – Number of pages.
Dissertation Title: (after the colon, you can specify the status of the work and the regalia of the author). – City, year of publishing. – The pages on which the work is posted or the total number of pages.
Reviews (analytics) Title / Author. – City: Publishing house, year of issue. – Number of pages.

Patents RF patent Number, date of issue

Patents Russian Patent. Number. Year
Authors. Title // Russian Patent Number, year. The number of the bulletin.
Conference materials Title. Conference topic, City, year of graduation. Number of pages
Author. Title // Topic of the conference (Venue and date) – City, year of issue. – The pages on which the work is printed, or their number.Автор.
Internet documents URL, date of access to the resource.
Title of the work / Author. URL (date of reference).
Textbooks Title / Authors. – City: Publishing house, year of issue. – Number of pages.

With the authorship of 4 or more people, the design is made similarly to journal articles.

Manual Title / (Authors of works) // Editor. – City: Publishing house, year of issue. – Number of pages.
Dictionaries Author. Title / Authors. – City: Publishing house, year of issue. – Number of pages.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered on the website of this journal will be used exclusively for the purposes indicated by this journal, and will not be used for any other purposes and provided to other persons and organizations.

Review process

The manuscripts of all articles submitted to the journal pass through the Institute of peer review. The editorial board notifies the authors of the receipt of the article within 3 working days.

  1. The editorial board determines the compliance of the article with the profile and requirements of the journal. Materials that do not meet these conditions are returned to the authors with an indication of the reasons for refusal to accept manuscripts. Materials that meet these conditions are sent for review to the journal editorial board members according to the theme of the research. All reviewers are recognized experts on the subject of peer-reviewed materials and have publications on the profile of the reviewed article.
  2. The journal “Sustainable Development Economics” has adopted a system of “two-way blind” (anonymous) review, when the reviewer and the author do not know each other’s names.
  3. The maximum review period from the date of receipt to the decision is 1 month.
  4. Reviewers are notified that the manuscripts submitted to them are the intellectual property of the authors and relate to information not subject to disclosure. The review is conducted confidentially.
  5. Upon written request, the editorial board sends the authors a review copy or a reasoned refusal without a signature and indication of the surname, position, place of work of the reviewer. The reviews are kept in the publishing house and in the editorial office.
  6. The article, modified or revised by the authors, is re-sent for review together with its original version.
  7. The decision on the publication expediency after reviewing is made by the editor-in-chief and brought to the attention of the author.
  8. The authors are not charged for reviewing.

Open Access Policy

The journal provides open access to its content, as free access to the results of scientific research contributes to the exchange of knowledge.


There is no fee for publishing (editorial) services in relation to articles of full-time graduate students (without co-authors) studying in the territory of the Russian Federation. The authors are not charged for reviewing articles.

The preferential right of publication is the registration of the author’s subscription to the journal. The subscription price is

9 990 (Nine thousand nine hundred and ninety) rubles (excluding VAT).


Reviewing and editorial edits are made only by the editorial staff.

Subscription payment is made only after reviewing the article and sending the authors an invoice for payment.

The transfer of the author’s copy is carried out by postal parcel at the expense of the editorial office.