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S.A. Avakyan
Main elements of formation of a marketing sustainability management system for agricultural business project
Keywords: agromarketing, project marketing, market risks, marketing system, marketing sustainability, business projects, agricultural projects, suppliers.
Purpose: to substantiate the need to ensure the marketing sustainability of agricultural business projects. Discussion: the article proposes the main elements of the formation of a management system for the marketing stability of management activities, highlights the features of its implementation. Marketing sustainability acts as an independent significant area of management. This area actively interacts with risk management and anti-crisis management, which makes it possible to form a comprehensive system of measures to preserve the efficiency of doing business in the changing market conditions. The key elements of this system are analyzed taking into account the specifics of their implementation in agricultural projects. Using marketing to support sustainable development objectives is a new approach, but it is increasingly prevalent in the theory and practice of marketing. Results: the results of the presented developments were the fundamental approaches to the formation of a management system for the marketing stability of a business project, to building a complex of protecting the business from market risks and threats with the help of marketing.
P.T. Avkopashvili
Influence of policy instruments on enhancing innovative activities of industrial enterprises
Keywords: policy instruments, activation of innovative activity, structuralist view, transformation of the state, transformation of society, innovation, enterprises, state.
Purpose: to consider the impact of policy instruments on the innovation activity of an industrial enterprise. Discussion: The article shows that the traditional theoretical analysis, which takes a structuralist view of the local state, is insufficient to cover the dynamic process of mutual transformation of the state and society. The state-in-society approach offers a valuable process-oriented analytical perspective for scholars to gain a better understanding of the role of the regional state. Results: the main proposals for enhancing innovation in regions of the Russian Federation on the issue of assessing the effectiveness of the ongoing industrial policy in terms of increasing labor productivity and the production of high technology products are reduced to highlighting priority areas in the industrial sector of the region, identifying and providing key players in the market space.
N.V. Andreeva, E.V. Ermosh, E.P. Ogorodnikova, YU.V. Singaeva
Investment and modern information economy
Keywords: investment process, investments, information economy, investment, innovative economy, capital, interest, savings.
Purpose: to consider the change in the content of the category of the investment process in the information economy. Discussion: the article presents the results of a comprehensive study of the approaches and mechanisms of Russian and foreign scientists to investment and innovation processes in the modern digital economy. An overview and analysis of the process of innovative implementation of investment technologies in the modern economy is offered. The article assesses the main definitions related to the investment process, and examines the various approaches of leading economists. Results: the authors believe that it is necessary to develop the theory of investments, the economic content of the category of investments at the present stage is manifested in their reproductive orientation. It is noted that within the framework of the theory of information economy, scientists place an emphasis not so much on the study of investments as real capital investments, but on the analysis of the investment behavior of business entities.
A.P. Anufrieva, D.A. Konovalenko, А.А. Arutyunova
Evaluation of the economic security level of the Krasnodar region
Keywords: economic security, assessment, level of economic security, monitoring, number, constituent entities of the Russian Federation, socio-economic indicators, threats.
Purpose: to assess the level of economic security of the Krasnodar Territory by monitoring indicators of economic security in 2018 compared to previous years. Discussion: with the aim of national unity and improvement of state relations, the issue of ensuring economic security is becoming more and more urgent. The authors of the article considered the concept of economic security of the region from the point of view of the systemic and functional approaches, and also described the possibilities and abilities of reflecting the economic security of the region. The indicators of the level of economic security of the region are considered. The article provides a comprehensive assessment of the state of economic security of the Krasnodar Territory. Results: based on the results of the analysis, the level of economic security of the region was determined, internal, external threats to the economic security of the Krasnodar Territory were described, and ways to ensure the economic security of the region were proposed.
R.SH. Atakishiev, S.A. Birishev, I.V. SHevchenko
Modern economic prospects for the development of the agro-industrial complex in Russia
Keywords: food security, economic prospects, security, information technology, information security, economic security, agro-industrial complex, work efficiency, product quality.
Purpose: to study modern economic prospects in the agro-industrial complex in Russia. Discussion: the effective development of the agro-industrial sector largely determines the level of food security of the state, the state of the entire potential of the national economy, as well as the socio-economic situation in the country as a whole. The current situation of prospects is caused by a sharp technological and technical development in the world in the field of ICT. The authors indicate the relevance of studying these prospects. The article discusses the positive and negative prospects that may arise in the agro-industrial complex in Russia, depending on the actual actions of the development of the industry. Results: The authors believe that the agricultural industry needs to produce more food with a minimum consumption of resources, therefore, a significant breakthrough in agricultural production technologies is needed. In order to realize this breakthrough, it is necessary to create and actually maintain an integrated technological infrastructure so that technological benefits are available to farmers.
V.A. Bondarenko, V.A. Larionov, N.N. Zubareva
Marketing and operational integration of eco-hotels and universities in recreation and health-improving clusters
Keywords: perception, consumers, youth, green hotels, universities involved, public opinion, sustainable development, trends.
Annotation. Purpose: to study the application of marketing and operational integration of eco-hotels and universities in recreational and health-improving clusters. Discussion: in the current situation, when Russian consumers assess the offer of green hotels, the hedonistic component prevails, which is at odds with the opinion of foreign (for example, European) consumers, who focus on the altruistic component of their decisions, being adherents of the concept of sustainable development. Since Russian business is developing within the framework of global trends, the introduction of “green” innovations is relevant for it. Results: authors believe that it is necessary to develop active cooperation between the hotel segment and universities, which, in turn, being the conductors of the formation of public opinion through education young people, can instill and strengthen the desired stereotypes of behavior that affect, among other things, on consumer preferences in terms of business implementation of “green” solutions.
O.V. Vaganova, L.A. Kon’shina
Assessment of the investment attractiveness of the regions of the Russian Federation
Keywords: investment attractiveness, regions, investment climate, regional economy, investments, constituent entities of the Russian Federation, potential, state.
Purpose: to consider the methodology for assessing the investment attractiveness of the regions of the Russian Federation. Discussion: the article provides a definition of the investment attractiveness of the region, identifies the key parameters of a favorable investment climate for achieving regional investment attractiveness. The analysis of the ratings of the investment attractiveness of the regions of the Russian Federation, prepared by the Agency for Strategic Initiatives of the Russian Federation, the rating agency “Expert RA” JSC. The drawbacks of the business environment of the regions for domestic and foreign investors are revealed, and a number of measures are presented to improve the investment attractiveness. Results: the key conditions for improving the investment potential of the region are favorable conditions for doing business, geographical location and existing natural resources, as well as an institutional component. In general, in a number of regions there is an increase in investment potential, which was achieved mainly by state support and a reasonable distribution of funds between industry structures. The level of development of the region depends on the further development of investment attractiveness, ensuring guarantees of the fulfillment of the main indicators of reliability and safety.
N.S. Grishkova, D.A. Pavlyuchenko
Mitigation of the company’s transmission risks in the system of economic security measures
Keywords: risks, economic security, economic entities, hedging, coronavirus infection, uncertainty, economic efficiency, forward.
Цель: изучить проблемы трансляционного риска в условиях нестабильности экономики и обосновать необходимость регулирования данного риска. Обсуждение: в статье проводится анализ трансляционного риска в условиях нестабильности экономики в мировых экономических отношениях. В настоящее время ставится вопрос о том, стоит ли тратить имеющиеся денежные средства на страхование неоднозначного риска, который в зависимости от ситуации и состояния рынка может положительно или отрицательно влиять на деятельность крупных международных компаний РФ. Результаты: нестабильность мирового валютного курса влияет на деятельность экономических субъектов – участников рыночных отношений. Резкие скачки или падения курса валют могут отрицательно сказываться на консолидированной отчетности компаний, которые имеют дочерние иностранные организации. Нельзя сказать, что проанализированный валютный курс за последний год является катализатором трансляционных рисков, напротив, в этот период они были минимальными. Однако не стоит забывать о неопределенности в рыночных отношениях, поэтому целесообразно заниматься страхованием (хеджированием) рисков, иначе пренебрежение этим может отрицательно сказаться на стабильности развития крупных компаний, что создаст неблагоприятные условия для экономической безопасности страны.
T.A. Dzhum, O.A. Korneva, E.G. Dunec
Survival strategy in the food services market taking into account the lessons of the 2020 crisis
Keywords: restaurant market, formats, business models, crisis, commercial projects, delivery, Internet directions, social responsibility, consumers.
Purpose: to consider a strategy for restoring the restaurant business after the crisis in 2020. Discussion: the main difficulties for the restaurant business are: low average check and flow of guests, payment of debts, team spirit. The restaurants of the middle price segment suffered the most, as in all spheres. The restaurants that organized delivery had more opportunities. The authors draw attention to the need for a clear study of the employee motivation program, everything should be tied to sales. At the same time, guests who come to the hall of the institution should not be disappointed with the quality of food and the level of service. Results: the authors suggest that, against the background of existing problems with imported products, there will soon be a different product range. Pricing, cost and menu will have to be planned based on it. Those who will survive will be those who combine a successful location, an up-to-date concept (assortment and democracy) and the ability to finance all costs. The crisis taught restaurateurs to make decisions quickly and implement all changes.
T.A. Dzhum, E.S. Franchenko, R.V. Bryushkov
Crisis as a time of opportunities for business models
in the sphere of HoReCa
Keywords: restaurant industry, crisis, rent, suppliers, menu revision, staffing, contracts, delivery, operating profit, profitability, food cost.
Purpose: to study the impact of the crisis on the hotel and restaurant business. Discussion: This article highlights the relevance of revising options for the development of projects in the field of HoReCa, directions, services, products, ideas through experiments, trial and error. The crisis is not even a school, but accelerated survival courses, which makes restaurateurs learn to work with their expenses, a more conservative approach to the calculation of business models and to reserve funds, moreover, their own, because only they can be relied upon in cases of some unplanned difficulties. Results: a catering company needs not only to satisfy the basic needs of its guests, but to constantly work on its brand, because business must have a face, be remembered and deposited in the minds of people. Therefore, the main requirement for this business is flexibility and the ability to adapt to changing market conditions, legislation, and infrastructure.
L.G. Zvereva, I.A. Karsliev, E.E. Ponomarenko, L.L. YAkovleva
Digital transformation of the educational environment as a condition for optimizing the personnel management system of a higher educational institution
Keywords: educational environment, universities, personnel management, educational institution, students, digital technologies, software, remote work.
Purpose: to consider the features of the digital transformation of the personnel management system of a higher educational institution. Discussion: the article examines the criteria for assessing the quality of personnel management, on the basis of which it is possible to form a system of basic indicators of the technical and information equipment of the university. The authors identified the main software systems for personnel management in Russian universities, which successfully cope with the automation of work and educational processes. Results: today, every higher educational institution in the Russian Federation is undergoing an active digital transformation in all areas. The use of digital tools is inextricably linked with the transformation of goals, organizational forms and teaching methods for students, teachers and employees of all services of the university. That is why universities combine the digitalization of activities with the modernization of educational programs, adhering to the fact that this will be followed by an appropriate update of the goals and content of personnel management of a higher educational institution.
N.N. Zubareva, A.A. Suvorova, I.M. Kublin
Problems of forming effective marketing and functional communications in the field of healthcare
Keywords: marketing communications, functional communications, healthcare, patient, doctor, communicative competence, communication campaigns, medical care, healthy lifestyle.
Purpose: to consider the problems of the formation of communications in the health sector. Discussion: the article discusses the possibility of increasing the efficiency of all types of communications (marketing and functional) in the healthcare sector, their role in the activities of a medical institution and the life of patients, as well as its management aspect. Relationships that develop during the provision of treatment and prophylactic care and medical services are considered, and the role of communicative and cultural competencies between a patient and a medical worker is determined. The problems associated with solving information and communication problems in the field of health care, generated by numerous internal and external difficulties, have been investigated. The directions of planning communication campaigns in the field of healthcare are indicated. Results: the effect of communications in the health sector will be achieved when the stakeholders act, uniting their efforts, in one strategic direction, taking into account the reliability and transparency of information support, taking into account universal human values.
A.A. Kabargina, I.M. Kublin, A.A. Voronov
Features of the formation of innovative marketing in the enterprise
Keywords: business, innovative marketing, products, enterprise, innovation, strategy, competitiveness, market segment.
Purpose: to substantiate the need to apply innovative marketing in the context of modern mobility of various market segments. Discussion: the article presents the content and interpretation of the concepts of “innovative marketing” and “marketing of innovations” in the context of modern market relations. Formulated, taking into account the life cycle of innovation, organizational measures affecting the processes of industrial development of enterprises in a competitive market. Results: innovative marketing implies the active introduction of high technologies into production and economic activities, the creation of fundamentally new promotion routes and the use of various marketing methods to attract customers, which helps to win the fight for the consumer. Each innovation goes through several stages during its operation in the market, strategic and operational types of innovative marketing are also applied to it to produce and sell profitable products.
V.Yu. Karpenko, T.A. Dzhum, E.V. Barashkina, A.V. Antoshkina
Hotel corporate culture as one of the elements affecting the consumer’s choice of accommodation in the hospitality industry
Keywords: hospitality industry, corporate culture, competitive advantages, psychological climate, internal communications, personnel, accommodation facilities, hotels.
Purpose: to consider the features of corporate culture in the hospitality industry. Discussion: This article highlights the relevance of corporate culture as a factor influencing an increase in the degree of consumer confidence in hotel services. The level of service culture depends on the professional training of the personnel, which is especially important in the Krasnodar Territory, which personifies the Russian health resort. Results: the establishment and strengthening of interaction between employees, the formation of a positive psychological climate, the definition of values among employees, team cohesion – all this is a reflection of the corporate culture that affects all indicators of the hotel. In this regard, increasing the labor potential of employees is the main goal of corporate culture, since its implementation depends on the implementation of business projects related to strengthening the market niche and demand, to which all hotel services are focused.
A.A. Kizim, D.P. Kajfedzhan, YU.V. Kareeva
Green logistics as an element of sustainable development of agricultural companies
Keywords: “green” logistics, sustainable development, agricultural companies, technological means, economic growth, environment, logistics, services.
Purpose: to identify ways to achieve agreement on sustainable development and logistics goals aimed at improving the efficiency of the enterprise and obtaining not only economic, but also social effect. Discussion: modern market conditions are associated with a high level of competition, automation and digitalization of business processes, as well as the need to create increased customer value. The criteria for creating the value of the final product are changing, in particular: the requirements of target consumers for the products of agricultural companies are becoming more complicated, which forces companies operating in the markets of agricultural products to look for new ways to create consumer value. One of these ways is currently “green” logistics. An important role in this direction is played by innovative logistics methods. Results: the main purpose of “green” logistics is highlighted as an innovative tool for creating increased consumer value in the agricultural market. The problems in the implementation of the principles of “green” logistics have been identified. The impact of economic development on the environment is analyzed. Practical examples of the application of the principles of “green” logistics in the activities of Russian enterprises, which are based on the maximum automation of production and logistics processes, are considered.
E.V. Kletskova
Information tools – the basis of innovative strategic planning
Keywords: information tools, innovative strategic planning, financial support, marketing strategies, intensive interaction, financial crisis, state, enterprises.
Purpose: to consider modern innovative strategic planning tools. Discussion: due to the cumulative effect of interaction between state business at all stages of policy, the positive effect of state support for enterprises on increasing investment in various innovation strategies may increase. Industrial enterprises that are more informed about political actions are more motivated to invest in innovative projects, since they find more resources available for their implementation, be it information support or financial support, which is confirmed by the enterprises themselves in the regions. Results: Given the limited public resources, information tools that involve less direct government intervention in the innovative behavior of industrial enterprises are more effective where enterprises are allowed to innovate based on their internal potential and external market conditions, while minimizing market distortions caused by policy intervention.
V.A. Larionov, YA.G. Glumova
Issues of forming regional tourism clusters in creating conditions for ensuring consumer loyalty to collective accommodation facilities in Russia
Keywords: regional tourist cluster, collective accommodation facilities, consumer loyalty, complex tourist product, marketing, pandemic, hotels, tourist and recreational cluster.
Purpose: to consider the marketing and management aspects of the formation of regional tourism clusters to ensure consumer loyalty to collective accommodation facilities. Discussion: the article substantiates the need to create conditions for expanding the demand for hotel services and ensuring consumer loyalty to collective accommodation facilities in the regions of Russia, in general, in addition to a highly specialized approach to identifying reasonable criteria for the formation of a loyalty system for a certain collective accommodation facility. This need is dictated by the geopolitical situation and the negative impact of the pandemic, which have reduced overall demand. Results: the authors believe that the way out of this situation is to intensify efforts to form regional tourism clusters that offer an integrated tourism product and provide a reduction in the risks of functioning and the possibility of expanding demand due to the synergy effect for all members of the cluster association, including collective accommodation facilities.
V.A. Larionov, N.N. Zubareva
The impact of the covid-19 pandemic on the functioning of the collective placement segment in Russia in the context of global trends: updating marketing solutions
Keywords: collective accommodation facilities, pandemic, tourism activity, decline, marketing solutions, trends, hotels, tourism.
Purpose: to study the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the functioning of the collective accommodation segment in Russia, based on modern marketing solutions. Discussion: at the present time, there are deep crisis phenomena in tourist activity around the world, which, naturally, has an extremely negative effect on the operation of hotels and other means of collective accommodation of citizens. A complex situation has developed in this segment in Russia – this is what mediates its analysis to understand current and future trends. Results: the analytical data presented in the article actualize the shift of interest from attracting the external segment of tourists (which is almost impossible due to full or partial lockdown and sanitary and epidemiological restrictions) to domestic tourism, as a source of a possible direction for normalizing the industry. The authors consider it necessary to maintain a balance between the administrative means of supporting the industry and the launch of market mechanisms based on marketing decisions.
I.I. Mironova
Features of the personnel management system controlling toolkit
Keywords: controlling, personnel management, personnel controlling, controlling tools, personnel audit, balanced scorecard, corporate strategy, personnel.
Purpose: to consider controlling tools and outline the features of their application in controlling the personnel management system. Discussion: the article discusses the essence of personnel controlling, elements of controlling activities and their inherent management tools. The features of the choice of controlling tools depending on the type of company are revealed, such key tools as personnel audit and balanced scorecard are analyzed in detail, the article provides an approximate list of indicators for assessing the activities of the personnel management system. Results: controlling tools are quite diverse and the choice of specific tools depends on the area of application of controlling (accounting activities; organization of information flows; planning; monitoring and analysis of compliance of actual indicators with planned ones). With regard to controlling the personnel management system, the most effective method seems to be the use of a balanced scorecard, harmoniously combining quantitative and qualitative indicators, as well as providing an assessment of the personnel management system “built-in” into the overall controlling system of the organization.
A.S. Molchan, E.A. Kholod
Assessment of the external economic security of the region in the context of its sustainable development
Key words: regional economic system, economic security, foreign economic security, foreign economic activity, foreign economic complex, threats, innovative development, industry.
Purpose: to study methodological approaches to assessing foreign economic security and to form an assessment algorithm that takes into account regional specifics. Discussion: the article indicates the need to assess the level of economic security of the region. The foreign economic activity of the region is increasingly influencing the development of the territory, however, it is the external factors that have the most detrimental effect on the regional economic system due to its spontaneous nature of occurrence, scale and coverage of territories and industries. Results: an algorithm for assessing the level of economic security of a region is proposed, which includes an analysis of the main indicators for the spheres of life of the region and the foreign economic complex. The authors believe that a promising direction in ensuring the country’s foreign economic security is the development of special indicator systems that allow an error-free and regular assessment.
O.V. Nikulina, P.N. Grigor’eva
Analysis of the development of pharmaceutical companies activities:
current realities and growth prospects in the context of the coronavirus pandemic
Keywords: pharmaceutical companies, development of innovation, the global pharmaceutical market, the impact of the pandemic, coronavirus, growth drivers, pharmaceutical industry, pharmaceutical products.
Purpose: to analyze the dynamics of the development of the pharmaceutical market based on determining the current realities of its functioning and growth prospects, taking into account the impact of the coronavirus pandemic and the current situation in the field of competition between leading international pharmaceutical companies. Discussion: the article presents an analysis of the current state and dynamics of the development of the global pharmaceutical market, draws attention to the features of the development of the Russian pharmaceutical market during the coronavirus pandemic, discloses the impact of COVID-19 on the formation and development of business processes of pharmaceutical companies. Results: the results of the analysis made it possible to identify the prospects for the development of pharmaceutical companies in the context of overcoming the economic crisis. The key factors of the competitiveness of pharmaceutical companies, associated with the reorientation to the revival and development of their own production of substances, the strengthening of ties and relationships with suppliers, the search for reliable production and digital sites for efficient production and operational sales, with the most efficient use of international logistics as a competitive advantage, a priority targeted use of own financial resources of pharmaceutical companies for the development of innovative activities and the mandatory formation of a reserve in the field of creating fundamentally new innovative technologies.
V.YU. Pavlovskaya
Research of marketing features of functioning
and development of regional retail chains of Krasnodar region
Keywords: regional retail chains, behavior model, consumer, regional market, consumer activity, consumer basket, respondents, marketing features.
Purpose: to study the marketing features of the functioning and development of regional retail chains in the Krasnodar Territory. Discussion: the article developed a plan and methodology for conducting a study of the regional consumer market, made a relevant calculation of the sample. The features of the portrait of a real consumer, the presence and strength of the brand of regional retail chains, the attitude of consumers to regional retail chains and the reasons for consumer choice, as well as the actual state of consumer activity in 2019-2020 have been investigated. and its prospects for 2021. The forecast of unmet expectations and “demand windows” for regional retail chains has been carried out. Results: among the positive features of the marketing positioning of regional retail chains in the studied consumer market, the respondents attributed the offer of natural Kuban products and the representation of proven producers of the region.
N.E. Petrovskaya
Features of personnel marketing in small businesses
Keywords: employment, small business, personnel marketing, brand, employees, tools, organizations, employers.
Purpose: to consider the application of personnel marketing for small businesses. Discussion: the article shows the role of small businesses in providing employment. In the context of large-scale structural and technological changes, it is small businesses have sufficient flexibility and the ability to keep people busy. At the same time, it is very important to treat employees as customers, consumers of the market potential of the organization. It is also important to realize the value of human development, since the quality of the labor force is of fundamental importance, now people buy and sell the results of labor. The paper presents options for internal marketing tools for small businesses. Results: employment problems of the third decade of the XXI century show the need for a serious rethinking of the role of small business. In turn, small businesses need to work to create the most attractive image as an employer, as well as create a qualitatively different environment for the employee, taking into account their personal characteristics, needs and values.
I.A. Pogodina, L.N. Zaharova, O.A. Balabanova, I.R. ZHemgurazova
Current trends in the development of the Russian higher education system and their impact on HR-management technologies
Keywords: HR-management, HR-management technologies, higher education, concepts of modern training, HR-trends, information technologies, digitalization, digital economy.
Purpose: to consider trends in the development of higher education in Russia and their impact on human resources management technologies. Discussion: this article examines the principles of modernization of the Russian higher education system, the concepts of modern training, as well as the main HR trends that take into account the coronavirus pandemic. The current problems of the development of the higher education system at the present stage and the readiness of higher education to provide an improved infrastructure discussed. Results: digitalization can stopped, and digital transformation is not a marketing slogan, but a condition for the survival of the higher education system. Today, universities need to predict the development of every trend that determines the future of human capital. Current trends in higher education systems have a significant impact on HR management technologies. Universities need to predict the development of every trend that determines of human capital.
M.I. Pshmahova, A.S. Medvedeva, A.V. Nikitina, L.L. YAkovleva
Features of distance teaching of economic disciplines in higher school: experience of kuban universities
Keywords: distance education, universities, economic disciplines, students, platforms, exams, training, information technology.
Purpose: to study the features of distance teaching of economic disciplines by universities of the Kuban. Discussion: the article discusses the characteristic features of distance learning at a university, it is determined that it is a flexible training system that allows you to acquire knowledge at any time and in any convenient place. The main advantages and disadvantages of distance education are revealed, as well as the capabilities of various online learning platforms used by Kuban universities (Microsoft Teams, Moodle, BigBlueButton, Zoom, etc.) are analyzed. Results: the role of digital technologies in ensuring the quality of education is considered an important element in the development of modern education. Kuban universities were among the first in the Russian Federation to recognize the global trend towards virtualization of education and used this vector to create an electronic educational environment with access to high-quality electronic content.
V.V. Rublev
Prospects for the development of Gagarin airport (Saratov)
as a regional hub of the Volga Federal District
Keywords: air transportation market, regional air transportation, regional airports, hub airports, crisis management, regional logistics, regional economy, investment attractiveness, investment policy, economic sustainability, competitiveness, profitability.
Purpose: to build a model for the future development of the Gagarin airport (the city of Saratov) as a regional hub (base airport) of the Volga Federal District. Discussion: Saratov has a favorable geographic location, the organization of a regional hub will allow the airport to significantly increase passenger traffic, becoming the leading airport in the Central Federal District and the base airport for a regional airline. Saratov Airport was commissioned in 2019; it is a completely new regional airport that meets all international requirements and safety and quality standards. However, the airport’s passenger traffic continues to remain at an extremely low level due to the fact that the airport serves the population of Saratov and the Saratov region and is not a hub for regional airlines. Comparison of the airports of Voronezh and Rostov-on-Don in the structure of the study proves the effectiveness of the model for the development of a hub based on a regional airport. The experience of building hubs of the Spanish low-cost airline Volotea proves the effectiveness of building a regional route network. Results: with the development of Gagarin airport as a regional hub of the Volga Federal District, an increase in passenger traffic will occur. This will have a positive effect on increasing the airport’s profitability, creating new jobs, attracting companies from the retail and consumer services segment, which in the context of macroeconomic instability is one of the important factors in the growth of the regional economy.
A.S. Salova, O.N. Esina
Problems of the development of the methodology of dynamic standards in the framework of economic diagnostics of the enterprise
Keywords: dynamic standards, economic diagnostics, enterprise activity, golden rule, enterprise economics, rank statistics, coefficients, dynamic model.
Purpose: to determine the advantages and limitations of the use of dynamic standards as a tool for economic diagnostics of enterprise activities. Discussion: The working hypothesis of the study is related to the assumption that, despite the vastness of its application, the method of dynamic standards has a number of disadvantages, which are associated with the lack of an unambiguous methodology for applying dynamic standards. Results: the authors studied the existing variations of the basic and modernized formula of the “golden rule of enterprise economics”, approaches to the construction of an integral indicator based on the rank correlation of dynamic standard indices, as well as options for interpreting the value of the integral indicator. The variety of interpretation options that characterize the essence of the final coefficient, calculation algorithms and criteria for assessing the boundaries of interpretations allow us to conclude that at present an unambiguous method for applying dynamic standards has not been developed, which predetermines the need for further research based on a representative sample using statistical and econometric methods.
D.K. Sulajmanova, A.M. Matkerimova
Food security is the basis of personal life
Keywords: food, safety, products, production, pandemic, self-sufficiency, need, living standards of the population, development.
Purpose: to consider the issues of food security of the population during the crisis period of 2020. Discussion: The article touches upon the issues of self-sufficiency of the population with food during the COVID-19 pandemic. Analyzes of the main socio-economic indicators of the standard of living of the population, average prices for certain food products in the Kyrgyz Republic have been carried out. A number of proposals are presented for strengthening the social safety net for nutrition, among which are: investing in activities to meet the needs associated with the response to the COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent recovery. Findings: The authors argue that there is a need to strengthen nutritional safety nets, strengthen nutritional interventions in the health system to maintain the continuity of nutritional services, and protect the most vulnerable.
O.V. Titova
Incremental innovation is the perfect tool in the field of highly developed technological breakthroughs
Keywords: incremental innovation, highly developed technological breakthroughs, competition, investment strategy, production, resources, innovation, institutional structures.
Purpose: to study the toolkit of incremental innovation in the field of highly developed technological breakthroughs. Discussion: The article shows that the federal program specifically encourages applications from regional groups, since regional alliances can significantly increase the attractiveness of a region for foreign investors. This can lead to new investments that go beyond the boundaries of one community. This program has three main objectives: to focus on supporting the attraction, retention and expansion of foreign direct investment; work in partnership; and also cost sharing. Results: thanks to globalization, there are positive trends in making significant breakthroughs by industrial enterprises in a certain link of the international industrial chain through incremental innovations, this leads to the fact that such innovations can become industry leaders.
V.Ya. Shklyaruk, Yu.I. Vasekin, I.M. Kublin, V.E. Garkovenko
Orientation of young people to a moral family lifestyle: the value of practice of social and ethical marketing
Keywords: risk, balance, motivational-value attitude, processes, behavior, culture, marketing research, health code.
Purpose: to formulate the views and orientations of young people on the value practices of social and ethical marketing. Discussion: the Demographic behavior of a family depends on many indicators: the conditions and lifestyle of family members, their job security, the stability of family income, and housing conditions. Until recently, the economic situation of the family has tended to decrease the real income of the family due to insufficient production growth and high inflation rates. The relatively low standard of living of families with children negatively affects the increase in the birth rate. Results: many studies show that some conclusions are underestimated: creating scientific motivations for the formation of value orientations of modern youth, the use of health-saving technologies, and the formation of behavioral principles of the individual. Implementation of mechanisms for the formation of health-saving technologies and self-preservation behavior requires a special approach to promoting a healthy style of behavior. In this regard, it is necessary to specify the implementation of the code of health of the student in each higher educational institution.
I.G. Davydenko, E.YU. Kozachenko
Possibilities and limits of using the binary logistic regression model
for assessing financial stability and the risk of bank default
Keywords: financial stability, bank, bankruptcy risk, probability assessment, bank default, binary logistic regression, cluster analysis, analysis of variance.
Purpose: to consider the possibilities and problems of applying the binary logistic regression model associated with the growing risks of loss of financial stability by credit institutions and, as a consequence, the emergence of their bankruptcy as a result of the tightening of the policy and requirements of the macroregulator for controlled banks in the modern conditions of the development of the domestic banking sector. Discussion: a set of analytical tools used to objectively assess the financial stability of a bank involves the calculation of complementary financial ratios, which are characterized by predictive weakness and limitations. In this regard, the scientific and methodological problems of using mathematical and statistical tools are actualized, including the binary logistic regression model for a valid assessment of the risk of bank default. Results: in the process of analytical calculations, it was found that the modeling procedure is accompanied by the difficulties of forming an information array, developing a system of indicators, ensuring the quality, accuracy and reliability of the constructed model, which made it possible to develop recommendations that should be taken into account when building scenarios for the bank’s development.
V.D. Lyubofeev
Russian market of auditing: clients and perspectives
Keywords: audit services market, statutory audit, audit organizations, audited persons, auditors, audit reform, government regulation of audit, clients.
Purpose: to consider the macroeconomic necessity and opportunities for the development of the audit services market in the Russian Federation. Discussion: in the course of the study, publications in printed sources and on the Internet were studied, expert opinions of representatives of the audit community were collected. The study of trends in the development of the audit market was carried out on the basis of official statistics of the Ministry of Finance of Russia and the Federal State Statistics Service. In world practice, the institution of statutory audit is an important integral part of the market economic system. In the Russian Federation, the market for audit services is steadily shrinking and the main reason for this is the lack of demand of auditors’ clients for services for conducting statutory audits in their current form. Results: in order to further develop the Russian market of audit services, it is necessary to revise the content of the institution of statutory audit, taking into account the real macroeconomic need for it, to clarify the categories of persons subject to statutory audit. It is necessary to modify and differentiate the services provided by auditors in accordance with objective macroeconomic needs, to ensure control of the required quality of these services. The solution to these issues should be reflected in the state regulation of the audit market for the sustainable economic development of our country.
A.S. Molchan, A.V. Dobrolyubova
Effective methods of financial risk management in the grain market of the Russian Federation
Keywords: financial risks, hedging, futures, forward, option, swap, economic security, mercantile exchange, legal regulation.
Purpose: to study the mechanism of one of the most effective methods of financial risk management – hedging, using the example of the grain market in the Russian Federation. Discussion: the article presents a detailed consideration of the concept of hedging, analyzes the legal regulation of hedging in the Russian Federation. The issue of the development of exchange trade in grain crops and the factors hindering the effective development and functioning of grain exchanges in Russia are considered. Results: hedging does not apply to entrepreneurial activity, since it is based on risk reduction due to the loss of part of the profit from the main economic activity. Important stages on the way to the development of a hedging mechanism are: improving and supplementing the legal framework for hedging, introducing a system of guarantees for participants in transactions and a system for controlling the quality and quantity of grain supplies, as well as developing the existing infrastructure and stabilizing the functioning of exchanges.
O.B. Panteleeva, V.Yu. Zhidkov
Optimization of trading on financial exchanges: features of the probability theory using
Keywords: mathematical expectation, variance, profit, loss, trading, normal distribution, deal, balance.
Purpose: to consider the criteria and approaches to assessing trading strategies on financial exchanges. Discussion: It is relevant to analyze the application of the basic concepts of probability theory: mathematical expectation and variance in the study of trading on financial exchanges. Discussion of this research will help to use probabilistic characteristics to solve applied trading problems. Results: This article provides some general approaches to evaluating trading strategies. The authors have come to the conclusion that they can cross-examine any positive outcome (profit obtained from a sufficient sequence of trades) in order to identify negative aspects of the trade. This means that all these characteristics do not so much characterize the effectiveness of this trading strategy as inform us about the weak points in trading, which we should pay attention to, not being content with only a positive end result.
M.I. Pshmahova, I.V. Mishagina, A.V. Ryabchenko, G.K. Kantoroeva
On some aspects of the development of the global financial system
in the context of a pandemic: features of the architectonics of the financial space
Keywords: finance, financial system, financial institutions, globalization, investment, crisis, internationalization, financial relations, financial flows, financial transactions.
Purpose: to analyse all aspects of the development of the global financial system in the context of the epidemic. Discussion: the article shows that the main reasons for the acceleration of globalization are the growth of production, the lack of Natural Resources, the expansion of the financial process and the complication of foreign economic relations. The significance of this study is that, in the context of globalization, it is necessary to build a strong global financial system, which is an integral part of the interconnectedness and linkages of the financial sector. Statistical, comparative and situational analysis methods are used to evaluate information and study the specifics of the development of the global financial system. Results: projections for the development of the global financial system and its impact on the world economy and national economies are shown. The identification of priorities for the sustainable development of the global financial system demonstrates the need to strengthen its stability in order to meet the current challenges of developing countries in the context of the epidemic.
V.A. Bondarenko, Y.I. Kurenova, K.F. Mekhantsev
Issues of state support of business structures in Russia and a number of foreign countries
Keywords: government support, small business, medium business, foreign experience, entrepreneurial structure, expenses, projects, enterprises.
Purpose: to study the issues of state support for entrepreneurial structures in Russia and a number of foreign countries. Discussion: The article examines the positive experience of supporting small and medium-sized businesses that has developed in a number of countries, which allows it to act as a serious economic force that contributes to the positive evolution of the socio-economic system. The authors analyzed the efforts to support the small and medium-sized business segment in Russia. Results: the authors concluded that the continuation of the efforts being made is in demand, along with the assessment and adaptive implementation of the foreign experience of countries, in contact with the active involvement of educational institutions in the formation of entrepreneurial competencies among citizens. This will contribute to enhancing the effectiveness of existing support measures due to the readiness of society representatives to form independent proactive entrepreneurial trajectories.
N.V. Vorontsova
State support measures for rural areas: the experience of the EU, USA and Russia
Keywords: rural areas, government support, rural development, EU, USA, Russia, rural policy, territories, infrastructure.
Purpose: to disclose measures to support rural development applied in the European Union, the United States of America and the Russian Federation. Discussion: the countryside occupies most of the territory of many states, which, in turn, are forced to build their rural policy in accordance with the challenges, threats and needs of the time. An analysis of the key historical aspects of American, European and Russian rural development policies made it possible to identify the directions and mechanisms used in the studied countries, and to assess the accumulated experience in this area. Results: over the period of its existence, approaches to rural development in the EU and the United States have changed from sectoral to territorial. An important area in the modern world is the integrated development of rural areas and digitalization. In Russia, attempts are being made to develop comprehensively, but the agrarian approach prevails.
A.S. Molchan, D.I. Troschak
Regional features of the formation of effective foreign economic activity in the region
Keywords: region, regional integration, foreign economic activity, foreign economic complex, economic security, foreign economic threats.
Purpose: to study the features of the formation of effective foreign economic activity in the region. Discussion: the article analyzes the approaches to determining the place of the region in the global economic space and the foundations of building an effective system of foreign economic activity. For regions with a high and significant degree of involvement in world cooperation, foreign economic activity is one of the main factors that set the vector of economic development. At the same time, in the international arena, a subject simultaneously acts as a full-fledged market participant and as a representative of state interests, which leads to an increase in the level of responsibility and risks. Results: Building an effective system of foreign economic activity in the region is aimed at reducing exogenous risks, developing the regional economic system and contributing to the achievement of the country’s national interests. It is advisable for a subject to build foreign economic relations and foreign economic policy based on competitive advantages.
R.R. Mukuchyan, A.V. Nikitina
HR-technologies: strategies and innovations
Keywords: personnel management, HR-technologies, HR-management, HR-processes, recruitment, HR-specialists, digital transformation in HR, corporate culture.
Purpose: to consider scientific problems on the subject of personnel management in the modern world. Discussion: the conference was attended by experts and scientists, teachers, postgraduates, students of the main universities of the Russian Federation and the city of Moscow. The information partner of the conference was the Scientific and Practical journal “Bulletin of the Moscow Government University”. The main purpose of the conference was to discuss the following issues: the use of modern methods of recruitment and audit of personnel; labor behavior of employees in the new economic reality; management of business activity; formation of personnel potential in the conditions of digitalization; labor behavior of employees in the conditions of the new economic reality. Results: Human resources are key for any organization. The modern world is ambiguous. The critical task is to choose the best strategy and technology for managing this resource. There are a large number of theories and concepts, but not all of them stand the test of practice. It is important to understand where the boundaries of the application of technological approaches are, when talking about a person-a creative subject and difficult to fit into the framework of technology. Within the framework of the scientific conference, a wide range of personnel management issues was discussed-from theoretical and conceptual provisions to practical methods focused on solving specific applied problems.
D.O. Skobelev, A.A. Volosatova
Scientific rationale for the development of the “green” project financing criteria system designed to achieve technological restoration for the russian industry
Keywords: sustainable development goals, best available technologies, assessment criteria, resource efficiency, environmental efficiency, circular economy, industry, green finance.
Purpose: to develop a scientific rationale for a system of criteria for “green” financing of projects to increase resource and environmental efficiency aimed at achieving sustainable development goals in terms of SDG 8 “Sustainable economic growth and decent work for all”, SDG 9 “Industrialization, innovation and infrastructure” and SDGs 12 Responsible Consumption and Production. Discussion: The article presents an approach to establishing quantitative and qualitative criteria for pre-financial assessment and selection of projects that can receive support in the form of subsidies from the federal budget and loans provided by the Industrial Development Fund and within the framework of the functioning of the green financing system created in the Russian Federation. The necessity of supplementing and clarifying the technological indicators of resource efficiency in the framework of updating information and technical reference books on the best available technologies has been substantiated. The expediency of conducting national benchmarking of the carbon intensity of products is shown, taking into account the peculiarities of technological processes. Results: it is determined in the article that it is advisable to establish three groups of requirements for the “green” financing system: compliance with the list of industries and types of activities, development projects of which are subject to “green” financing (priorities can be determined by the regulator); achievement of quantitative criteria of resource efficiency that exceed legal requirements; compliance with additional requirements in terms of the carbon intensity of products and the use of modern technological solutions (for example, allowing the use of secondary resources in the economic turnover or ensuring compliance with the requirements of international agreements to which the Russian Federation is a party). To assess the system of criteria for “green” financing, it is proposed to conduct a model “selection” on the example of projects currently being implemented by a number of industrial enterprises to increase the resource efficiency of production.